Tuesday, April 25, 2017


     There is something within the heart, soul and mind of a dictator or would be dictator that appears to be universal for them. It is the apparent thinking, a magical kind of thinking just right for the emotional age of these people, that convinces them that they are immune to the vagaries of fate for they will make their own. They consider themselves immune to all rules and principles and make their own rules for their own 'bubbles' as they go it alone yet somehow the rules and the bubbles all seem alike.
     They ensconce themselves in a hideaway of choice, be it Hitler's series of preferred hideaways or Putin's palace or David Israel's back office. There it is that they are to be found for the most part, hiding from people and society ad living in that perennial aforementioned bubble. Thus they are out of touch with the people and thus are enormously surprised and affronted at the thought that the people do not like them nor want them as a leader. It is just such a dictator that has brought about the destruction of his own country, being Assad and Syria, and I wonder if he ever thinks that should he be victorious just exactly what will he be the ruler of? It will be a land that is rubble and a people that have vanished. And in fact, what will be the Village that David Israel will rule over? One that is bankrupt, with faulty infrastructure, with no remnant of democracy and an overwhelming financial hole and yet, he too calls himself the worthy president for life. I wonder whether these traits and beliefs they all have are inborn or learned or polished by the environment. It makes no difference for the evil  they do and the evil they leave behind them are still there and just that - evil.
     And please do not forget the would be dictator we have here in our country - Donald Trump, he of the orange hair and the overinflated ego and the weird faces and pouts. Of late he has been ranting and raving about his Wall, that wall which appears to be the one thing that we need to 'protect us' from the whole drug business. Do not believe me. Just go ask him and just check Twitter for his nonsensical statements. He has had a wonderful, just so wonderful first 100 days in which he has destroyed the future of us all. He has insured the pollution of our streams and waterways, the dumping of toxic materials and the ruination of our landscapes. He has pulled the safety rules for all of us, including the workers whom he claims to advocate for. And as for the 'swamp' - well, it is doing just fine as he brings in all the Fat Cats and as the lobbyists grow ever more powerful, ever more vocal and ever more greedy and grasping of money. In fact, the entire government of the United States has become a shill for the Trump family and a source of income for their businesses. In fact, the State Department waxed eloquent over Mar A Lago, Ivanka has become the go to girl for Angela Merkel who boasts about how smart that is and the two boys - well, they just love tramping around the globe as they bank on the name and the money of the taxpayers to keep them safe!!
     Yesterday, Trump made what appears to be a wonderful declaration about the Holocaust and yet, Sebastian Gorka, Trump's counter-terrorism adviser, and an open member and supporter of a neo Nazi far right Hungarian group, wore a medal from the Nazi linked group Vitezi Rend, making them "proud" and changed his name to include a v. to show his loyalty and faith in them and their beliefs. This is what one means when we say put your money where your mouth is. What he says is garbage if the actions belie those very words and so they do!!!
     This man is going to get us enmeshed in perhaps what will truly be the war to end all wars as it destroys the world, as the North Koreans, also led by a weird dude with a weird hairdo and a narcissistic personality, stages the largest artillery drill it has ever done - all this as a response to Trump's braggadocio and dangerous trigger finger. He says he is going to have the entire Senate over to the WH - a play date? - to tell them of North Korea and the situation. What the hell is he doing? There is not even a room large enough to hold this in and yet be secure. The Capitol is meant for that. But once again, he marches on to his own tune all to our detriment.
     If your thoughts have turned to the money issues, well, forget about budgets. Even should the two parties work out a temporary deal, he will not sign it unless someone sits on him and forces him to do so! Nope, for he is intent on that damn Wall and its funding and on sending all the "bad hombres" away. Such a deed was witnessed right here in the Lake Worth area as ICE swooped down on some poor guy who was on a phone , grabbed him, threw him against a wall, cuffed him, trashed his phone and off they went but not before the border policeman was asked why he is doing this and his response was that he was just doing his job. uh huh. Anyone hear the Horst Wessel song or the tramp of brown and black shirted people? Anyone hear the rules of law and order change into the rules of ORDER!!
     Nothing matters to these dictators and would be dictators other than improving their own power ratings, forcing their desires on the people and to hell with all and everything and everyone else. It matters not if it is a small would be one such as David Israel or to a powerful one such as Putin or to temporary and harmful warlords and other presidents for life such as are to be found in Africa to the detriment of the people of Africa and do not forget the devolving countries of South America and the harm that their own dictators have done to them, destroying prosperous countries, killing their own citizens but the dictator - doing just fine, thank you!
     People, action is needed. Go to Rubio's office this morning.
Tue, Apr 25, 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
  • 4580 PGA Blvd
    4580 PGA Blvd, Unit 201, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418
  • Bring your signs and your voices and demand to be heard. We deserve a Town Hall, we demand to be recognized and respected as his constituency. Join a great group of folks fighting for our basic freedoms and liberties. Write letters and call the representatives and have them know they will be voted out unless they serve the people and not themselves Send postcards, protest. Speak out. Do something!!
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