Wednesday, December 28, 2016


     It began with the campaign. The "anti" feeling was rampant, a wish to deny the other side their viewpoints, a wish to silence all opposition. That was mainly from the Trump side, but there were strong and worried feelings and concerns from Clinton's side. There was concern amongst all about what would be? What could be done with this negative energy within the country? How do we get our citizens to talk with each other rather than at each other and how do we get people to hear and listen?
    The end of the process did not ease matters any as there was much resentment and concern. How far was Russia involved and was the election result even valid if there was interference? What does one do anyway with a president to be who thinks that tweeting is the new intellectual high point? What does one do with a proposed administration that is nothing more than a gathering of the old military industrial complex from the time of Eisenhower in its new form of Wall Street partnering? How does this happen that a segment, a large segment of the country was fooled into believing that such a conglomeration would actually care about them and not screw them? Beats me for these people are in for a rude awakening and when the 20 million people who have signed up for Obamacare find out that it will be slashed, the subsidies that allow them to have medical coverage - finally - will no longer be there and when they go for emergency help, the hospital will turn them away and so they will exacerbate the chronic or the new issues they have, their elderly will die and suffer before that happens and as for their children? Forget it, for CHIPS, the insurance program for kids, set up by Hillary, a major accomplishment, will also vanish into the ether. And when the jobs do not return and the social programs for the safety net are slashed into nothingness, then we will have an ever growing epidemic of homelessness of families, of hunger, great hunger here in this country, more than ever before. But the Fat Cats will be enjoying their tax cuts and great big bonuses as they get rewarded for slashing and cutting and using money to automate even more and fund mergers and acquisitions so they can consolidate and cut workers and make even more profit!!
     And this anger that still exists will deepen even more and we can see that if we paid attention to the stores and malls the day after Christmas, you know the holiday that stresses good will to all? Well, there were riots and fighting and what all going on and why? Because the anger is there, deep within our souls now and it does not go away so easily. It translates into hate, a hate that seeks an outlet and there are apparently not too many brakes working in too many people.
     Concern over the anger grows as the inauguration of the most unpopular president elect draws near. The fear of the clashing of supporters and opponents frightens the security people. I wonder will they be able to protect the Women of the March or will the despicable attitude of the new guy carry over? Not a good prospect.
    And what do we do with a country that has no respect nor confidence in this guy, Even the people who voted for him acknowledged all his faults, his boorishness but voted for him anyway out of frustration, but this will not be answered, not by this guy and his henchmen. They care as little for the little guy as anyone I can ever remember. The very fabric of what made America great - and which they claim they are going to return - fat chance as they destroy us instead - this very fabric of unions which gained us the eight hour workday, sick leave, no child labor, care and benefits - are being destroyed. The liberal and progressive reforms are being cancelled, negated and attacked. A hatred for others appears to be a tenet of this administration and just yesterday we were warned by the alt right nutjobs that if Trump does not fulfill his promises to them - you know, the wall, the throwing out of all immigrants, the registry, the admiration of hate - why then they will rebel!! Yes, you heard that right. Interesting prospect that, don't ya think!!
     At a recent show I attended not in the Village, a joke was made simply by adding the name of Trump into a verse and the audience roared. How do we allow a farce to be the leader? How do we explain to the world what we have done?
     And if one thinks that  this hate is controlled, limited to one country - forget it. Quickly. The reek of hatred and prejudice wafts over the world. People are inhaling it with every breath they take. Allies turn on each other and it is fairly impossible to distinguish friend from foe. Are we back on friendly terms with Russia or not? Are we fighting Iran and its plans or are we allies in another country's wars? Are we to concentrate on that old canard of anti Semitism ever so gently calling it anti Zionism and go after one small country, a place of refuge for so many, a state that has returned to its home and beginnings? Perfect state? No, but then again, show me one that is!
     So we have a high school group in Taiwan that paraded with Nazi banners and uniforms. We have conspiracy theories galore and once again the Jews control the banking and money and finance and industry and oh, right, the media in all it forms though if they did, then why would they allow this hatred to flourish in it, but then again, all this comes from weak and twisted minds who have no logic nor humanity.
     So destroy Israel and see what the world gains. Isolate it and see what the world loses. Try to at least cover over the hate, the glee that these countries feel when Israel gets kicked in the ass again. Never mind all the help and advancement it has given to the world - nope, let  the world once again impose rules on Jews - where they can live and more importantly - where they cannot!! They are told to stand by the side and watch as their history is called false, as their holiest place on earth is ripped from within their very soul and fabric as a people and watch others stand by and even cheer the haters and the fools on.
     The hate, the hate. What gives with this world? When will it ever learn. Apparently never and most of us, we just stand by the side, shushing each other out of fear or acquiescence, forgetting that terror and hatred just keep on, rolling over everything and everyone in its path and there they are!
    The hate. The hate. What gives? And must we give way before it or must we give it a run for the money, be strong and withstand the ugliness. Will we walk together, talk together or will we fight in the malls and in the streets. Your choice, folks. Our choice, folks. Are we up to it? You decide.

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