Monday, November 14, 2016


     Sorry for late posting, but could not help it.
     Anyway, where to start? Where and how to list all that troubles not just me, but so many people here in the USA and all around the world. You see, unlike the benighted view of Trump and Trumpers, the country is not and cannot be an isolated entity. That time is long gone in the fogs of history, way, way back. We cannot fence off the world, not literally and not figuratively. We cannot put a dome over the whole country to protect it from the fumes and poisonous air that will come from using polluting coal, burning wood in poorer countries, no regulations on industry anymore - not with Trump- and everything else that will go wrong. Remember, we share the atmosphere with the world. Saharan desert dust comes over to our country, nuclear fallout does the same thing and so do wars and tragedies and everything else one can think of.
     We cannot - and now it is a fence - wall off the entire border, not unless we turn into a despotic state and trust me, that is a worrisome thought to many. We cannot throw 2-3 million people into prison cells - where the hell would we even put them?! Never mind that it would be wrong. We cannot forget our roots and the knowledge that first generation immigrants, legal or not, work hard and push their kids to greater heights and then they contribute great things to the country. Hey, you know once there was a guy from Germany who came here as an immigrant and guess who his grandson is - although I must say that I am not so sure of his contributions and am worried about the harm he can and has and will cause to our country and its population and ditto for the world.
     We now will have a suspect and ultra conservative government in place and that despite the fact that the popular vote went to Hillary by far so this mandate that they think they have - it does not exist!!! So much for the Electoral College, an anachronism from the beginning of our country when it was felt that old, propertied white men would save the great unwashed masses from themselves and name the president for them. Too old, too silly, too inappropriate, too wrong for these times. Time for a change.
     We now have a president who cannot talk. He simply cannot. Nor does he know of what he is supposed to be talking about. Lesley Stahl asked him about Roe v. Wade and his response: "Well, they'll perhaps have to go- they'll have to go to another state." Okay, so besides deciding that men know best for women and they will lose what little is left of Roe v. Wade and lose control over their own bodies - kinda like him who obviously has no control over his baser instincts - and will have to return to back alley butchers. He does not even understand that if it is overturned by his backwards leaning Supreme Court, there will be NO other state to go to!!! Dummy!!
     He refuses still to reveal his tax statements, again claiming audits but the IRS says no problem and besides it seems he has been audited for two decades already! Great role model between that and his sexual misdeeds, his contempt for women, for gays, for all LGBTQ people, for races other than himself and shall we go on. He has picked a chief strategist straight from Breitbart, a sick ultra conservative entity that encourages racism and hatred and division with its every word and this from a president who says he wants to work together? Lies and more lies, from the campaign and before and now. There is simply no trust for this man. This Orange Man.
     At present we are the laughing stock of the world, leaving a confused look on the faces of the peoples of the world, from the little to the leader. How do we fix this?
     Well, first of all, Donald Trump has to learn that he is not above the law. He has to rein in his deeds to comply and yes, that means if he has to face a trial for his fraud with Trump University, then so be it. He is busy? Well, so are the rest of us and quite frankly it looks to me as if he is ceding most things to his children or Bannon or Pence. They know that he is a pitfall waiting to happen if he is allowed to roam and talk loose.
     He has to learn that there is great suspicion re his own business dealings and that of the country. His children are going to be his "advisers", you should excuse me, and yet, they will also run his business empire so exactly where and how are the inevitable conflicts going to be managed. He is the first president to not turn his estate over to a blind trust. Figures!!
     People, Hillary won the popular vote by close to a million and possibly more. He has no mandate for his oppressive plans. He has no mandate period and when his supporters see the lack of follow through and  the harm he actually causes them and how he reneges on his promise because it is impossible to turn back the clock - just wait. Fraud, lack of positive steps, a hateful man surrounded by other hateful men - impeachment anyone?
     On January 21, 2017 there will be a Million Woman March in Washingon, D.C. Anyone and everyone is welcome, men and women, anyone who supports human rights, anyone who stands against the shameful lack of standards in our new G-d help us president. Localities will also have their own. Anyone interested in having one here in the Village? Just send a comment thru via the blog or thru Gary's blog.
     Remember the old days when we all worked together to change the world? Well, without the drugs and without the turning away from society, let us remember  We Shall Overcome - hopefully in a soon to come someday.

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