The truth is often not an easy thing to swallow. In fact, we often find the truth to be uncomfortable so we hide from it, willfully blinding our eyes, from those who did not "see" the nakedness of the emperor to those who would and will not see the harm we have engendered with the election of Trump. This man who promised all, despite all indications that he was telling a lie, many lies, this man who came off as a fool in the debates, this man who thinks America needs to be run as a reality show or indeed, as an adjunct to his business holdings, this man who cannot string together a sensible and mature statement and relies on writers and strict reading of text or to tweets, this man who loves to use the words "fantastic" or "terrific" - when referring to our enemies - this man will be the leader of this country and Heaven help us over the next four years.
People muse aloud, "Well, how much harm can he do in that time? After all, we do have laws and the Constitution." Well, why not ask the starving people of Venezuela, once a most prosperous country and now one with empty shelves in the markets and how about Brazil, once a thriving and huge emerging market and now? The answer is right there and so is the comparison. One in power, ones in power, can do much to harm the very fabric of our lives.
Last nite, at a very enjoyable show, people sang along and applauded the classic song "We Coming to America" or as often worded now "They Coming to America". Really? It is a wonder that this song is not yet banned for uh oh, here come those immigrants, swarming our pristine shores, you know the shores of a white, Christian, Anglo Saxon country with evidently no criminals for that exists only in the immigrant groups!! How quickly people shouting slogans of hate and violence forget that once upon a time they too and/or their families were immigrants and they too faced prejudice and nastiness. Italians were all members of the Mafia. Jews controlled the global economy - even as they struggled to make a living from the pushcarts of the Lower East Side and Brownsville. Irish were dirty, not fit for anything other than a spade or a mop. Ugh, all those foreign speaking people - send them back or keep them in their place. Do you really think that prejudice and hatred of immigrants is new? And yet - we are a nation of immigrants, a nation that welcomed newcomers with a statue standing on high to do exactly that. So why applaud a song and then go vote for one who makes it a farce?
We have a "chosen" few who will now rule the roost provided they get thru the confirmation process but what a bunch they are. We will have more military personnel running civilian departments including the Defense Department than ever before. We will have people who stand for all that Trump promised to get rid of and yet here they are, all the "creatures of the swamp" that he was supposedly draining. He promised that , right?! And yet here comes the hedge fund manager, the Wall Street guys who raided companies, the "legal eagles" who had pasts of prejudice and hatred. Here they all come and don't forget the biggest violator of it all - the president elect himself who states openly that he cannot be charged with conflict of interests - it is the law he says, ignoring the Emoluments Clause which contradicts that statement- and we already know how he takes advantage of "the law" by his avoidance of taxes. His evident non recognition of the difference between legal and moral is frightening as well. Remember the judges of Nazi Germany who also enforced the law. And of course, best of all, we are or should be the eternally grateful recipients of the biggest Trump gift to us - the four shadow presidents who will advise him, sit in on diplomatic meetings, hear secret information - and also run his companies. Yes, his children. Wow!!!!
And let us not forget the ACA or Obamacare, as it is better known. Yes, it is not perfect though 20 million more people are the beneficiaries of insured care now than they were before. Remember when the Republicans ranted of death panels? Uh huh - so where are they. In fact, should the Republicans have their way there will be plenty of deaths and much misery in life. Yes, some premiums have gone up - as they used to do anyway and we all know that, but where does that fault lie? In the greedy insurance companies. In the greedy drug companies who charge usurious prices, sinful prices for their drugs. In the cowards who do not rein them in because don't forget the contributions these entities make to these politicians. Wow, that swamp gets bigger and bigger.
Honesty seems to be a tad lacking here, is it not? A president to be who does not pay his share of taxes, who misuses money given for charity to pay his own bills, who does not release his own taxes or medical records and I still say the man is manic depressive in his behavior - but who knows as all is secret, as he goes around starting forest fires in the political world, who feeds lies to the people who sop it up - there can NOT be a separation of the country from the economy of the world. We are too intertwined and to do anything to undo that will cost us greatly. Remember, our own American businesses use foreign products to make their American made products. As does Europe use American products or China who imports much from us and in fact who owns us with all their Treasury Bonds they have bought.
Willful blindness is not a good idea. Demand that this future administration live up to the Constitution in the best way possible. Demand the preservation of rights - of women, of the LGBTQ segment of society, of workers and unions, of right, the right way, the moral way to do things. Keep Planned Parenthood and the health care it provides. Keep Roe v. Wade. Make sure we have fair immigration. Keep Medicare and Social Security. Keep the social programs of the safety net for our citizens. Fully fund public schools and do away with the poorly functioning charter schools who choose their students carefully. Keep religion out of the Oval office. Oppose hatred and violence, threats of torture, unfair business practices, wrongful and harmful laws and behaviorisms. Make America great again? We are great and I plead not to make it a Third World country for that is where we are headed. I hope to G-d I am wrong, but I have a "bigly" feeling that the worst is yet to come.
Will we see the truth? Will we recognize it when it keeps slapping us in the face? Or will we willfully and purposely close our eyes and minds and wake up too late? The choice is ours and we already have started down the wrong path. Demand of your representatives that they do the right thing, that they vote the right, the morally right, way. Write them. Call them. Be active. And keep an eye out for those less fortunate than you - though I think more and more will be falling into that unfortunate group. Obama added 16 million jobs and has left Trump a grown and growing economy. How long will Trump take to ruin it? And for how long will people continue to buy into the Big Lie and the myriad small lies that he puts forth.
Never before have I had such contempt, such dislike, such a lack of respect for a president to be and never before have I been so worried and depressed about the whole thing and the dangers ahead of us.
Come walk with us on January 21, 2017. Make your voices heard - everyone, non partisan, men and women welcome. Bring your signs and flags, walk for justice and fair play, for unity and peace. Meet at the Clubhouse in Room C and step off with us as we walk the perimeter, walk with us as much as you can and show the world that yes, seniors still have a voice and will raise it to the heavens in order to be heard and to see that the right thing is done.
We are woman - Hear Us Roar! Come roar with us.
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