Thursday, August 25, 2016


     Pride goeth before a fall. We all know that one, do we not and have seen it happen - to others as well as ourselves. Sometimes we just get too ahead of ourselves and set ourselves up for the fall. We begin to set our own rules, think that we are invincible, and in so doing, we lose part of our humanity. Unfortunately, I believe that much of the world's situation and condition is deriving from too much pride, a wrong type of pride and if we do not stop then I am afraid to think of the consequences.
     The other day I was talking with some people and I asked, "Do you not sometimes get the feeling that this is the end of days?" What with the horrendous weather events between floods, tornadoes and crazy storms, fires and earthquakes where there never were before, and man made events of slaughters and wholesale killings, countries and their cities bombed to rubble - well, what are we supposed to think?
     And then of course we have those like WikiLeaks and Assange who make it a point of pride to snoop on others and to let all others know what they have found. It is taking prurient interests to a new low and it sickens me. This is a new world, this excessive use of emails and electronic devices and their weak point - the fact that they can be hacked and I do not care who tells you otherwise, be it David Israel for his unwanted broadband here or anyone else who wants to sell you a bill of goods. Supposedly secure, highly protected sites are routinely hacked so those of you who bank on line and lead your life on line - be careful, very careful.
     Anyway, now Assange is promising? threatening? to release more emails and information he attained thru hacking the DNC and releasing it prior to the election in November. And I ask - why, what is the purpose. I have no interest in hearing what Trump or Clinton or anyone else says in private and I respect their privacy and the right to it as I respect the privacy of us all. We must be free to talk openly in some space - whatever the conversation might be or else we are living in the land of Newspeak and Big Brother. The only reason to release all this info is for spoiler effect. Do we know that people say things in private that they would never say in public? Of course. To think otherwise is ridiculous. You know, Nixon said things in private re Jews and Israel amongst others, but he came thru for Israel in the Yom Kippur War so I could care less about his private statements. Trump makes enough statements that we do not need his private statements and the same goes for the DNC and anyone else that Assange feels the need to hack and join his new found masters in Moscow. Enough is enough. I wish we get on the topics and issues that matter and stop this sniping and backbiting like kids on a playground.
     It is the wrong pride that brings this to the fore. Assange is going to show everyone and then look at himself in the mirror and I do so sincerely hope he sees the ugliness within himself and not the wrongful pride of his misdeeds. And I wish the same for all those who take pride to the nth degree, the wrong degree and in so doing cause hurt and harm.
     Too much pride in a country and one becomes a nationalist, dead of soul, who does not like anyone who they think is 'other'. One can become a bigot and worse, act on and with that hate and remember - hatred goes both ways, pride goes both ways and when they clash it is not good. Five police officers walked away from a Taco Bell because one of the twits there refused to serve them and then when another came over to take their order, two workers were overheard talking of how they were going to "mess" with the officers, doing who knows what to their food in its preparation and so the officers walked out and rightfully so. Personally, I think those involved should be summarily fired and let their behavior follow them around like a ball and chain. This is pride gone wrong, where one thinks that one can make the rules, cross the rules and never mind the consequences.
     And for one more point taken locally. Pride of home, of residence is important to the physical upkeep and here, ladies and gentlemen, I have to come down on the same side as David Israel. The outdoors look of CV is sadly falling way down. I believe it comes from lack of pride in our home, perhaps because people do not live here year round or because we have associations with too many renters and renters have no skin in the game for they can pick up and go. It is not mine, they can think and then just dump the garbage, leave the filth wherever. But, people, it is also up to us. We are the ones who allow people to renovate and leave the construction debris around. No, that is wrong, for the price and the contract MUST include the fact that the contractor must haul it away. I do not care if a Radio Flyer wagon is used! Just take it away. I think that when people leave toilets around, or filthy mattresses or broken mirrors or decide that they must salvage the entire
village and then keep the scrap in a pile until they have a full load - it is just disgusting and I, for one, would love to have a new by law in place that would severely punish violators of the public view and eye, who leave this around and by the way, what will you say when a flying toilet comes thru your window or lands on your car during a hurricane or G-d forbid, a tornado. Associations, step up to the plate.
     Pride - good and bad. Take your choice and watch yourself and others. Take pride in oneself, in one's home, in one's principles and morals but not pride in breaking into the private lives of people, their utterances said in expectation of privacy and are not breaking rules, not pride in ruining a residence but instead pride in one's surroundings and in one's life.
     Something must be done here in the Village and we must pick ourselves up here in the country and the world must do the same. ISIS and its misplaced pride has brought half the world into ruins and the hatred flows. It has taken misguided young and caused them and their victims irreparable harm. Pride misplaced is pride deadly in fact. Pride in a positive manner can bring light to the world. Which side do you wish to take?

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