Wednesday, November 2, 2016


     The fear index. That is what economists are calling the fear that is driving the stock markets down and down, predicting a cataclysmic downturn should the worst happen next Tuesday. Yet all the while there are polls which state that Clinton has from 71% to 98% chance to win the election so this fear index should probably be put aside. So why is it still here? Because people are literally frightened out of their minds at the thought of a Trump win. Imagine the scene in court, in the eyes of the world, when the President of the United States of America is brought into court on a daily basis to answer to suits against him by people stiffed with wages going unpaid, with women suing for compensation for assault and possibly even criminal charges depending upon statutes of limitations, of fraud cases against the fraudulent Trump University and of course, the IRS with their huge claims against him as the audit continues. It is the image of a truly morally challenged person, a hater of all other than himself and possibly his own family, though the wife is not necessarily included in that. Too much change going on there. It is the image of a man who has no boundaries, no self control, no experience in the political world, no dignity, is still in the mode of a schoolyard bully, and a man who wishes to shut down the USA, render its Constitution useless and that is just for a start. This is the man who collaborates with enemies of the country, praises them for their attempt to interfere with the elections in this country, violate our proud history of peaceful transfer of power. How and why anyone can cast a vote for him is beyond me.
     Hillary Clinton has helped people throughout her lifetime. Yes, she has ambitions but so what? Why is that wrong? Because she is a woman and it is unseemly? Sorry, dudes, that time has long gone. Deal with it. Because she has a problematic husband and decided to stick with him? I cannot understand her motivations to do so, but she did and that was her decision to make, not ours and it seems it was the right one for they are still a couple unlike Trump and his three wives, always getting younger, and his numerous victims and others. And why is it okay for Trump to fail time and time again at his business, use other people's money to get out of a jam, yet not be okay for Hillary to go on a speaking tour and make money. All the guys who leave government are doing it so why is it again, unseemly for her? Because people need someone to hate, to be jealous of, so there she is.
     This attitude is not an isolated one only valid for our country. The fear index rides wild throughout the world. Our allies are frantic at the thought of this man with his support from haters and what his behavior would mean to the world. Even our enemies at getting in on this and the concern grows.
     The nastiness grows elsewhere as well. Jews are being thrown out of hotels - in Germany!!! An Arab refuses to sell to a Jew in England. BDS attempts grow. Attacks on Jewish college kids grow on campus, physical attacks as well as coordinated violent verbal attacks. I have concern for one grandson over there in California and I worry about the rest of them, quickly coming up onto college age and I worry for their safety. The synagogue right here in WPB had shots aimed at it and there is a worrisome posting of certain letters to Jewish institutions and prominent members of the community that we have been warned about by the ADL. The world has turned into a truly frightening place.
     And here, right here in good old CV we have a columnist who himself has fallen prey to false or misspoken language. He needed to check out the info he was given. He was told by David Israel that associations had improperly wired up by an unknown or different company. Really? Does the name Comcast sound familiar to anyone? He presents David Israel as the be all and end all of techie people here. Sorry, folks, there are many of them, growing in numbers every day, and they and others want information. Where has this company performed. Give the name so WE can go and check with their audience, not accept the words of UCO people. That was already tried with the DSL debacle. It is seen in the sand and pebble roads we now have, with the deep and ever growing cracks we now have on our byways, with the expensive and constant repairs to the walkways - all the almost six million dollars having gone right down the toilet, flushed there by our so called experts.
      People are not against change here. People just want to know facts and by the way, it is not at this point legally possible for David Israel and UCO to sign a contract for Internet etc. as they are only allowed via our by laws to negotiate for cable. Period. If the by laws are changed and accepted with changes, that is another story but now - uh uh. But then again, when has the right thing ever meant much to several of the current UCO people in office. And by the way, just a note to The Rag. It has been brought to our notice that some people, a la Joy Vestal and Myron Silverman, that we are still in the Hurricane Andrew time. Sorry. That was long ago and the hurricane now was Hurricane Matthew. And by the way, Mr. Cerabino, why not ask why there is an opposition paper and then perhaps we can have an article about the suppression of rights here in the Village, or perhaps that does not interest you enough, for maybe the cynicism and sarcasm that you use is not so apropos here. Come back and talk to others. Hear all sides of an issue for one side does not speak for all. What most people here want is for the right thing to be done. And ask why David Israel has had to have advice from people on how to act, acknowledging that he is a hated figure by many in the Village and not a limited few as he tries to say.
     Finally, and I know this is a long posting today, but finally, I must say something that could make trouble for me with some of my own community and friends. I am going to write that we should be ashamed at the behavior at the Kotel or Western Wall. A beautiful procession of men and women, carrying our holy scrolls of the Torah, walked in singing prayers and songs of peace and goodness, wishing to worship together at the Wall, and yet, hooligans, both hired and not, attacked them. Yes, physically attacked them in their ridiculous extreme of behavior, in hatred between those who are supposed to be our brothers and sisters and I only wish I had been there to join the worshippers. The Wall is a Jewish nation site, not a segmented group that grows ever more extreme every day. It is a group that violates the rule of the highest court in the land and yet they continue unabated and ever growing in violence. They were grabbing the Torah scrolls in a violent melee and what would have happened should the scrolls have been dropped, been desecrated? What then!!!!! Why is there violence against people who wish to worship at a site that belongs to the entire nation? I am ashamed in the face of the world. Have we not forgotten the stories and the words of our rabbis and leaders, that both the Temples were destroyed because we had sinat achim, sinat chinom - hatred of our brothers, a useless and vain hatred based on nothing?
     What is the matter with the world today? What is the matter with the peoples of the world? It starts with the "man in the mirror" so perhaps we all need to get a mirror and stand there every day, in the morning and evening and ask ourselves who will we be that day and how did that decision play out during the day - and how we need to improve.
     The fear index? Whoo! But it is here big time.

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