Tuesday, January 24, 2017


     Things are heating up in D.C. and all over the country and the world. It seems we have all had enough, more than enough of lies, soul abusing actions and a great big moral crisis. There is no American carnage. We do not have destroyed or closed factories crowding the landscape like tombstones - yes, there are buildings, but then again how many have been converted to homes or other places of business and art centers, razed to make way for the new or for factories that include the new technology and  automation. There is and always has been a turnover of buildings and movements of business from here to there. Our unemployment is at the lowest rate and will only go up under Trump - as long as he is in office -  and when examined, most, if not all, of the data and statistics that this man and his administration spew forth are lies. Ooops, I meant "alternative facts".
     Yup, here we are living in The Brave New World or the sister world of 1984. Words and vocabulary are "improved" upon and the truth is as the government sees it, not as the simple truth. "Fake news" is another term that has arisen and I for the life of me cannot understand why we do not simply call these things what they are - lies, lies and more lies.  The emperor is naked, not wearing see through clothing!
     I have long wondered why Trumpers have refused or will not see, or claim to not see the truth, recognize it just as they recognized what they saw as misdeeds by Clinton. Letters in the Times have said it very well. "we have lost our ability to reason and think." Or this one -  those "who are certain of Hillary Clinton's guilt but cannot detect even a hint of his serial lies and ethically challenged business practices..." The terms of racist and sexist resounded as well. Words of truth.
     But what has happened since his Inauguration as he is now meant to preside over our destruction with his horrid plans and threatening moues and rabid statements is just beyond horrific and most telling of the truth that all his opponents have been saying since day one - and that includes me.
     I hate lies and I hate liars, those people who cannot for the life of them tell the truth and do not even recognize such a concept. They lie as they breathe. There are lies of omission and commission and Trump and his people are experts on both. Lie after lie spewed forth  - over the numbers who attended, how they were counted, how proof was not proof basically unless it supported their lies. Evasions after evasions and yet people made excuses. So now I would like to know - what will they do with the BIG PINK ELEPHANT in the room? The man and his minions, his co - guilty and complicit minions, lied through their collective teeth pre election and people just ate it up. Oh, he would present his tax returns after audit, after election, despite the fact that audit is no reason not to present and candidates have presented these documents for decades. And now? And now? They admit it was a lie from the outset and worse, they knew it, used it as tool of the campaign and had no plan whatsoever to ever reveal it.
     Now the elephant in the room is why? WHY? Presumably because of what they will reveal. We already know he is a consummate liar and  cheat and had to settle for his misdeeds in Trump University, an insult to all universities of the world. WE know he is owned by the banks of the world, including by that of China, the very country he presumably started up with. HA! Take that with a grain of salt. He has pursued Russia for three decades and is now best buds, BFFs with Putin who very friendly like had his country work to get him into office.
     So what else is he hiding? We already know that his supposed empire is a joke, a hollow balloon which could collapse at any moment what with the millions and millions of dollars that he owes all around, so.... he did the next best thing to honesty, I guess. Being the blustery snake oil salesman that he is, he figured that the next place to look for a bailout is the presidency of the United States. Surely he could manage to use the funding of the country to straighten out his companies and there ya go!! Funds will just flow in and since he never divested, he and his buddies will do quite well. Yup, smell the swamp?! Trumpers bought into this by the thousands and now are asking themselves what they have done. Oh, what they have done!!
     This man cannot find his rear with both hands but he does know how to bully and threaten and be an overbearing physical presence with his hulking body. He uses his limited vocabulary to bluster and lie and any minion of his must do the same - from Jared Kushner to Kelly Conway, to Seth Spicer to Bannon. The royal court, the courtiers and the princes and princess. I could vomit, but the threat to us is real and we all have no time to indulge in that for we must get this man out. We must bring him down and it appears as if the courts are the way to go, to keep pressure on, to force him to tell the truth and then resign before he is sent off to prison.
     “The senior team exhibits many of the characteristics President Trump has always valued: cohesion, collaboration, high energy and high impact.”  What a crock!!Such are Conway's words. Notice a lack of honor and honesty. Note a lack of truth. Well, we must insist on it for all those who are in need of it and the strength it can provide, the help it can bring - "the people and institutions that have been the focus of attack --  people of color, Jews and Muslims, refugees and immigrants, LGBTQ, Americans who are poor, children seeking education in our public schools, disabled Americans and Veterans , those who rely on affordable health care and women who refuse to relinquish control-legally, morally or physically-over their own bodies.'
       And the people came from all over and from all decades and from all genders. Old activists reassembled from the lines of antiwar to pro civil rights to ranks of Jews and ChristianS and Moslems and women, oh the women, immigrants, the kids threatened by this man, the people who refused to allow him to run rampant over us.
     So even as he refuses to do what is right and even as his party henchmen refuse to do what is right, for example in South Dakota where the GOP is trying to repeal a popularly voted in law that just about demands that ethics be primary among their lawmakers. Golly gee, such an irresponsible demand according to the Republicans! And in the Senate, they refuse to allow second hearing on DeVos for Education, this ignorant woman who states that she must "review" the laws that crack down on sex assaults in the colleges of the nation and elsewhere, on laws that will stop the criminal and financial abuses from the for profit universities such as Trump - hmmmm- and of course what she does not have to review is her stated opinion that guns are necessary in school so grizzles can be shot. Uh huh!!
     There has just been a poll released that Americans cannot agree on what is the most important issue facing us. Yet I know what it is. It is the need to get rid of this liar and his court. It is the need to get back to the America we can and should always be. It is the America that showed itself in the millions marching peacefully and determinedly and who can be called upon to do so again and again until the truth be foremost and prominent and the liars be gone. Begone!!

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