Sunday, April 2, 2017


     What a disaster! And where is the exit sign? How do we get out or off whatever we are on? I doubt there is one single person in the country who has the answer to that nor does it look like there is any one person coming to the rescue. So what then? Are we supposed to sit here and wait for the country to collapse around our ears, to exaggerate the difference even more between that 1% and the rest of us? And look where the representatives of that 1% are - right in every seat, official and unofficial, in the Trump administration. No wonder he said he was going to drain the swamp. He did - right into his administration!!
      If anyone else had done the things that Trump has done the electorate would have been up in arms. But here? What we get is give him a chance. Let him grow into the job. Really? Since when is that to be allowed, to make one egregious error after another and have excuses made for it. And when there is a crises of alarming proportions, be it of any stripe - economical, cyber warfare, terrorist attack, whatever - how will he react? Will he sit and tweet in the early morning hours his usual tweet - "sad, so sad. This is wrong. Very, very bad."
    When will he grow up - or is he even capable of growing up. I believe he is stuck in perpetual adolescence and a mean one at that. He is the bully boy, the one with no substance behind him or in him. He is the entitled rich kid who truly does not have his own brain, but borrows and borrows and one wonders if it will all collapse under its own weight. And yet, he keeps on benefitting from his Trump universe as do his daughter and son in law even as they take positions in the administration. What is even more interesting but devastating as we realize that this man is our ostensible leader is the reasoning by Mark Cuban as to why Trump could not be involved in leading this collusion with Russia. Damned by excuses. "No chance this is a DJT led conspiracy. He isn't detail oriented, organized or big picture enough to pull off any [type] of conspiracy. I think Putin recognized trumps greed and took advantage by back channeling coordinated misinformation in an attempt to influence voters. Trump had no idea this was happening. He was doing what he was told to do. Stick to the script and read what was written for him."  So - is he a traitor or a dummy, a dangerous one for us?
     Actually, soon there will be more people working in the West Wing than in the empty offices of the various departments of the government, empty of workers other than the spies Trump has sent in - echoes of fascism once more.
     Even more unimaginable is the thought and picture, the very real possibility that this sitting president will have to sit at other tables, the table of the one defending against numerous lawsuits. There are over 50 people suing him for various immigration disasters as family members were stranded. There are 75 people suing him  for various other reasons and then of course we still have the Trump University fiasco which is not yet truly settled. And finally, we have three protesters suing Trump for inciting violence upon them as he told the crowd to take em out!! And there were plenty of takers. And the business of government? I dunno!!
     As April Ryan wrote in her tweet after the nonsense with Spicer - "Lawd!" But I am not sure the Lord is hearing us or perhaps He is getting a good laugh at what is going on, almost as if when we watch a bunch of kids playing or puppies tumbling around, but this is just a tad more serious, is it not? So where do we go next?
     So what is on the horizon? Believe it or not there are familiar names arising - the Kennedy name and would that there were at least one or two of the caliber of their elders, not perfect, but certainly people who loved the country, who knew that country trumped Party every time when it came down to it, people who cared for the people, the poor, for civil rights. Just look at what we have now!

“That’s treasonous. That’s treasonous,” Kennedy said, citing the FBI’s investigation of possible connections between President Trump’s campaign and Russian efforts to influence the 2016 presidential election.
“If that happened, and if he touched any part of it, that’s treason. And I think you go to jail for treason,” said Kennedy, whose blue eyes, curly hair, and square face come directly from his father, the late Robert F. Kennedy" So at least one of them agrees with me and the charge of treason.
     And I must object to the sentence, "Well, he did ...... some good." Yeah, and Mussolini made the trains run on time and Hitler found every German a job! So Nikki Haley backs Israel and fights against the rampant anti Semitism and anti Israel sentiments there - but Trump could make a statement re Holocaust Remembrance Day leaving out the Jewish people! Spare me his "good".
     He goes from lifting women by their private parts and discussing them as objects for his sexual gratification to overseeing a women's empowerment panel, - can you just throw up - and then goes and signs a law taking away funding from Planned Parenthood, the premier health institution for women in the country. But not to worry, next weekend he will be back here playing golf in West Palm, the hypocrite, spending our funds again and the whole world is laughing!!
     His aides take bribes or fees if you wish, make contact with the enemy, do not know what they are supposed to do and in most cases want to destroy the very department they head and/or are  entangled with the very companies that they supervise now that the whole thing is a  mess. And a dangerous one as well.
     Hillary says - "resist, persist, insist, enlist" and so must we all. It is the responsibility of us all to do that if we are ever to get our country back.
     And it is our responsibility to do the same here in the Village. There is a constant cry for volunteers for UCO, for the paper, but when one goes to volunteer, if David does not like you or more importantly is afraid of you - it is a none starter. Time for him to go. Time to supervise his megalomaniacal dealings as well. And certainly the four verbs of Hillary are perfect for this situation as well. And certainly the last actions taken when Fred, the big dude, was fired - and he dies not days later!! Where is the compassion? Where is the recognition of the years he served in the office and as an usher? Where? There is no recognition of anything other than the vicious attitudes towards all.

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