Sunday, August 28, 2016


     Not fair. How am I to write a serious posting when I cannot stop laughing at David's column in the most recent Rag. Seriously, is he that desperate to get his broadband - which UCO has no right to do, by the way - and therefore must resort to a desperate strategy and tell us, no less than in highlighted words, how we are all in danger of getting arrested and thrown in the hoosegow.
     Of course, that is if we have a pervert living in our association - which there should not be, but anyway, gimme a break, David. Follow your stupidity along to its conclusion and basically we are all in danger of arrest and will continue to be so even with your illegal broadband because basically we are all using the same access system that comes into the Village or golly gee, what about if I am using the Wi - fi in the Clubhouse - that is when it is open - and some pervert comes along and hitches on to mine so does that make us all criminals and liable to arrest? Or do you maintain that no, only a wired building in the CVWPB that wired up legally and with the knowledge and approval of the business end of Comcast, only then if a pervert or criminal does something, only then those poor unknowing other residents are liable for criminal charges? I can just see the headlines now: FBI arrests huge crowd of senior citizens - and in the story there will be, of course, a paragraph detailing how extra paddy wagons had to be used because there were so many people involved and they had to accommodate their canes and wheelchairs and walkers and walking sticks, plus their health aids and several elderly elderly did not understand what the crime was in the first place and got agitated and refused to calm down, calling for lawyers and the wrath of G-d!!
     So let us continue along with this "logic" and uh oh - better not use your device to log on anywhere there is a hotspot so forget Starbucks, forget the airports, forget public hotspots and uh huh, forget them here in the Village and anywhere else and of course, if we continue further along, we will then find ourselves agreeing with the rulers of China for 'theft of service" if we share our modem access!
     Why are you trying to scare the people who do not know better? All the better to try to force thru your broadband initiative and force your decision and choice upon us when all UCO is allowed to do is negotiate for cable? Period. Done. Finished. Over with. Shame on you for trying to scare people and I can just imagine the poor presidents of these many wired up buildings when they are deluged with frightened people who think they are all going off to jail if one person in the building goes to a site that should not have been accessed. So people, worry not. If unit xxx checks out child porn it does not mean that PBSO is going to scoop up all the other units. Truly. Darn! There I go again, laughing, hard to stop. This is as true as David's old statements and threats to call down the wrath of PBSO upon us, upon anyone who dared to defy him or raise a concern. PBSO put him in his place on that one.
      And while we are on the topic of concerns, ooohhh, Fausto, what have you done? What have you said? Joy's gonna get ya! For how long have I and many others maintained that the Rag has turned into a useless piece of waste of trees, having little or no content that is relevant to the Villager and is chiefly now a Penny Saver, with a person hired - hired!!! to get more ads. That is one reason why there is the Messenger paper, one to which so many turn to for the truth of life here in the Village. And now ya dun it, Fausto. You said the truth out in the open in your little column. Better watch your access to your computer in UCO for the wrath of you know who will be upon you.
     And speaking of topics worthy of the Villager's interests, we now have Howie, our Treasurer, write in a column, a bit dense with stats, that basically says, our roads are garbage. There is a vastly differing amount of asphalt depths on our roadways, with foundation bases gone missing and shall I say it, pointing out the truth that has been denied all along -  okay - the rocks and sand that form some of the roadway have now separated themselves into piles of sand and lots and lots of little pebbles.  And now to fix all that will cost much, much more and we are going to have to raise the rate at which we are putting aside reserves for this purpose. So to change a famous song a bit: I have often heard these words before but they were all coming from the mouths of "the malcontents" so oh dear, oh dear, what shall we do? Oh we must, must tell the truth my friends- and no, Eliza Doolittle will not come to visit us, but perhaps the truth will and we will all have to bite the bullet and pay in yet more money, so much more as we have neglected this for so many years - actually, since it was first laid down and we roared at its inadequacies, to say the least!
    So when you read the Rag, if you bother, please keep a glass of water at hand when you choke on your own laughter and on the stupidities and about the truths that came out. See, remember, I have always maintained that the truth will out, no matter what one does to hide it and here we have it. In spades!!! So, fellow possible criminals, watch out for perverts and lurking informants for one never knows.....Really!!! Need a drink of water, this laughter is killing me.

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