Thursday, June 23, 2016


     David Israel has decided to go full speed ahead with his wasteful and unnecessary campaign for spending more money we do not have on an official Village wide Wi Fi or Broadband. He published some silly piece, creative, but really not appropriate, from Bob Rivera purporting to be a parody of those "refusing" to recognize new ideas and who live in a cave and of course, Lanny Howe responded with his own addition. Ridiculous is an understatement, for it ignores the truth of the matter and the issue and I expect better from Bob. Oh well, we are all allowed to make mistakes and errors in judgement.
     By the way, if one wants to understand what it means to live in a cave and have a distorted vision and understanding of "reality" then please read The Republic by Plato, a bit more sophisticated and thought inducing.
     Anyway, the piece might be good for a city BUT we are not a city. It was supposedly good for employment - well, we do not have employment as such in the Village. There are no companies, no industry, no dot.coms or startups and certainly we do not wish to employ more paid personnel for
UCO or even for The Rag. One is enough at that place! So much for that claim.
     Purportedly this city wide effort changed people's images of themselves. I am truly sorry for these people if this is what they base their value on and what they needed to boost their self esteem. I would hope and pray that at least most of the people in the Village know their own worth and do not need a Village wide example of profligate spending to understand that they are worthy people. If they do need this as apparently some people in UCO do, well, tsk, tsk and perhaps some group therapy with the purpose of understanding one's self and the value of a person as such might be a good thing for you.
     David Israel is trying to make as if the fiber optic Village wide approach needs to be treated as a utility and thus as such come under similar treatment BUT it is NOT a utility and does not come into that category here in the Village and we already have Wi Fi here, we have faster connections if one wishes and this 10 gigabits is truly only necessary IF there is a Village wide singular connection. What we have now, individual decisions on what is wanted and association decisions on what is wanted, works just fine and there is no need for more, especially when there are many people in the Village who have no need or desire or understanding of the Internet, do not possess a computer or even a smartphone, do not wish to get either or even think of perhaps opening that 10 year old computer they have not touched for all these years. They are surviving just fine and so are the rest of us - particularly as one can march around the Village with an open tablet or whatever and keep on line. Of course they might trip over the cracks and bumps on the walkway or slide and fall on the heaps of sand and pebbles from the eroding roadways or get run over by a speeding car which does not stop for pedestrians in walkways but who cares, right? Only Broadband and an expensive proposition counts.
     You do know, readers, that there is more to life than sitting all day by a computer and trying to peer into the lives of others. There is a wonderful life right here in the Village and without. I, myself, have gotten involved in more things than ever and have been experiencing new adventures and activities, branching out for what is there to lose other than time. On the other hand there is much to gain from meeting new people, mixing with different peoples and getting out into the world. Poor David just sits there staring into the screen. Poor thing. So sad.
     I can go on and refute more of the posting, its inapplicability for our Village, the gross miscomparision of a small village such as ours to a complete city with different needs. If we are so concerned with getting into the cutting edge of the modern world then here are a few areas that might work. Water treatment. Algae removal. Pavement and roadways. New Millennium agreement - forgot about that one, David. We have not. New bylaws that make senses and are fair. Improving UCO and election procedures, governing procedures. Inclusive administration procedures. Limited exposure of people, forcing a wider variety of people and thinking. Thoughts on how to fix our massive hole in reserves. How to plan for a future that is upon us with heavy demands on our finances and for which we are miserably unprepared. Irrigation systems.  Waldman and the Village. Proper budgeting and truthful budgets. Let us get back to the nitty gritty of the Village, that which is needed if we are to survive. And by the way, what is the true and real cost of this whole shebang? And why are we talking to a Canadian company when we have American companies already here, not buying into promises of what is supposed to be available in three years or so. Many slips "twixt a statement and its fulfillment. Better a bird in the hand, ya know!
     One talks of property values? Well, they are rising as are prices all over Florida so we seem to be doing ok here. Improved communication? Well, get out there and talk to people! Mix a little. It is good for you! Otherwise we all seem to be communicating just fine, thank you very much. I can email my friends or call them or gasp! even go to their homes and talk face to face! We can decide to go out together and talk wherever we go. Interesting that, is it not? Try it , David. Good for the soul.
     Want to get "on track"? There are other ways, far more necessary, than spending more not there funds on not needed things. Try fixing the Clubhouse. Try fixing all the infrastructure. Try working with people. Try sitting up there properly, with decorum and posture that is respectful of others and behave as a "chair" should. Try to set a good and positive example, be a real and true role model. Surely these tasks can keep you busy and away from that machine for a few hours. Remember that you are human and humans mingle for life, for progress, for decency and truth.

     On the other hand, this statement from the House yesterday makes one think even deeper.
    “What is the tipping point? Are we blind? Can we see? How many more mothers, how many more fathers need to shed tears of grief before we do something?" exclaimed Rep. John Lewis, D-Ga., who kicked off the sit-in. "We have been too quiet for too long. There comes a time when you have to say something, when you have to make a little noise, when you have to move your feet. This is the time. Now is the time to get in the way. The time to act is now. We will be silent no more."
     Perhaps we need to have a sit in on the floor of the assembly. Perhaps we need to make some people pay attention. Perhaps we need to make some noise, more than we have, louder than we have. If the House, its members, can finally stand up to the NRA and those who cannot see past their trigger finger, than we can also stand up for our rights here. Good idea. Must think about that and you must think about what I have written. Have a good day.
     Grace, what is the matter with you? I will explain in simple words. If I did not have a computer, did not have internet, did not have fast speed. did not have many devices and often going at the same time - then tell me how that works fool! You go back in your closet until you grow a brain. Being careful with money, especially with other people's money, is not being backwards but rather thinking forward and carefully, not wastefully as this Village and UCO and its head have done for the past almost eight years and that is why we are in such a mess. Internet is here but your head obviously ain't.

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