Thursday, February 9, 2017


     How, I wonder, did the most un-American person become the President of the United States, America? How did the person whose every desire and action, every tweet, seemed to indicate a deep desire to destroy our country, how did that person get elected? And more important, how do we allow him to continue in office, how do we allow him to continue his plan and path on the way to our destruction?
     The man takes a vow to protect his country. He takes an oath that he will do his best, swearing with what is supposed to be honor and honesty, and yet, some of the very first things he does are contradictory in fact. What is even worse is the fact that his presumed Party members have turned into deep dyed in the wool cowards and turncoats and they refuse to outwardly admit that they have fallen prey, fallen under his threats, think that this is how they will keep their jobs. Well, they need to think again, for there is already a strong grassroots campaign and more to destroy the Republicans who come up for office in 2018. And that is what they deserve too!
      Today, the country is being used, openly, blatantly, as a source of funds for the Trump Organization. It is collecting fees from hotels, golf courses, gifts from foreigners who wish to get some of the bubbling fat within this organization.  It has totally turned ethics on its ear and the emoluments ? HA!! Fugeddaboutit! Not important. Not relevant. Why the military is even planning to move into Trump Towers at a cost to the taxpayers of $1.5 million and guess whose pocket is the richer for it? Uh huh. You got it!!
     We have a President who sued for damages that his wife could not make enough money during this time when she is frequently photographed. Why? He needs more money? There are no serious issues to study and think over? Nope, evidently not, for money is the issue he cares about. And to add to that, we have the president who takes the time to threaten and name call to a department store chain for not carrying Ivanka's line of shoes anymore. Really, should this not be part and parcel of capitalism, with some things successful and some not?  So what is his problem?And now he has to pay for pollution that his son's ex company caused or left behind. Couldn't pull his nuts out of the fire on that one!!
    We have Fat Cats being appointed and confirmed because aside from two lone women Republicans not a man among them has the courage to tell these nominees where to go and where to take their orders of destruction. They have not the courage, the moral power to tell Sessions to go home as he is a bigoted individual from way back and continues on in that path. Nope, what they do is stop Elizabeth Warren from reading a letter about him from  Coretta Scott King. Truly!! Are we actually going to censor people, stop them from talking and absolutely forgetting that they have accused her of doing absolutely what they have done! Truly, Animal Farm at its worst with  pigs being more equal than other animals. Yup!
     We have a President who states that he is above the law for his word is the law, is the top and final sayso on any issue and he has the ultimate and only right to exercise bigotry and racism and who knows, will he soon decriminalize sexual molestation so he can continue on his ways and speak of genitalia of women and boast of his crudity? All judges are no good if they contravene his orders, for he is the Boss! Would that he would fire himself! And as for the right to vote - these rights are under attack with his fervent blessing.
      And of course, we have the typical and familiar use of lies, exaggerations, falsehoods, "fake news", alternative facts, whatever that might be, as we are pulled into a world of post factuality and into the nasty world of 1984 where truth counts for naught, where the sights that are seen mean nothing, where all is upside down - all is un-American as we chase away our allies, endear ourselves to our enemies and throw away our values as if they are worth nothing!
     So, no democratic values. No democratic checks and balances. No truth so we now have spokesmen for the administration who talk of attacks in Atlanta and massacres in Bowling Green - which both never happened, of a man and administration that is in disarray, in dangerous conflicts within itself and would that it would implode!!Would that we could get  a redo if there were a way to redo the election.  There are bright people working on impeachment causes, working on issues to take him into court be it on the ban or  trying to cancel out all regulations that  have served to protect the American citizen.
     Folks, this whole mess is un-American, from the interference by Putin and Russian hackers, to Comey and his deliberate skewing of the facts and interpretation, of keeping the Russian aspects quiet, un-American in the deliberate attempts to devolve and destruct and destroy our country and its rules, its way of life. It is un-American how this man governs by royal decree and has royal tantrums when he does not get his way.
     So we will be American and we will protest and we will resist and we will make him back off and away and we will straighten him out and any who follow. America stands proudly for humanity, for values, for freedom and justice, for welcome to all, for a fair chance at life, for safety for the workers, for education that is a founding stone of our country, for people who are honest and who tell the truth about themselves. And if mistakes are made, so be it, as long as attempts are made to correct these errors. This man does not do that. This man is un-American! Not my President! Not at all.
     This man should not be considered the president of any American as all he does is attack our values and people who represent them. He instigates trouble and dissension. One person stated that due to Trump no one speaks to each other, friends , spouses, no one. This man is that  divisive. As a demagogue he is dangerous to an infinite degree and now has taken to asking people to inform on others - pure fascism and communism. Simple dictatorship 101. Here is what he told a meeting of law enforcement officers, the very people he wishes to turn into enforcers of his racism, his misogyny and make no mistake about it - all who oppose him. "President Trump told them to report "who the illegal immigrant gang members're local. You know the illegals, you know them by their first name, you know them by their nicknames." And who is to say that these are the gang members!
     Totally sickening and frightening. These immigrants are us, live amongst us, are part and parcel of our daily lives and yes, I am sure  that there are people amongst those attempting to enter who dislike us, but not all, certainly not all, and so we do not throw out the baby with the bath water. Instead, we do what we always have done and are doing so in a much more comprehensive manner now. We question and check and double check and then allow in the fresh blood and ideas and minds that America needs to grow. That is American! And we keep watch over our right wing homegrown terrorists as well.
     So this hateful man insults a hero such as McCain who also is not terribly innocent in all this as he votes in the awful nominees, including the racist Sessions, the fox who is now in the hen house of justice for the country. G-d help us all.
And then we have Cruz who calls the Democrats the party of the KKK. And yes, there is a link two centuries ago with them but then again, the Republicans used to be the party of Abe Lincoln but now they are the party of Trump and Sessions and DeVos, Feh!! Look in the mirror, Cruz and see what is happening today and see how your party has reneged on its roots and today the Democrats are the party of justice and voting rights and immigration and all else  that works for the people and not the Fat Cats!
     So now this un-American person once again tries to dodge responsibility by trying to say he wanted to delay the ban. First of all the ban is awful and illegal whenever and second of all, grow up, man up and take responsibility. My middle schoolers knew this better than this man. But I guess he is too busy ruining the health care for men and women as he attacks Planned Parenthood, an entity, non profit, which provides health access and treatments for approximately 2.5 million men and women, so not just abortions and by the way, that is the right of women, to control their bodies and not the choice of religious fanatics who choose to impose their religious views upon me as a law!!! That is un-American!!
     And so we have a growing boycott movement - look to GrabYourWallet and check the list and add Under Armour to it as the CEO thinks Trump is an asset and Stephen Curry said he "agreed if the 'et" were removed." My man!!!
     And yet we still have heroes. We have Elizabeth Warren who tried to speak up before censorship, sexism and enforcement of obscure and ignored rules were put temporarily into play and so now we have a warning to those who support this man and his awful things he and his are foisting upon  us. She too can tweet, Donald!
"Consider this MY warning: We won’t be silent. We will speak out. And we WILL persist.
If Jeff Sessions makes even the tiniest attempt to bring his racism, sexism & bigotry into , he'll hear from all of us.
    And you better believe every Senator who voted to put Jeff Sessions’s radical hatred into will hear from all of us, too. If Jeff Sessions turns a blind eye while violates the Constitution or breaks the law, he'll hear from all of us."
     Join in the protests. Speak up and do not be bullied. Be American!

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