Sunday, October 2, 2016


        "What if the breath that kindl'd those grim fires
           Awak'd should blow them into sevenfold rage
           And plunge us in the flames? or from above
           Should intermitted vengeance arm again
           His red right hand to plague us?"
                       - John Milton, Paradise Lost

     This excerpt from Paradise Lost is perfect for describing the fears of so many at the awful thought of any possibility of a Trump presidency. He is the red right hand and that red is from the blood of those people he has hurt with his big mouth, his fat shaming (should look in the mirror), his nastiness and his maniacal behavior. This man could definitely plunge us into flames, the flames of nuclear war because he cannot keep his mouth shut nor think straight. This man who admires dictators and other aberrant human creatures is the scariest idea ever to come across American politics and come so close to the Oval Office.
     Newspaper after newspaper, those who for a hundred years backed the Republican candidate, and those who never took sides with declarations for or against have now come out for Clinton and definitely and defiantly and worriedly are opposed to Trump. Columnist after columnist has written worried articles about Trump and why not?
     This is the man who supports personal filth being bandied about. This is the man who thinks that he can accuse people of things and forget that he himself is guilty of it. Who was unfaithful? Excuse me, but Donald, do you not remember your cheating on wife number one with future wife number two? Uh huh! And continued with wife number three. And what is this new claim that Hillary is not "loyal" to Bill? Do you sit up all nite or wait till 3 AM to create these absurd lies and accusations and the most frightening thing about this is that the more lies you state, the more outrageous statements you utter, the more your fried supporters agree with you and believe you. Your latest? Michelle Obama is really a man called Michael and Obama is gay. C'mon, that is so stupid and yet, and yet, there are those dyed in the wool supporters of yours who parrot this. The fact that none of this is relevant to the campaign seems to be beyond you.
     We in America must choose the path we are going to walk. Will it be with the one who is presidential in manner and bearing, in strength, physical and mental, who is prepared and knows how to handle diplomacy or will we go for "the fat shamer in chief" (David Brooks), a man who will squeeze the last bits and drops of decency within politics and stomp it to death.
     Security officials world wide are frantic at the thought of a Trump in office. World officials, world stock markets - all are worried and are tanking at the very thought of it. The facts are there, but the question is why is anyone still voting for Trump? Why? This man has no grace or control under pressure and his opponent certainly does and then manages to come back and use his own words, his own lack of knowledge against him and yet we still have people murmuring change, change. What change? This man is a return to the dark days of America when the leaders of government were so corrupt that there was no hope for the little guy, no hope for regulations to protect them and the world they were living in, no rules that would make the obscenely wealthy have to pay back a fair share of the wealth they wrenched out of the little guy. And this nonsense, this ruinous idea of Trump to slash taxes on the wealthy and on their corporate entities to 15% and expect them to reinvest in America. A likely story. It has never worked that way and all we see now and in the future is the turning of these obscene profits into even larger and more obscene salaries for the executives who sit there like spiders, catching all in their webs and strangling the middle class and just stomping away at the lower economic class members - and that includes all members of every ethnic background. No one is immune.
     Where is the idea of honesty? The NY Times obtained a page from his 1995 taxes and showed his ridiculous claims of losses, using every damned loophole of the real estate developers, those same people who claim poverty yet live in huge homes, multiple homes and who spend wildly even as the workers scrimp and scrape. They state that he might have not paid taxes for 18 years!!! Should we have a president who cheats the American public, a president who could conceivably be sued by the IRS for back taxes and penalties and fines, a president who is downright mean and if we are going to talk images - a president with weird colored hair in a ducktail hairdo!! Puh- leeze!
     Do we not have pride in ourselves any more as Americans, as citizens of the world, as people who want the best for all and indeed whose self interest demands that we realize that we do not occupy this globe alone but share it with others. Just go back and read all his statements. Read the columnists. Read the papers and listen to the voices of the media - those very people who ignored his inanities and let him get away with it, perhaps thinking it was amusing, while holding Clinton to a higher standard - as is usual for women. Now see their regret.
     Trump's attitude towards those who are different, be they disabled for any reason, or are female, or are of ethnic background and defy classification according to his opinion, or anyone who thinks, this attitude of his is not presidential at all. Wake up, America!! And for a cherry on top, how do we vote in a person as president of the country when he flouted the very laws of it and went to Cuba during the time of blockade and tried to do business. What  a free for all we would have were he the president of the Oval Office. And remember, a return to the Wild West is not far off as he does not believe in gun control of any kind and then what will we have? More little six year old adorable kids dying days after they were shot?
     And do not think that his behavior goes unnoticed and that others do not copy him. Recently David Israel received a notice from Waldman that a "decorative" fence will be installed on the borders of the property. David Israel's reaction? Dead silence. No verbal and no written comment. Last time I checked, green construction woven material and chain link  fences are not decorative in the very least. More signs of incompetence from our UCO head! More nonsense in allowing our so called paper, The Rag, to continue with its overabundance of ads that their hired worker chases, and less and less of news that informs the reader of Village importance. And of course, we have fewer and fewer readers and the jealousy of people at the readership of The Messenger, imperfect though it might be. See, no one is perfect but working towards fairness, for truth, for transparency is what we need and what must be done. Secret budgets and gifts to WPRF in their crazy and needless demands, published where? Or only heard at the committee meeting where few attend? Right is not going on here and why should it when we have such shining examples such as Trump or David Israel to follow and imitate.
     We are going into the year 5777 at the onset of the Jewish New Year, a time when we are all to examine our souls and consciences and ponder how we can do better. We are to probe deeply into our inner selves, evaluate and think of positive ways to change, to contribute, to make the world a better place. It is not just eating apples and honey. It behooves us all, Jews and non Jews, to think about this at least one time a year and improve ourselves.
     I wish all a happy and healthy New Year for without that we have nothing. I wish for America to have a good year, to retain its sanity. I wish for the Village to finally fix what is necessary, to strike down its antiquated system of administration and go for one owner one vote and for inclusion. I wish that we retire David Israel and he can go to the same rest home as Trump and carry on conversations galore! I wish the world a fair and prosperous year, a peaceful one, a world and a country and a Village where no one goes hungry or worries about sustaining life for lack of the pennies and dollars necessary. I hope and wish for humanity to strive for its high possibilities and not fall for the fake and the low, the cruel and the selfish.
      Shana Tova to all - A good year to all.

I will be posting new pieces on Wednesday. Please take the time to scroll back and read a posting you might have missed. Pray hard, think hard and do not over do the eating! 

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