Tuesday, August 23, 2016

WHAT THE ......

     I cannot even believe the words I hear on the TV which is supposed to pass for news these days. Are people really as gullible as all that? Do people even pay attention to the things that are being spoken about? Do they think at all?
     So today's business was all about Trump's immigration speech being postponed. The why of that was open to speculation with a whole bunch of people plumping for the reason of wishing to focus attention on Clinton and her foundation and more junk about the emails. So tired of this garbage. So she will have to beat her chest and say mea culpa for using her server but perhaps there should be a governmental mea culpa that she did this for these emails were not classified at that point, nor was her email server hacked as was the State Department's by the Russian and the Chinese. So next?
     Up comes the Foundation. And yes, perhaps there was too much foreign money there but if one could say that then what about all the foreign money in the USA and in NYC and everywhere else in the country? What about the fact that the Chinese government owns us with all the bonds they have and if they should call them..... And what about the fact that Trump himself is in hock up to his neck including to Wall Street and the Bank of China?!
     The truth is that today's world is so mingled together that it is hard to separate things out and by the time one runs for office there are complications. So Obama went to madrassas and had an anti Semitic preacher he followed and everyone else had things in their background that was not so good - hmmm, wondered if they inhaled, but never mind.... the point is that there is a life to be led and mistakes are made and no one is perfect but there are limits.
     Connections to businesses and foundations can be cut and placed in a blind trust but I heard the Trump children are not going to do that. I heard that the donations to the Foundation will be vetted and limited and the Global Initiative meetings held no longer so can we get on with the now and today.
     Let us talk about that immigration speech. Deportation force? Really? And will they be wearing black or brown shirts and do not forget the leather bandoliers. They will fit in very well with the guards here who will constantly be asking for our papers! Wonder if long leather coats will be back in fashion?
     You see, when a bad idea comes out there are people all over who find a comfort in them for it provides them with a way to lord it over people, a manner in which they can feel superior. It does not make a difference on what level of government for it is all tainted by the same virus or germs. One of my "lovelies" wrote me that I am "mental" when I state that there are things not so on the level here in the Village and what could they possibly be? So....
     Rigged elections
     Contracts without DA approval
     Movement of money without approval
     Absolute control of the UCO assets and programs and the shutting out of people
    Oppression of opponents
     and I could go on, but the point is made. And notice I made no mention of incompetence - oops, now I did!
     So what comes next? Reeducation camps? Total dictatorship? Collapse of the oldest democratic country in the world and the loss of the leader of the free world? I mean, where does this stop? How far down the road do we go? Read Stew's articles and see what has been happening here, the accretion of wrongs, the nibbling away of the rights of the residents and then the bigger bites and the bigger gobbles. And yes, every once in a while something good is done by a participant in the "army" but that does not take away from what has gone before and what will happen again. Ed Black did right by a group here in the Village the other day and it is appreciated, but does that excuse his participation in the money movement or other shenanigans such as "the best contract ever" - NO, a resounding no.
     Don Foster turned over a new leaf and dropped his heckling of the opponents, including me, and has done some good work that is much appreciated, but does that excuse the fact that it takes lots of hectoring of "the powers that be" to get things moving? I am hoping that this will change as he seems to be a better responder and communicator. Time will tell.
     The point is that one has to take in the whole picture before deciding on something. Are either of the candidates the ideal, the paradigm of virtue, the idol to be of youngsters? No, never said that, but certainly there is one who is far more qualified than the other and as for that other, I and the country are still waiting for the truth of his assets and debts, his tax filings or is he too ashamed now or worried about the result being known that he pays little or no taxes? Where is the report about his health for I am concerned that he is well on the way to dementia from whatever the cause might be. And how to approve a man who followed along in his family's denial of their roots, all in the name of making money. No, he is not of Swedish background - his family came from Germany and as much of their money came from the pocket of Jewish buyers, they became Swedish. Really? That smacks of a big lack of character, does it not?
    In any case, we need help. The world needs help and if we cannot change the world, we can at least try to change our home. Stand up for what is right and just. Stand up and speak out. Demand a paper that speaks for all. Demand a voice in government. Demand a clean election without Village residents running back and forth to the ballot and counting room, including candidates! Demand the best for us - the best waterways, the best of equipment , a Clubhouse that will work for us and not leave us bereft of one, a WPRF that works for us and not for the President of UCO and we can go on ad infinitum.
     No longer should we allow any politician to say whatever and leave us with a what the..... look on our faces. Enough is enough.
     On a softer note I would like to remember a marriage that could have stood as witness to true love for the entire world. Today would have been the 76th anniversary of my parents, two people who met at age 14 and 16 at the HES in Brownsville, Brooklyn,and had eyes only for each other from that time on. For each of them the entire world was each other and in loving each other they shared that love with four children as wonderful parents and they have left a big empty hole in my heart since their passing. Today is also the 50th anniversary of the day that Gerry and I got engaged and we chose this day for what it meant so I thank my parents for the example they set, for opening their hearts to Gerry and  he to them and I know they are up there, watching over their family, showing the good Lord and his Host what true love means. Happy Anniversary, Pop, Nellie. I love you and miss you terribly.

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