Thursday, October 20, 2016


     According to Trump the title is obsolete for the revolution is apparently here. For those who say that Trump represents change - and I have always asked about the caliber of that change - well, here it is. He has unilaterally declared that there will be no more democracy within the USA for election results do not matter, as oh, he would keep the results should he win - SHUDDER!!!!! - but should Clinton win? Well, he'll see. He wishes to keep us in suspense. And then what? Riots in the street? Second Amendment gun nuts coming out in force, running thru our cities and villages and shooting any anti Trump person?
     This is the most dangerous statement that this man has ever made. His speech is rife with incorrect facts, lies thru his teeth, misuses words and even makes them up - anyone ever hear of the word "bigly" - and he dares to show his contempt for our country, for what it stands for, threatening to overturn it should he not be pleased with election results??!! As Clinton so correctly stated - that is most horrifying, beyond, well beyond the pale of what is right and correct and any other word one wants to use. Is this the true desire of Trump supporters? Is this what his famous deportation police will be used for - to overturn the government?
     This man who needed some jail time for his sexual habits, this man who lies and lies and lies again, who claims the "stories" were fabricated and debunked, now this same man needs to be taken to legal task for fomenting rebellion, treason even. What else can we call what he said, that he would keep us in suspense come the results. Is this the change that you people out there want? I cannot believe that for the most part. I believe that those who support Trump need to open their eyes and see the danger he is to us, to democracy, to our very being. I guess his admiration of all the dictators of history has gone to his head and rather troubled brain and he forgets his place in the order of things!
     So the pundits said this was his best debate of the three. Well, if one tries for a target and on the third try actually hits the outside border, does that make it a good debate or presentation? Absolutely not. Yes, I will give him credit for, let's see.....Okay, he kept his sniffling and snuffling down though it made its presence known. Sorry, cannot say the same for the ridiculous and most ugly faces that he makes throughout the entirety of the debate. He did stay behind the stand, obviously well tutored in that , so as to keep his hulking to an invisible presence. However, his constant interruptions, his "wrong" "wrong" wrong" to everything he did not like to hear, or his comment that Clinton is a "nasty woman" well, that was lovely and we never did hear his answer to the Chinese steel, to his deportation of jobs, and while he boasted of his great financial success, well, how many bankruptcies does it take to realize that success is not necessarily so! His boasting that he took advantage of loopholes to his sinful level, and his once again incorrect comparison to Buffett who did publish his taxes unlike Trump, well, how much more did and do we need to hear?
     Clinton was well prepared, facts handy in her head, well acquainted with the misdeeds and lies of Trump and if there are issues with the emails, well, she has already taken responsibility for it unlike Trump who claims all things not for Trump are guilty of rigging things against him. This man is not presidential at all. This man does not belong on the ballot and needs to be repudiated by his Party. If not, then the assumption is that they too agree with his wait and see attitude about accepting results of the election. Time to stand up and do the right thing.
     So Clinton is not perfect. She has some weak spots. She took money for the Foundation from some countries we do not necessarily think of as perfect, but we are not at war with these countries, we have trade with these countries, we have treaties with them, so why not take their money to help those in need. And by the way, Trump's remarks re the Haitians who "hate" Clinton? Well, he needs to come back and talk to those to whom I had conversations with during registration drives. Veeeery different. And as far as the emails re her campaign and issues - what the hell is wrong with being prepared? What is wrong with having facts at hand, knowing these facts, discussing issues and allowing for dissent until a policy is hashed out. Where the hell are his policies. All I ever heard from him was bluster and hot air.
     We are at a crossroads. Are we America or are we not? Are we to build our democracy, fix what has gone wrong, try to become one nation again unlike the divided nation that Trump wants and strives to bring about? Are we going to be the country where the anti Semitism becomes even more open and nastier, where Jewish journalists receive nasty verbal and pictorial threats, where some even need to hire bodyguards? Are we to be the country that denigrates all African Americans, all Latinos, all who are not the favored class of Trump? Is everybody a "bad hombre" according to his definition? I guess bigly so!
     We need the passion of Hillary Clinton. I like her preparedness, her gathering of the facts before making a decision, her calm in the face of attacks, unlike Trump, her ability to shoulder blame as the head honcho, again unlike Trump, her fervent passion when it comes to the rights of women, of the disenfranchised of society, of the need to improve life for the many, her boldness in telling the 1% that yes, they will have to pony up and big time! I support her views on Roe v. Wade and anyone who has or had a friend or knows  a person who was damaged by a back alley abortion, by the tremendous pressure of making such a decision and sorry - no man can understand that the same way as a woman can - well , here is a President that the country and the world can trust. Perhaps were Hitler alive or Saddam Hussein alive they would return Trump's admiration of them, but they are representative of the nasty side of humanity and that is emphatically NOT what we need as president! For sure!!
     Reread my posting from yesterday and then reread today's. Which road, folks, which road? Do we remake America, turn back to the founding principles amended as life needs them to be at times, or do we go down the road to a tragedy and a footnote in history that once there was such a country and we join the ranks of a disappeared Camelot, of a Rome that also turned its back on its founding principles and ideals, of any country that lost its bearings. America is great. If it makes mistakes, the beauty of it all is that it is willing to shoulder the mistake and its consequences and fix it. It reaches out to the hungry, to the dispossessed, to the needy and yet always remembers to keep us secure and safe. That is the America we need and that is most certainly not the America of Trump!!

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