Tuesday, February 28, 2017


    Still within the "honeymoon" period granted to a new president and yet, methinks the honeymoon is quite sour, with someone unable to perform!! Oh yes, we get a stupid looking smirk on the face, but those smirks tend to hide a blunder of his that he tries to hide so let's take stock.
     Jobs. He crowed and cawed that he would bring and save jobs and has taken credit for the statistics under Obama and for decisions made by companies within the past two years that are coming to fruition now. Even of the 800 jobs in his Carrier deal, there is still a move to Mexico and over 600 of these jobs will go bye-bye. So,,,, where is the retraining these workers need? Where is the looking forward to seeing real needs and addressing them? Why is there no talk of reality, as these jobs will never return as there is too much automation for that to happen but reality has no place in this administration.
     EPA. The environment. You see, no matter what economic strata of a person, he needs to breathe, to walk, to drink and eat. Best of all is that it is all done in a good and clean and safe environment. Laws were made for that end purpose, regulations to save the waterways, to save the open lands of the country, to save wetlands, to save cities on the coast, to cut chemicals from food and water and clean the sky but.....Trump and crew have rescinded or are trying to rescind these regs and here comes the filth. As for the jobs? What jobs? The jobs lost in the dirty and unhealthy coal mines or the mountain blow ups would be replaced by jobs built by the cleanup regulations and needs so.. total bust and the people who need jobs cannot seem to see that nor understand the necessity of clean air and water.
     Honesty. Think that word has never crossed the mind of these people. They tell a lie as quickly as drawing a breath and think nothing of it. Fake media. Now Obama is conspiring against him. I wonder if Obama and Clinton are doing this together! The man is obsessed. Nuts!!
     Loyalty. Closely related to the previous category. For weeks now it has been bruited about how this current administration has been playing footsie with our enemies the Russians and the two of them, Putin and Trump, having a love fest together. Deny it they did and yet, the truth will out. Sean Spicer appears to be the one who arranged calls to media people from sources within the government, outside spokesmen and even intelligence figures. Congressmen are being recruited to back up the White House. This is unbelievable. And as for Russia, well, “They think he is unstable, that he can be manipulated, that he is authoritarian and a person without a team."Nice, huh? Treason in my book. And that includes the president.
    Priorities and promises.
     Democratic values. There are none. Period. Think of the terminology he uses, he and his crew. "enemy of the people" America First. It appears that the priorities of this regime are to take down the poor, the needy, the sick and the "other".  A GOP plan will cause millions to lose their healthcare and the word "access" is a copout. I have access to buy a Lamborghini but the access is a joke as I cannot afford it and the same will be of his proposed healthcare insurance. But think of the money saved as we have fewer ailing people to worry about and take care of. Wow! Such good thinking! We won't even have to feed them so it is okay to cut the food stamps program. Guess a few missed meals are good for the weight. Perhaps we need to remind Trump of that. His priorities are to enrich himself and his fellow Fat Cats and to hell with everyone else. Even the so called vaunted Ivanka who has come out with her child care program has set one up that benefits the rich again. Yes, poor, poor couples making under $500,000 will benefit much more than the middle income people who are struggling with the child care costs. Wow, so impressed - not. Apple and tree and Donald Jr, is right there in the tweet department as well. What a family. His priorities are to enforce his rules, his views and nothing else. The rest is all lies. Cruel and brutal lies.
     Freedoms of the Constitution. As far as I and many others can see, there appears to be a movement on to cancel them ASAP. Freedom of speech? Why change the libel laws to shut them down, use that threat power. Sounds like someone I know right here in  the Village. Freedom of assembly? Yes, it is noisy and yes it can be disruptive, the purpose actually  intended to disrupt the illegal and immoral activities that are taking place. In addition, how and when did the press ever become "enemies of the people"? What a fascistic phrase. McCain warned that throughout history the first thing dictators do is shut down the free press. Hmmm... The Rag.Well, that is what Trump is trying to do here. He bans, BANS, news groups and papers and media that he feels do not obey him and actually have the temerity to criticize him. How dare they? And who uses such terminology? The fascists of course, the blooming and budding dictators. And Lindbergh anyone? He too used America First.  And so today we have the news that the Washington DC police overreacted during the Inauguration protests, used pepper spray illegally and carelessly,, violated the rights of the protesters and their own departmental guidelines and once again, I warn of the growing overuse of police power. We are growing into a police state.
     Here is President George W. Bush's opinion on freedom of the media. "I consider the media to be indispensable to democracy. We needed the media to hold people like me to account," Bush told TODAY in an exclusive interview. "Power can be very addictive and it can be corrosive, and it's important for the media to call to account people who abuse their power."
     So, in taking stock, what has this man done, what have his appointees done other than to increase the possibility of rack and ruin, of more stress for the middle and lower classes, more pain for their backs and more glory for the Fat Cats, the very swamp critters he vowed to get rid of yet then just poured them into his administration. Nada.
     Immigration. Cannot forget that and here is the brutal truth of it all. If we stand by and watch people being brutalized, ripped from the bosoms of their families, children stranded alone, innocents tormented and even dignitaries from abroad held in detention because of an overzealous agent, if we stand by and simply say tsk, tsk or nothing at all - we are complicit, as guilty as those border agents, as those law enforcement agents who stand by to grab people and exercise their own power. WE are as guilty of committing those crimes as any of them are. We will have succeeded in empowering Trump to truly set up his new world order, his new fascistic Amerika.
     As far as security, just think of all those blossoming enemies we are creating with these actions. Do you think a stranded and bereft child will not grow up and listen to words of hatred against this country? Why not? Why should they be friendly to a country which destroyed all they knew and loved. And if one thinks that the hatred is only from these phantom beings who are 'infesting" our country, well, once again there were more bomb threats to Jewish community centers. A speaker spoke of the pandemic of anti Semitism, its threat to Jews all over the world and again, if one thinks that hatred has barriers, think again.
     Taking stock. There is only garbage and news of terrible doings. Time for this man to go. Now. And perhaps the jail term for treason would be a good place to start. Perhaps even mental help would be there for him during incarceration. It's a thought. Whatever one thinks, something must be done. Perhaps the rest of the media will gather around and intensify the campaign for truth of the NY Times. But whatever the path, we must halt him in his tracks or forever lose our United States. For sure, they are already targeting voter rights, beginning in Texas. Soon who knows, elections as in Russia or North Korea? Anything is possible under this man.

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