Thursday, June 15, 2017


     There is much anger in this country. I have written time and time again of the explosive anger and yesterday warned of the impending implosion if the situation remains the same. And yesterday there was a first exposure of that anger as a senior citizen took shots at a group of congressional baseball players. He was afraid of Trump and his politics, afraid for loss of social programs and basically angry at the world at this point. Thank the Lord above that he had bad aim for it could have been worse and actually, some of the consequences are not good at all. Aside from the wounded, we are looking at potential disastrous results. First of all, we have the first shots fired in a war that until now has been mostly non violent, just overlaid with that burning anger, disappointment and fear. First shots often lead to more, especially if we do not pay attention, but I am afraid that the attention will be to try to attempt to tighten the reins and turn America into  that Amerika that many in DC would like. 
     Second of all, we have those who are now crowing that they will start carrying around their pistols and guns. This is not, at least now, a daily occurrence but the anger in Congress rises each day. Are we going to have congressmen shooting at each other as a result of that anger and gun carrying? And what will that bring about? A dissolution of that very same Congress? We already have the Koch brothers at work trying to organize an attempt to totally destroy the Constitution and replace it with a new one that would severely change our country. Long may that flag wave? Not by them it won't.
     And what is another bad consequence, what ensues from the behavior coming out of DC is the long shadow that it casts over the country. We have our own UCO where the president is desperately trying his best to emulate the dictatorial and insane policies of Trump. He pretends openness but does most after secret meetings of his immediate officers and his most trusted man behind the throne, 'Eddie" Black. He proclaims he is after the benefit for the Village, yet signs a contract in secrecy giving the excuse that he was 'concerned' over the crowd! Truly!! And we do not know whether those concerns we had about who will cover the huge cost of Comcast when Atlantic does not reach us in time? What will the channel set up be, for with a look at the contract signed, it appears that those who wish to watch in Spanish, or French or even Portuguese will be quite happy. Others? Well, tough on  us I guess. What about reviews, what about specifics that are truly pinned down as to how many will service the Village, how they will attempt to fix problems, will they keep us up to date on their progress in getting to our area? None of these are answered and who knows what is going on in Davidland and who benefits? Qui bono - who benefits is always the answer and it is certainly not the Villagers. Not at all.
     Maybe we should let the shadow get even longer, but this time in our favor. First, we will formally announce the promotion of Lanny Howe to the position of chief brownnoser to David and he can learn from Pence who is "blessed" to work for Trump, "privileged" at that! Second, we can get a lawyer like Mueller to investigate just what has gone on over there in the UCO building. Today it had been announced that Trump IS under investigation. Wow, I am so shocked - not!! Perhaps we need that lawyer over here to investigate all the breaches of David - fiduciary, politically in his running of meetings and anything and everything else. We need to prevent him from  passing his new documents wherein new bylaws will just about shut down the democracy that is still here in tattered remnants.
     Well, at least David Israel does not have the power to turn on a dime and curse out Qatar as a terrorist funding country and then sign a deal for $ 21 billion dollars arms deal with an immediate sale of $12 billion dollars worth of warplanes and other such lovely items. Think it would mean something extra special if we and our troops are bombed by our own drones and planes, shot with our own weapons? Oops, silly me, that is already happening to a degree! Nothing new under the sun, is there? ISIS is already adapting our drone technology and using it with a great deal of success, to the detriment of our armed forces.
     People, the time has come to stand up and be counted, both here and in the Village. Brian Mast poses as the friend of us even as he votes to dismantle the protections afforded us in the Dodd-Franks bill, so I guess he is not worrying about another 2008 meltdown and as David and his crew pretend to service the Village, neither in Washington nor in the Village are our elected and appointed officials serving us but are rather serving themselves. Not a good situation at all.
     It is discouraging to sit here and write most every morning and see the situation worsen rather than improve. Oh well, at least I can depend on Samantha Bee taking it all up in her own inimitable way and making me and millions of others laugh. Even the Australians can laugh at the imitation of Trump. Sad, is it not. We are the laughing stock of the world, even of our allies, we, who used to be the leader of the Free World, an example to others, a role model. Now what do we model? Nothing good. Bigly sad.

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