Friday, December 23, 2016


     And so it begins, G-d help us all. We now have a man who blustered his way through an election, who had the help of a foreign government in winning this campaign, perhaps even soliciting them to do this and that is another ball of wax should it prove to be true after an investigation, a man who would be a failure in life were it not for the fact that he had his family's money and name behind him so people paid him for the use of that name and his bankruptcies, his labor problems, his fraud accusations re his Trump University, his pathetic and ugly behavior with and about women, his filthy mouth - all were excused for his name and for his reality show role.
     So this man who could not communicate in any other way but 140 characters, best done in the early hours of the morning , under cover of darkness, this man who had to be run after by his crew, so that 24 hours after an initial tweet they were explaining it off or out, this man who seems to be on a level of a pre teen, who cannot separate himself and his ego from his world viewpoint - this man now has the finger on the nukes and Lord help us. I, and many others, were worried about this during the campaign, wrote about it and yet look where we are now.
     And where is that? Here. "The United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding nukes," and as usual details were not forthcoming for after all - 140 characters is the limit. And the reaction of his buddy Putin, his secret weapon? "We need to strengthen the military potential of strategic nuclear forces, especially with missile complexes that can reliably penetrate any existing and prospective missile defense systems," he said in a speech in Moscow. so should we all start digging out those shelters of the 50's, stock up on canned food and dry goods? Nah!! Would not help, trust me. There is no respite or escape from nuclear oblivion in such a case. But I wonder? While all this is going on and Trump scores a sore finger from his vengeful pressing of the go button, will he also be simultaneously tweeting re the fact that no one wants to show up at his inauguration? Or will he be boasting how he has brought back jobs to the country as we tool up for war?
     You see, no one wants in on this event other than Jackie Evancho, the Rockettes and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. As for the rest - uh uh. His reaction?  "The so-called 'A' list celebrities are all wanting tixs to the inauguration, but look what they did for Hillary, NOTHING. I want the PEOPLE!" And a response back - "Hi - we are people," she tweeted. "You are our president too. I don't want you to be, but u are. Also we ALL know you are dying without the approval, dear."
     And the tweet rule continues as he now tweets that he has never changed his mind re Moslems entering this country or even being tracked here through a Moslem registry. His staff scrambles, like the people with the shovels at the end of a circus parade, trying to get rid of his garbage, to be polite, and explain his insanity away. And insanity it is. This man is erratic, cannot seem to be trusted and seems to work his policies out in bursts of 140 letters. This is whom we now have, G-d help us all, and what are we to do? Impeach or investigate and find out that the election in its entirety was taken over by our renewed Cold War enemy and declare it null and void and start over! How to do this? Not a clue, but if this is all true, or this man's incompetence brings us to the brink of war and he cannot figure out how to stop it, at least not in 140 characters, then what? Are we to sign our lives away? Are we to allow the Rule of the Fat Cats to take our country to destruction? Or shall we go out looking for brave and intrepid souls who will take on this conglomeration and help get us back on the true path.
     Unfortunately we have now had eight years of a president who seemed to live in an ethereal world where high thinking people would converse on values and  be convinced to do the right thing. Wrong. People are not so noble and so we left ourselves open for this, for what we now have. We have a threat of a registry for a start. We have questionnaires going out in the Energy Department that sing loudly of an ugly witch hunt. We have a quest for information from the State Department as to whom it is that works on gender related projects and exactly what those projects are - like wells for the women in villages, or micro loans, or health aid - truly "bad" stuff huh? So where will it end? I dread to think that far ahead but the question is really how far ahead is it really? I think not too far at all. Pretty much the only female of any consequence in Trump's administration to be is Conway and here is her perceived role - "Trump Whisperer" for her ability to reign in and guide an unpredictable and often uncontrollable candidate prone to damaging outbursts." Such confidence boosting statements! NOT!! And what and who will govern while all his appointees are vetted by Congress? Trump alone? Oy!! Where is that gas mask? Where is the hazmat suit? Where is the nearest shelter?
     It is truly not funny, is it. All you Trumpers out there, the ones who are now ashamed at voting for him, the ones who now regularly post on sites stating these regrets and even those of you who are still stubbornly insisting that he will bring "change" - oh yes he will - but think if this is really the change we need or want - or can even survive.
     May G-d have His eyes and heart on all of us.

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