Friday, January 20, 2017


     So today is the day, the long dreaded day but maybe we will be lucky enough to get him gone via impeachment or incompetence or something that will serve to cancel his term. Possibly ethics, conflict of interests?
     The new slogan re Trump and his opponents is to "Make America Sane Again" - that is how bad the situation is right now. I intend to listen to his inauguration speech, containing my nausea and just about yell loud enough at the TV that I will be heard in the next county!!!
      Reading the paper today, it was shocking to read of the current batch of nominees. All crooks, or people with lazy ethics, damaged memories, and downright plain wrong backgrounds. Playing around with off shore accounts, hiding money, disremembering that one has oh, another 100 million dollars, or one actually thinks that to be Secretary of Energy is to be paid to be the champion of oil and gas producers and never knowing that his chief responsibility is the nuclear end of energy and the bombs that go with it, an Education nominee who thinks that perhaps it is a good idea to have rifles in the schools so people can then shoot the grizzles! Swear, cannot make this up! Goldman, Sachs evidently can organize a reunion of their executives and please, show me one, just one nominee who is not part and parcel of the Fat Cats Society, critters of that swamp that was supposed to be drained. And it seems that the Republicans who insisted on full disclosure and perfect records for candidates when they were in the minority have now decided to just about forget it and where are the party members with moral balls. Gone to who knows where, but certainly not looking out for the benefits and concerns of their constituents.
     The language used to describe Trump gets more vitriolic as times go by. He makes some people physically ill with his ridiculous gestures and uses the same five vocabulary words all the time. Perhaps he should have been in my class and he would now speak better! But in any case, here are just a few words and terms that are used today:
vindictive, disruptive, bombastic, self-aggrandizing, clueless, hostile, especially to the rights of women, professionally unprepared, intellectually ill formed, morally compromised and temperamentally unfit, an expected future corrupt administration, short tempered, short attention span, vengeful and not showing any signs of changing or growing in his position.
     Yet people keep saying to give him a chance. Really? Truly? How and why? Till we are in a trade war, at a war mentality with China, with people dying terrible deaths because they have not medical coverage because repeal was not followed by replace and a fair replace at that, because social programs were slashed and guess what? Jobs will then evaporate as well when there is no money coming in  because of the trade war and people cannot afford to buy anything with the tariffs and high prices.
     People, we are in for a bad four years unless we get him gone and remember to never allow such a person to be in this position again. He sets a bad example for all, brings in a family to rule with him and I use rule purposely and just look at the big companies scramble to put in ads that tell of how they are creating jobs and have done so over the years. Why? Because they are afraid of the vengeful behavior of this man, threatened by him and his "I'll get you, my pretty!" attitude.
     Added in - a most unispired speech, mostly Stephen Miller's ideas, could be he wrote it as well and what the hell is with that fist pump - the new signal of American Fascism? Feh!!
     So that is that ranch and what about our local ranch? Yup, right here in Century Village. Here too we have a man who rules by secrecy, by dictat, by threats, by throwing people under the bus and then resurrecting them if they serve his purpose. He has brought the administration to the point where NO ONE wants to run for office for what good will it do. He has made it ever more difficult to challenge him and wants to increase that difficulty to a point of no return. He does things in secret and wants to shove his Atlantic Broadband company down our throats or up our you know whats! Where are the bids from other companies. Why are we doing this two and some years ahead of the need? Why were we not going to have time to read the contract? What does David have going on for him  in this contract? Why does he think he has the right to determine our Internet provider when it is only cable that is the purview of UCO.
     Why has he done this - and please, do not tell me he is doing this for the good of the village. Sure, it might be good for his cronies who own multiple apartments or so he  thinks or for his friend the motel owner in Sheffield or others like him but not for the residents who want their freedom to choose and have phones without extra payments and want a contract where at the end we will be paying close to 50% more than during the first year and why the hell are we taking such a long contract? How will they service us? What will we do for the next few years when Comcast will not rush to help us for what purpose will it serve them to do so? Is this contract along the lines of the best contract ever for security that we had to redo with another company? Is it along the lines of that "wonderful" paving job? Is it along the outrageous raise we are to pay for WPRF and again next year as more expenses come up and we are the bearers of the burdens?
     We need to take a look at all our governmental entities on every level and fix what needs fixing and not listen to fools who claim they are being told they are illegal and so is everyone else!! All she probably needs is an adjustment and in full disclosure, my service with Comcast has been great after the first few years They got their act together, they have many trucks and repairmen to service the Village and were totally blindsided with this new contract at this time. I have no stock with them and just like them and do not like the way David Israel does his business here. How and why should we trust Atlantic when they are so disliked by their current customers?
     Back at the ranch is not a good situation - not here, not in the country and for sure not in the world. Germany has a crazy right wing party again that is growing, Hungary has Jobbik, the European Union is dissolving, NATO allies are in turmoil especially with Trump's statements and Turkey issues with Europe, terrorists are running around blowing things up, people are shooting others in mass numbers - guess that grizzly gun will help! Not!! Women's rights, LGBT rights, civil rights are all threatening to fall by the wayside. Step up folks, join protest clubs. Join others who will work to insure that the USA does not become an unfair and fascistic country and demand of the world that they behave in a manner befitting its purported values, its support of human rights, of caring for people.
     Yeehaw? Not really? Proud to be an American? Yes and no. Not with Trump but yes with those who are marching and those who speak up. The lowest rated approval for an incoming president - says something, does it not? Heed it. Hear it.

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