Friday, October 14, 2016


     Remember the heroes of old, or not so old, America, its founders, the people we looked up to and admired, wrote about, acted in plays? Remember those? Well, where are they now that we need them? Well, we have destroyed many of them, poked around in their lives so much that we have found every peccadillo of theirs, judged them by the standards of today and cast a blight upon them without replacing them and so we are now without a hero, without a role model, exactly when we really and truly need one.
     Bonnie Tyler sang "Where have all the good men gone.... to fight the rising odds?" Well, they have gone into hedge funds and banks and finance all to gather their rosebuds while they might for to be a public figure is to ask for dirt, to get dirt thrown at you and about you. It is a thankless job to be a public figure and so many of the best amongst us have decided to ignore that pathway thru life and many who have chosen it are not the ones we might have chosen given a choice.
     So where does that leave us? It leaves us with the hope that perhaps some people can grow into their roles, that some people will make a connection to their better side and strive for that higher bar. And we have been rewarded with some who have made that effort and achieved at least part of it but what now?
     Now we truly need a hero. Waking up to find out that the nightmare of a pervert still running for office is still so, waking up to the nightmare that the Cold War has turned HOT and Russia is bringing home all the families of their diplomats abroad - well, what the hey!!! And finding out that the man who has used the media in order to boast and bluster and brag now accuses it of plotting against him - that man who now uses ties with Russia to tamper with our very national elections - well, we need a hero. And what deja vu with terrible new accessories, Russia again the enemy, the instigator and invited into our affairs by a person who should be aiming to protect the country which he begs to lead and yet he does the very opposite. Why? Just to gain power? To satisfy his inner need for validation no matter the cost to everyone else, no matter the fact that the world trembles at the thought, at the horror of him in office?
     Will we get our hero? I think we already have found many a hero in the brave women who have come forth now to bring their tawdry and frightening and demeaning experiences with Trump into the public and let us all know what and who he truly is. I could care less if he were the expert on the future needs of our country - he is not to be trusted, not a man of one of the worst characters ever. And what is the fuss about? It is about the thoughts, the minds, the hearts of those who can support such a filthy man, such a degenerate. The time has come when women have been empowered and the truth about Trump has come out just as it came about with Cosby. And for those hypocrites who still back him, who have stayed or returned because they are worried should he actually win - and just watch the exodus from this country should that G-d forbid happen - where are your souls, your recognition of right and wrong or do you have that same feeling of derision for the rights of women as people, including one's own female relatives!!! There are no exceptions to this kind of thinking and behavior. Be very clear about that.
     So is Hillary Clinton our needed hero? Well, she is needed at present and that is for sure. She is prepared, knowledgeable, determined to forge on despite all odds and obstacles placed in her path and has the political experience to deal with world leaders and brother! do we need that now. Is she perfect? Hell, no. She is a flawed human being but guess what - so are we all! And this new business of hijacking everyone's emails, leaving no privacy at all, where one has to watch every syllable out of a mouth, where one has to realize that the tones of language are missing from emails and so much of the words and meanings can be misconstrued and that is why actions are so important. Trump acted on his basest impulses. He exposes them in every debate, in every speech with his body language matching his verbal language.
     This lack of heroes is exhausting and depressing, discouraging. We all search for one to lead us and yet we come up empty and the very sad thing about all this is that even when one seems to have come out into the public with the right credentials there seems to be a drop off and a forgetting of the original purpose - to serve the public. That is why we have crooked public officials who cannot withstand the various temptations and why we at present have a useless and yet visibly harmful UCO president. Whether or not he actually meant to serve the public here in the Village, that purpose is now gone and has been gone for quite some time. Instead we have a man who insists on retention of power and on the oppression and denigration of those who resist his plans. He has his minions whom he sends out with nasty comments, allowing them to bay and bellow like dogs in a hunt, yet who come home empty for the hunt.
     This election season in particular, but actually during all elections, we must choose carefully and we must help those good people who are still around in public service yet who are struggling against the tide. Vote Clinton and choose carefully down the ballot. Watch for the Trump supporters as for example Brian Mast who still backs Trump and proudly so. Yes, he has bravely served his country in the armed forces, but that does not give him the right to back Trump, or rather he has the right, but must accept the consequences - or change his spots in this area and explain himself.
And here in the Village we must watch carefully re the new bylaws, find some candidates who will stand up to David Israel or get the term limits back or change the whole system with one resident owner one vote installed. There is no excuse why not, other than the hanging on to power, the continued incompetence of our current UCO, the waste of The Rag, the poor contracts and the negligible examination of the true needs of the Village - now and in the future and the safeguarding of the Village from much of what plagues it now and what threatens its future. The first step - retire David Israel and henchmen.
     We need a hero, all of us, but until a true one comes along - if ever- we need to strive for ourselves and emulate the heroic traits found in that missing hero and do the job ourselves. Defeat the nastiness of Trump and the nastiness of David Israel for both have the same tendency to demean people, especially opponents but are certainly not averse to throwing people under the bus. Proof of the nastiness - it did not have to wait for Barbara Cornish to publish something about the loss of Jerry Karpf and for Bob Rivera and Lanny Howe to comment upon it. Where was David here? Human decency demanded that he acknowledge this loss on both a personal and public level and Lanny, perhaps being nicer to Jerry while he was alive would have been more meaningful rather than a few kind words now, lovely as they were. See, I can see and hear the nasty tones and words of David Israel at the DA and the cruel and snide and snarky laughs of the sycophants at these words, never mind how Jerry felt at that moment of public abuse. Some things are excusable and others not. This is not.
     So people, we all need a hero, more than one but while  they are in such short supply, perhaps we can try to be our own heroes and go fight those odds.

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