Wednesday, September 21, 2016


     It is almost embarrassing to be an American right now when trying to explain and justify our political system, particularly the presidential campaign. I know I have been asked several times how someone like Trump gets to run for this office when it has such responsibilities to the world as well as to the country itself. Like it or not, believe it or not, as much as people curse out America and blame it for all the ills of the world, they still look to us to help solve them.
     And now we have this joke running for office except that he is not such a joke. To see a rally for him on TV and listen to people just chanting USA is a tad scary. What are they chanting for? Do they think that Clinton is not for the USA. In fact, I would sooner believe that Trump is under suspicion for his admiration of Putin, his very vocal statement of that fact in his praises of him and other dictators, murderous ones at that such as Saddam Hussein. So what is with the robotic chants. Is it to convince one that self hypnosis works, that we can avoid all thinking by becoming part of an unthinking group. You know, this was done in another country last century where people chanted a man's name along with a salute - ah yes, Hitler and Germany , so now do you remember? Are we going there again?
     "At an Iowa rally in January, he said, “I’ve got to give (contributions) to them, because when I want something, I get it. When I call, they kiss my ass. It’s true. They kiss my ass. It’s true.”"

     Okay, folks, seriously, is this the man you want in office, in the Oval Office? This is what is called rational? This is diplomatic? This is the one we want to negotiate for us, particularly during delicate times? This man who has the support of politicians who took his money, cancelled investigations and then when asked why they did not return his money, said that if they did they would be suspected of taking a bribe? Really? Don't they realize that the cloud of suspicion hangs over them already and that is a pathetic excuse for keeping dirty money? These are the people you want to run ur country?!! Truly?
     Trump even manages to "borrow" from the needy. He took $285,000 from his so called charity and used it to pay his personal debts and expenses. Wow, what an idea!! Wonder how long it will take to balance the budget that way? What will he do, call up all the charities and take money from them saying it is their patriotic duty? The whole thing is absurd. And yet, the campaign goes on and there are actually people who will ignore all of his nonsense and pull the lever for him.
     Instead of trying to be a mature adult, he stands there practically going na-na-na-na-na. Suddenly Clinton is not preparing for debates but is instead resting from her pneumonia. And if she were doing that - so what? But the point is she is doing prep work, something that is done before any serious and important step and yet what is he doing? Nothing but calling names and screeching out more lies. If ever anyone was not presidential looking and presidential behaving - well, the image is clear.
     There are no details from the Trump campaign, only far flung terms and grandiose statements. There are no plans as to how he will accomplish his goals such as they are and he reminds me very much of the kids running for student council and promising soda in the lunchroom, a candy machine on every floor and a trip every week. Uh huh - didn't work then and still does not no matter what playing field it is on. Attachment to reality is what is needed and what is sorely missing from his campaign. He shoots off his mouth without thinking and yesterday there was such a contrast when Sen.Dianne Feinstein was interviewed on CNN about the Jersey/NY bomber terrorist and she answered sincerely and truthfully and when necessary, said she cannot answer that as more information is needed.
     That is the caliber of people we need to have in government and that is certainly what we will get more from Clinton than Trump. Whatta' guy - and are you sure this is what you want? Think two years down the road, after the market tanks should he be elected, after all protective rules and regulations are rescinded, after we are truly well advanced into the horrors of climate and world change, particularly when all those regulations were removed, when the seas are flooding, when West Palm is beachfront property and island nations have disappeared and then wonder what one has wrought - the advancement of the ruination of the world!
     And now let us go locally for a second. Yesterday new changes to the bylaws were presented and proposed. Read them carefully for there are too many holes there, things we do not want and when  I have more time I will sit down and write of the issues. Some are good and some still need tweaking, some major and others less so. Come to the DA and listen and speak up. This is our future. And actually, we should begin by insisting that we change our voting system first and foremost. This is the time and place, when we are going thru everything, but you know who does not want this for then somebody will have no room to go to all day. Tsk, tsk!  Till later!
     Whatta' guy!  What guys!

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