Wednesday, February 1, 2017


     Remember the original - "lions and tigers and bears, oh my". Except that was sung in a TV production and there were none of said animals there. But the danger perceived was real and the travelers going to Oz were indeed brave enough, stepping off into the unknown.
     So where are these brave travelers today, in real life? I was beginning to give up hope, feeling I was beating the drum in a vacuum, or with a few brave souls of the public eye, but then more and more brave travelers arrived and manifested themselves and then we had strong and important voices speaking out and crowds of souls braving the distemper of a dysfunctional president and his even more dysfunctional henchmen. And so, though highly frustrated that even more people do not see the truth of this naked emperor, at least more are speaking out and even some of those who voted for you know who are even beginning to give voice to their own doubts. Too little too late at this point, but there is always hope.
     Four Attorney Generals have filed suit against Trump for this immigration fiasco and travesty of justice and more are to follow. Over 1,000 State Department people have signed a dissent letter and fume though Trump might, this is a legal and oft used device in the State Department so Bannon and Spicer aside, they should just grin and  bear it and who knows, maybe even try to correct themselves and their fascistic leanings and tendencies.
     But make no mistake about it, the people of the title of this posting do exist and these are the people who are supposed to be our leaders, our sponsors in the world, our representatives  to the world, people who are supposed to look out for us. Well, wrong!! Sad. They will not do that job. Most should not even be confirmed into office and would not if not for the fact that the Republicans are the majority and there are many emasculated wonders amongst them, even into the Democrats whose seats are a bit wobbly. So honesty and courage go by the board in the name of political expediency.
 And who are these characters waiting for Godot? Well, we have those who are liars and who refuse to tell the truth and then are caught with their pants down. I guess better than being in them when they are on fire! They lie about their holdings of stocks and assets and how they obtained them. These lies are revealing other sins such as insider trading, lies and omissions on official documents including tax returns and again where are those belonging to Trump??!! They reveal their stupidity and lack of knowledge. In another time and place they would have been automatically out of contention for a seat but under the chief liar, Trump, ha! they look like pikers and are confirmed. Oh, the Democrats are just now beginning to stand up to this, but the numbers are not with them and unfortunately we also have those amongst them who are also worried about two years from now. Who the hell knows if our country will even be standing as it should be in two years and could be their seat will mean nada, nothing at that point. Ghost America will be a fait accompli unless we all stand together against these  alleged crooks and liars and bigots.
     For bigots they certainly are. Bannon comes from a radical fringe of right wing nutjobs and he states that we should bring the hate on. His Breitbart entity keeps up the running stream of garbage and for our reward in allowing this, we have the Executive orders that flow out from the overgrown infant in the Oval Office and "others" are banned, massed into one group, left stranded in overseas airports, real life Tom Hanks, handcuffed and threatened by others who forced people to sign that they are deporting themselves of their own free will and will not be allowed to return. Shudders of Nazi Germany as Jews were forced to sell their belongings and ride those damned trains all after signing postcards detailing their wonderful trips and the wonderful places they are in. No one freely puts themselves in danger and into a void unless they are pushed to do so by people or dangerous circumstances. And so here we are.
     And where are we? Well, a chief personage in the EU has stated that we now have the dubious honor of having our President named as one of the four biggest dangers to the European continent - Russia and Putin, China, radical Islam and terrorists and .....Donald Trump. And why? For his erraticism, his lies ad more lies and the unknown and/or insane quotient that he represents.
     As for the rest of the government, well, they are confused. Some are standing up, measuring up and they deserve medals and others are those bureaucrats who give in, who become the nameless souls who turn to the dark and follow orders, push people around and allow Fascism to flourish in our land. Or they become even more childlike than they are, calling each other names in the Senate, threatening each other, following the example of you know who who blusters away, threatens away, takes umbrage at Jimmy Fallon for his sarcasm about Trump - well, grow up, damn it! This is America and that is part of being a politician who has allowed this sarcasm to flourish by his own behavior.
     And now we have threats of boycotting Starbucks for heaven's sake as they talk of hiring and the idiots scream that they should hire Americans. Well, fine - if they could as they are hiring overseas for their locations there and seems to me that there are not enough Americans living there to fill the jobs!! In the meantime, back at the ranch, there is a counter Starbucks trend of buying their coffee. Hey, think I might and I hate coffee unless, of course in the form of ice cream!
     Finally, tit for tat, guess what? There was an "intruder" at the Republican conference in Philadelphia who recorded discussions and got the worry of Republicans over their President and his plans, got Pence saying he would, yes, would, investigate the voter fraud issue - and I am thinking hey, might be a good idea as it seems that the double booked voters appear to be from Trump so maybe we could get rid of him or redo the election. Guess they do not like the truth being heard and sent forth to the world. And this was not even being hacked! In the meanwhile, let us see what he does with the firing of rockets from Russian backed troops into the Ukraine. Will he stand up and be a man - okay, I know that is difficult but one has to hope, or will he wimp off and away from his bro, Putin?
     Liars and crooks and bigots, oh my. Oh boy! How bad and sad. How wrong. How tremendous an impediment. How destructive, a true mess. Why it is even carnage! Oh, never mind. I am going out to buy the new game from Merriam-Webster about the misspellings ad misusages by .....guess who! At least he is good for something - even the economy as people buy the game. Well done, Donny! Silver linings, huh?
     By the way, here is a statement released by the US Holocaust Memorial Museum - so read and think.
Today, the Museum issued the following statement:
The Museum is acutely aware of the consequences to the millions of Jews who were unable to flee Nazism, as noted in our November 2015 statement on the Syrian refugee crisis. The Museum continues to have grave concern about the global refugee crisis and our response to it. During the 1930s and 1940s, the United States, along with the rest of the world, generally refused to admit Jewish refugees from Nazism due to antisemitic and xenophobic attitudes, harsh economic conditions, and national security fears.
In our view, there are many legitimate refugees fleeing the Assad regime’s sustained campaign of crimes against humanity and the genocidal acts perpetrated by ISIS against the Yazidis, Christians, and other religious minorities. American policy should fully address national security concerns while protecting legitimate refugees whatever their national or religious identity.
A living memorial to the Holocaust, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum inspires citizens and leaders worldwide to confront hatred, prevent genocide, and promote human dignity.

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