Friday, August 19, 2016


Here is another guest posting and I will defer mine until Saturday nite or Sunday morning. This issue is important and well worth the double postings. It is called who is the boss in our democracy?

Stew, re your posting about ID cards at pools being an unwritten WPRF rule, this is
what I think.  You just don't understand (I say that with a smirk on my face).  YOU'RE
IN CENTURY VILLAGE, WEST PALM BEACH.  The dictatorship that exists and what
is passed down to the subordinate dictators and the appointed knaves makes it
difficult to enjoy your homestead.

Oh, oh, --- the men with the arm bands are looking at me.  There are about 500 rules,
regulations, CV laws, governing controls, policies, house orders, procedures governing
behavior, principles of conduct, and more, --- all at this Century Village that make for
not so comfortable living.  You're prohibited from doing this and doing that, -- practically
everything.  The next thing that the dictator will want is your finger prints, your blood
type and the password to your computer.

There are methods and means to do things for the benefit of all of the people, and there
are methods and means from the dark ages where you are ordered to comply or suffer
dire consequences.  The latter is the case here in CVWPB.

Unfortunately in a dictatorship, matters can only get worse, and when they become
extremely bad, they seem to hit a floor with no bottom.  The dictator and his co-dictators
say that CV is a marvelous place to live.  Of course, -- they control the newspaper, the
TV; they can say whatever they want before the Delegates to convince them that all is
great in CV, and smite flat anyone who may have a legitimate opposing view.  When
you control the gavel, basically you control what is happening at the time.

I've said this a number of times before, and I'll say it again, --- because of this dictatorship,
CVWPB will no doubt become the costliest condominium complex to live at among
Florida's more that 5,000 condominium complexes.

This place is morally and politically corrupt, and there doesn't seem to be anyway to
topple over the dictator, his subordinate dictators and the bowing knaves.  Nobody seems
to care, and the ones that do, are afraid of being persecuted by a tyrannical ogre having
dictatorial might, and fear of retaliation for speaking and acting righteously.

There is only one way, in my considered opinion, that this Village can really survive the
long term, and that is to change the dictator to a more people oriented person.  With him
will also go his subordinate dictators, the knaves, the people given committee jobs who
know nothing about what committee-people are supposed to know; the newspaper
suck-ups; the "Hail Caesar" people all gone; and WPRF told what they can and can't do
all relative to the needs and wants of the paying unit owners and renters.

It's not that I totally dislike or hate the president of UCO, Mr. Israel, ---- its just that he
represents the true and absolute meaning of a DICTATOR, and he goes to extremes to
be mean and cowardly and he has exhibited hundreds of examples of the despicable
manner in which he relates to people.

So, when some Senior Citizen lady at the pool is berated and talked down to for not
having her CV ID in hand, --- you have to know where all that is coming from, and
trickling down to an untrained security guard.  The DICTATOR is the man who is
ultimately  responsible; this is classroom 101.

Rome, Italy, had a dictator named Nero.  That beautiful city at that time was brought to
its knees by dictator Nero.  Yeah, one man, a dictator with full and absolute control
can do it.  Fortunately, Nero committed suicide and the wicked domination ended.


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