In any case, according to this theory, there comes a time of The Burial Hour, a time when the host country is flooded beyond all expectations and the country tips into riot and revolution for it too has become a Land with No Hope. I posit that we in America have become a Land of No Hope and the question I have is if we have time before we reach the Burial Hour, before we totally lose all resemblance to America as it should be, as it was, as it was always becoming. And if that is not enough, even the smaller entities are becoming Places of NO Hope and for that take a look at CVWPB and the dictatorial and illegal reign of David Israel. I can just see him work with an occupying force for nothing and no one seems to matter except as how it affects his remaining in office. So, to details in both areas.
We have allowed a megalomaniac with severe emotional and mental issues to take over the highest office in the land, and perhaps the world. We have a man who is supposed to be president of all yet what do we have? A man who wishes to cut funding to historically black colleges under pretext. A man who appoints people to office in Health Services who wish to do the exact opposite and take them away We have appointees who believe that abortions cause cancer, that contraception does not work. We have people who believe it is far better to force women to carry to term, despite any and all reasons which point otherwise, including the fact that women have the innate right to control their own reproductive self.
We have haters in our ruling legislative houses. We have Congressmen who supposedly are there for the people but who say such things as "Nobody dies because they don't have access to health care." Or that healthcare is NOT a basic human right. Such care. Such concern. Spoken by a Congressman who has access to the best medical care in this country. Spoken by an ally of our ostensible leader who never should have been the leader at all if not for interference by Putin et al.
We have corruption on a large scale as to a one, every single appointee to the government has conflict of interest and not teeny ones either. There is a crassness to the government as the slogan seems to be 'business as usual' with the usual being to make money at all costs. So we have the crass attempts to capitalize on name and connections to an extent unseen since the presidencies of Grant and that of Harding. We have the truly crude and low class attempt of Ivanka to sell her book, a book which is not exactly great literature nor does it truly speak to those who need it. Do you really think that Ivanka had any trouble finding daycare for her children? Truly? What does she have in common with the waitress or the teacher or the nurse whose daycare is cobbled together or taking a huge chunk out of the budget? Truly!!! And then of course we have Jared's sister pandering to the Chinese so that they will buy in to their real estate project and do you really think that the connection to Jared and Trump are not the elephants in the room?! If you do, well, I have bridges and tunnels to sell you. Great discount! Terrific savings!!
And just to add a cherry to the top, a Texas wrinkle has just arisen. Now, in 2017, a Jew, a Muslim, a gay, a single or interfaith couple can be denied adoption. Gives one a warm and cuddly feeling. And do not think that people who pass these laws are far from you. Yet another proposed Secretary of the Army has had to back off due to his statements regarding gays and trangenders etc. Are there no normal and caring people out there or are they so scarce upon the ground that Trump has to appoint all these hate filled people and write Executive orders which are destroying our country, making it a land of no hope and quickly coming to the Burial Hour,from whence we will not be able to return.
Now for the local news. David Israel is dangerous to the health of the residents of CV. No, I do not mean medical health, but the health that should be their rights as Americans. He blatantly violates all rules that bother him or that would hinder him and his plans so we have people thrown off committees or never being allowed on in the first place. We have threats to committee chairs as to their fate should they try to buck him. We have blatant refusals of David Israel to hear sunggestions for new by laws, not even proppsals, just suggestions that need no petitions but these suggestions, if accepted and then worked on, would lessen his control, would be better for CVand worse for him so never they mind!!
We have a man who consistently pushed things not good for us such as DSL or now Atlantic, a company which stinks, to put it politely, at service, at what it offers us, at what it will demand from us. No On Demand unless one pays for Internet so they can get Tivo and then have On Demand. Complicated and highway robbery especially for those who have no need for Internet. We are offered Miami interest stations because that is where they started and we have no guarantee that they will be able to service us at the deadline time. So why is David pushing so hard? The questions arise and the fingers rub together. People are alleging things. It is time that we get rid of this man and turn out the crew in UCO who follow him along on a leash and who have no independent brains. We have a man who allows an illegal vote to take place on the Atlantic issue, a knowingly illegal issue wherein one vote at least was illegal and yet there is not even a recount or a count of the votes for Comcast. This man is a charlatan, an opponent of democracy, a danger to us all.
It is time for him to go. It is time for someone to step up and run against him next year or time for us to recall this dangerous man. Pray that we here in CV have not come to make our CV a Place of No Hope for its residents. Pray that we have not reached our Burial Hour though I must say it is perilously close if not already here.
We have no need of any Land of NO Hope and no Burial Hours. Time to stand up to all the despots and bigots of the world. Time to send letters and make phone calls to Brian Mast who says he voted for our healthcare -and really, does he think we believe that as he sold us down the river? Time to protest and time to raise voices. There is a Town Hall for Lois Frankel -
Where: Wellington Town Chambers, 12300 Forest Hill Blvd, Wellington
When: Monday, May 8, 7:00 pm
She is one of the good guys but let us let her know what to carry back to Washington and her fellow Congressmen. Politely, as she is a good one, but let the Congress know what they have done and what we will do in answer and response. 2018 comes up quickly.
Make us the Land of Hope once again. Turn away that encroaching Burial Hour.
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