Sunday, June 19, 2016


     Early this morning, (yes, earlier than six), I read an article sent to me by my daughter who should have been asleep, regarding the LGBT community. This community has been in great turmoil lately, particularly since the travesty of Orlando. It does not matter, quite frankly, whether the animal who did this was gay or not, for either way, he was told by his religion or his and many others, that to be gay, to be transgender, to be anything other than what was the social "norm" was to be an abomination worthy only of being killed. And yes, fundamentalists of other religions also feel that way and we know that we have had murders of people who are gay in standard society. That is because we are all violating a major principle of religion and even if not religious or believing in G-d, one needs to remember that we are all created the same, yet different and we must respect both the similarities and the differences, whatever they might be.

"Rabbi Akiva, one of Judaism’s greatest sages, tells us that each and every human being is beloved by God because we are—all of us, without exception—created in the image of God. In other words, you don’t need to earn God’s love; it is given to you with your existence, the gift of a loving God.
No amount of hatred or bigotry can ever change that simple but stunning fact: as a human being, you matter, and matter ultimately."
     These lines struck deep into my psyche when I read them this morning. We are all G-d's children and no - this is not a Christian precept only and initially, but rather one that has come from Judaism initially and for always. It is a precept that should guide us all, secular or religious, for people are people, and that is all that should matter. Those who claim, in the name of G-d, that the "different " are to be hated, are not invoking G-d nor religion, but instead are involving their own hate, their own weaknesses, and projecting this onto others and ensnaring others in their vicious nets.
     Over the past few years, as people have become more open, and yes, they have to a certain extent, I have found that there is almost nary a family that does not have a member, near or far, that could be a dues paying member of the LGBTQ movement and that is fine, for what is important is that they are good people, just as we all should be and this hatred must stop. It is not up to others, but to ourselves to stop this violence, this hatred of the "other' for the "other" can include many other categories and leads only to more violence and to murder and worse.
     This hatred extends, unfortunately, into every portion and aspect of life. It has permeated our presidential campaign and sent us off down the wrong path. Trump mouths and spews hate with almost every breath and his ever changing statements are dangerous for whom will he hate next? Who will be the target of his venom? And what will his followers do and if any of them think that they are exempt from this hatred - well, think again. Hatred becomes all inclusive and all exclusive. So be careful.
     This morning I am reading that his paranoia has come closer to the surface as he is ranting about conspiracies and plots against him, in particular by Jeb Bush but also hinting at Cruz. These are not plots, nor cabals, nor anything sinister, but simply people organizing opposition - if that is what they are indeed doing - and that is the exercising of their rights as Americans, as people of the world. All opposition is not conspiracy and perhaps our own local, very local pols, should recognize that fact and stop spewing words of hate and nasty insults, stop ranting of plots and stop the name calling, trying to instigate a policy and atmosphere of the "other" right here in the Village. It is seen that those who follow this policy often drag along with them much of the dregs of society who need to find someone below them if they are to exist in any sort of stasis.
     Hatred is pervasive. Yes, I strongly dislike certain people and I hate certain philosophies, ones that target me and mine, ones that want to take away my rights, ones that threaten the future of my children and grandchildren, ones that denigrate any who are different as 'other". And why is it that we are still dealing with this nonsense, a nonsense that leads to horrors. Tribes killing other tribes, clans against clans and even brother against brother and the need, even the demand that one kill one's own son or daughter if they go off the particular path that one has chosen for themselves. We forget that people are given free will  and not to be punished for using that free will unless it is harmful and violent.
     I was lucky, for truly, until, and even into high school, I was kind of sheltered. Yes, I read voraciously and was aware of history, but I felt safe in my own world where I lived amongst others like me, went to school with them and camp as well. Life was good and the fact that there was little money for doodads and toys , well, everyone else seemed to be the same so who knew or missed anything. Then I began to move out into the broader world and met some bad stuff, particularly in college classrooms and the exposure has only grown. But, a great big but, I have also met some wonderful people who are not necessarily exactly like me and am blessed to number them amongst my friends, some of my best friends. I can trust them and they can trust me. Would that we were all able to say this, to feel this.
     So yes, G-d loves us, but that same G-d has given us free will and that free will extends to those who choose not to believe in G-d. But that is okay, for in the belief of humanism there is also to be found the precept of love, of respect for one's fellow man and woman!, for the urge and the opportunity to work for the community and to be strong and courageous in seeking the good and spurning hatred and evil. Sounds like Pollyanna? Maybe, but we could try. I have often been told that I am dreaming, that this will never happen, that the world is getting worse, more hateful than ever, and again, perhaps they are right, these naysayers of the future of all of us - but perhaps they are wrong and perhaps this whole wave of hatred, or the resurgence of anti Semitism, this whole hatred of any who are different will stop. Why can it not be so?

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