Friday, April 28, 2017


    Just finished watching the finale of Grimm, an excellent six season show. The finale had a desperate situation getting worse and then was the worst until a sudden turnabout showed another possibility. And I found myself wishing that perhaps we should be living in a Grimm world, would be the better off for it.
     I do not understand why people are not standing outside screaming or pulling their hair out or overwhelming the phone lines as they demand that their representatives in Washington finally come to their senses, particularly the Republicans. They have gone beyond the pale in their blind insistence on cutting taxes and repealing health care. The latest outrage is a single page bullet filled proposal on "tax reform" which reforms it alright - right into the hands of the wealthiest, trillions of dollars right into their greedy, filthy hands and leaves the rest of us standing in the dirt, trying to figure out where and when things went so wrong that we find ourselves living in an American dictatorship for the wealthiest even as the rest of us are squeezed to death, literally, as there will be no money nor provisions for our needs so there ya go - the best tax reform ever ! Just kill off the sick and needy and there is more for the top! And I just cannot wait for some moron out there who voted for Trump to say, "Well, see, he is doing tax reform, just what he promised!" And please, do not forget the trillions, literally trillions, that will be added to the debt - this coming from a man who said he would get rid of the debt!
     So this man, this  dangerous amoral moron, this dangerous character who actually belongs in prison at the very least for being a sexual predator, never mind the additional crimes of violating the Emoluments Act and his conflicts of interest  and ethics as he engages in nepotism to the extreme and in violating every single line one can think of. In fact, just found a 'silver lining' in his dangerous behavior! Perhaps we will not have to worry about the whole tax and healthcare mess because as he states, "There is a chance that we could end up having a major, major conflict with North Korea,"  in an interview at the Oval Office. And China evidently agrees with the assessment. There ya go! No more worries as we descend into a nuclear winter and then why there comes another silver lining - perhaps then he will recognize that there is indeed climate change!
     This man who now states in that interview that he thought the job would be easier and he loved his former life - well, let him resign and go back to it before he brings the roof down on all our heads.
     Yesterday I wrote I was tired of all this, of the petty dictators in our lives and the ruination they have brought about. They have sucked the very breath of hope for the future right out of the air. They have indulged in every action that will lead to a more burdensome role for the middle and lower classes and have left the American dream in tatters as they chase down the immigrants and throw them out like so much garbage.
     So yes, I think I would prefer to live in the world of Grimm for as bad as it was, as strong as the evil became, as struggling as the Grimms and their allies were, they did manage to finally, at the last moment, turn the tide. But I am very much afraid that there will be no tide turning for us if this man and his henchmen and the clueless and worse, the evil and greedy, over there in Washington, the Republican Party which has forgotten its roots and its purposes, forgotten that they are to serve the People! and not themselves, if they all continue in place. Trump needs to go and all those who support him over there in DC need to go with him. At the very least we need to flood those phones and pour into the streets to make our point, to point our the desperateness and immediacy of the situation. If we do not , well, pick up the cookie and read the fortune. It ain't good!

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