Friday, April 7, 2017


     Instead of what? Well, I was going to write something about the holidays but the article I have just read demands an "instead of " piece. So while we should be celebrating or preparing to celebrate two religious holidays, instead of that we are descending into a situation which appears to have no end and no solution. Will our country be bracketed by two insane "kings" - George III of England who descended into madness and "King" Donald who is mad right now but when it first happened - who knows.
     In any case we find that the present administration is approaching that turn of events when no person with any knowledge can accept the results of this past election as valid and thus the Presidency is null and void and then what? This has never happened before and yet we cannot let this stand.
     It has now come out that way before anything had come out, the CIA was worried, very concerned about the interference in the elections by Russia and the apparent intent - to elect Trump!! Yes, a brazen attack on our country. And yet all the FBI could think to do was mumble about emails and Clinton which were not true and came to nothing and yet - there went the election. No wonder it was all a surprise. With a minority population vote, the man who is definitely defective became head of the USA and we were all screwed - us and the world.
     So not only did we have interference in the original election, but we also have attempts to strangle our democracy right here, in bold and horrific attempts to stifle free speech and expression, deeming all opposition to the current administration as libelous,  and there are attempts to force Twitter to release the name of the voice behind an anti Trump twitter of which, actually, there are many and many law suits as well against Trump and his attempted plans to strangle immigration and everything else that makes America - America. They have even substituted a picture of a wall of coal for a beautiful scene of nature on the website of a land agency of the government. Shows you where their values are - or lack thereof.
     But wait - there is yet more. The members of this administration are cutting and sniping at each other with Bannon hating Kushner and calling him an obscene name or term that is popular with the alt right. It seems that little boys who never grow up mentally or emotionally always use toilet language and potty mouths to express their limited thoughts in a war for power. G-d help us for we are the ones who will suffer. Just who is in charge and does it really matter as they are all vicious fools of Chelm, the mythical village of Jewish humor where the residents were all foolish to the extreme - like these people, but these are harmful to the rest of us.
     James Madison said "If men were angels, no government would be needed." But men are not angels and many, in fact, actually are the opposite and therefore we need government, proper government, a government for the people and not for the Fat Cats or pols who inhabit Washington and every state capital. Is it any wonder that these people in DC now  scream "globalist" in their attempt to "deconstruct" government and wrest control of our resources for themselves and their buddies.
     People will now say to let it be, let it go, he is our president, he will be gone in four years, but the question is will we be here in four years. We cannot stand by and let him and his buddies run rampant over us. Benjamin Franklin said, "...if you make yourselves sheep, the wolves will eat you." Well, we do  not want to be eaten by these wolves and will not allow it. That is why the growing number of resisters. No more sheeples.
     That is why we arranged a meeting, a Town hall, with Brian Mast, our representative in Congress and this is what he said -
"Thanks to Palm Beach Indivisibles for helping to organize our #CommunityConversation at Century Village. We may not agree on every issue, but we're working to break through the rhetoric and put people before politics."

     There is something rotten not in the state of Denmark, but in the country of America, particularly in its national capital. During this time when on Passover we celebrate the freedom of the Israelites from slavery, when Easter celebrates life and hope, why are we in this situation, this awful situation where the bad guys seem to be gaining on the good guys. Put on a white hat and join the good guys. Fight for the right, for our rights, for what is just and humane.
     And this morning I add a postscript after reading of the naval bombardment of an Assad military base. On the one hand I cheer as the man needs some serious smacking down. But, a big but, on the other hand, what did this really do? Did it smack him down in any serious way? No, not at all for he has the backing of Russia and Putin, the buddy of Trump so..... what does this all mean? Was this a for show  to illustrate just how "tough and macho" Trump is? Was this to make a show for the Chinese guest so he would back down on Korea? However, attacking a sovereign nation is an act of war which happens to require an act of Congress; even WWII needed that! And yet, Trump did not go to Congress with it. So what have we. An impulsive act of the crazy man with a nuclear trigger finger? A righteous anger reaction which ultimately leads to nothing or even a phony act at this time when now the Prince Jared has been found to have lied about meeting so many times with Russians post election. What was the ultimate purpose and reasoning behind this act? The situation is so confused and messed up, so full of mistrust and distrust that there is no clear answer. In any case, I do not think we should be going to war with the state where we are in this country and certainly not until this act is examined and clarified as needs to happen with the whole Russian business, for if not - sorry, no can trust this guy!!! Do not trust his motives. What a sorry state we are in. For shame!

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