Tuesday, December 20, 2016


     Well, as one person put it, barring resignation, impeachment or incompetence, for the next four years we are stuck with a man who runs on arrogance and low self esteem at the same time, who allows others to dictate his actions even as he concentrates on moves of revenge and on growing his Twitter feed. We have a president who will have sway over a Great Divide of a nation, the worst crisis of confidence we have ever had in this country.
     This time it is not just the young out there protesting, but also the adults, the women, the seniors, the liberals and even conservatives who cannot tolerate his behavior. So we must keep on truckin' as they say and not give up the fight. But for today I am taking a small break, and want to focus on the other area that affects me - the Village and its president and "cabin" in the form of UCO officers. They are much of a disgrace, negligent, power hungry and cowardly. And yes, there are exceptions, but that is for another day.
     Sounds harsh, does it not? Well, if the terms fit..... When was the last time that his officers or Executive Board turned down any request he has made? Where were the voices of these officers of UCO when a huge contract was signed for CSI, a company to search for a new supplier of not just cable, but also Internet, phone and any other item or category that David Israel, in  his imperial wisdom, decided was relevant and allowed , never mind the Bilateral Agreement, never mind the rules of contract approval and never mind the fact that the people had voted NO, emphatically so, in previous votes, refused to put in money for it, and had voted, shall we say with their "feet" as they wired up themselves for incredibly cheap cost and are eminently happy and satisfied with their actions.
     The reward for their initiative was both gratifying and annoying, but expected as others followed the pioneers of this track and as David Israel excoriated them as how dare they show him up, highlight his negligence and outright refusal to obey the rules and continue on with his selfish power grabs and false statements that the Village would be left behind, that new people would not buy in and on and on. So far I believe we have had new people buy in although it must be stated that the buildings owned by some of his henchmen are those that have allowed in the wrong people, be it an overwhelming number of renters, inappropriate renters and buyers, families with children! so many that there are now THREE buses hiding along Haverhill in the morning, waiting for their charges to show up. Who who is killing the Village? Again, who? And who allowed a supporter of his to turn one of the associations into a motel for travelers, for tourists, for shoppers? Look to UCO, my friends, look there.
     And then we have this ridiculous campaign that will not end, that David Israel focuses on to the detriment of all else. Reserve funds for the collapsing roads and walkways? Oh, never mind that, for we have more important things to consider. Exorbitant rise in fees for next year and no statement if this rise is temporary or more likely will continue on from there, but never mind, why should we fight with WPRF and prove capital improvements vs. repair, for there is a more important fight, you see.  Never mind the funding for the critically important irrigation and pumps for there is a more important fight you see.
     So what is the more important fight? Well, it is not to keep up our infrastructure. It is not to attempt to find the best ways to use our monies and the best ways to watch out for our residents, particularly as we face a financial crisis of never before seen proportions. If one thinks that the increase of funding for health coverage is a lot in our checks this year, just you wait till the nasty dude's budget cutters and billionaires of the government get their edge or sword in and slash across the board with unbelievable cuts in social security and just wait till you see the size of the cuts there and as for health care - I shudder at what will be and so should the entire nation. But never you mind as the papers will be filled with attention getting stories to take our minds off the reality that will be so harsh and instead of eating bread or even cake, we will be fed circuses, a circus of information about a wife who seems to have vanished into the woodwork, a princess who seems to have insinuated herself into the government with extraordinary power, her husband, the adopted prince who thinks it is his right to join in because his father in law was elected- ugh! - and lots of questions about that! - and the two princelings who will make sure to keep our attention off the fact that we are now the economic engine that will keep the fortunes of Trump in place and in number one position. I mean, what else is the position of President of the United States good for if not to enhance one's own fortunes and those of family and friends?
    Anyway, I venture off course for today is about this -
        Desktop Computer, Laptop, Mobile phone/Smartphone, Games Console, Portable media player, Tablet, Connected or Smart TV, E-reader. IP Security Camera.....Etc.
How many of us, our Children, our Grandchildren have one or more of these devices. Let's move into the 21st. Century. The choice will be yours. 
What is this you might ask? Well, it is the soul of David Israel, he who has told us of the streaming radio stations around the world and how he finds them with their green dots and how addictive it is. But we must really look into this. First, how would David Israel know what our children and grandchildren come here for? Is it to do what they do at home, to encourage the kids to still sit at the screen when the outdoors beckon, the waters, the golf courses, the parks and nature reserves, the sun, ahhhh, the warm sun, the outdoor malls and just taking a walk. This is coming from the man who spends all day and much of the night sitting in his hidey hole staring at screens, plotting and planning. He pictures a future where we will all grow only arms as who needs anything else as we sit bewitched by our electronic devices and go from one to the other, as all else is neglected, as we open one after the other and do not shut any off, so ,more power, more power, More!!! 
      We need more common sense, more attention paid to the true realities of life, to the dollars and cents and the true values, and less focused on the few who have nothing else in their lives but screens and more screens. I truly believe that with care and forethought we will have all we need for any electronic devices and am not frightened by the black picture he paints of a Village left behind in a device bereft state of being!! Gimme a break!! What is more important is that we need to pay more attention to new bylaws, fair ones written by the entire Village, not just by a few henchmen of his in order to maintain his power. We need to pay attention and get ready for a post Millennium agreement with the Levys and we have got to do better this time around!!! We need to come up with fair and sensible plans as to how to mesh our needs with our funds and plan for the future and for our residents whose funds are limited. So will we have to give up a ball court or even two. perhaps, but there is plenty to go around!!And if one has to wait for a tennis court to open up - well, talk to people while you wait -it is one of the joys in life. Instant gratification is both childish and wasteful and it is time we acted and thought as adults, sensible, financially careful, and aware of true needs and are able to separate the chaff from the wheat.
     There is plenty in life that we have to think about, plenty to choose to battle. We are not dead yet, are we??? We have hopes of containing the damages caused by a Trump presidency and we have hopes of removing David Israel from office or at the very least, containing him and his wasteful programs and plans. To battle we go!!


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