Friday, June 23, 2017


     I recently read a message for World Refugee Day that stated that people are 99.5% the same, the difference only .5%. I thought to myself, "Wow!! so what is the big deal then with skin color, ethnicity, place of origin, religion if that all amounts to .5% and that is assuming that genes play a role in all that. I believe that environment, nurture, plays a role in that and if were to get  a sudden taste of brilliance, a lightning bolt to our heads, we would realize that people are so much more the same than different.
     But people refuse to understand that and here are a few examples. David Israel thinks that he and his are different as he attempts to tar and feather any and all oppositional players in the Village, for to him, they are demons, out to get him. Well....perhaps that is true to an extent, (LOL) but actually we would find no problem working with him if he behaved as a reasonable human being Ahem! And I guess he gets all the road sign hints and directions from such as Trump, our ever so 'esteemed' leader. There are two excellent postings on the Century Village Messenger blogsite that present David's use of fear and threats, implied threats to the quality of lives of the Villagers, of the lies he tells and of the money he wastes to the tunes of millions of dollars. Read them, they are excellent.
     Trump has got to have the biggest nose ever and must have surgery on it every night to counterbalance the lies he tells. Or perhaps it is his pants on fire that must be doused every nite for those same lies. But what is worst of all are the attitudes he takes towards people who are different - and thank the Lord for that - and his contempt for them comes thru loud and clear.
     Here are several promises he made re the healthcare issue and here also are the results as we look at the ever so secret healthcare proposal the Senate Republicans wish to foist upon the American people. They are now calling it, you should excuse me and go barf if you wish, the Better Care Reconciliation Act. A more brazen lie is hard to find, unless we discuss tapes that are not! His base is going to be royally screwed and don't forget the announcement today that Carrier is moving 600 jobs - you know, the jobs he "saved" -all the way to Mexico. Build that wall! Tote that bale! You are all the poor anyway and he does not want you anywhere near him, certainly not in  his administration, just there out there in Iowa cheering your own ruin.
     Back to healthcare. Uh huh. It will lower deductibles he said. This bill will raise them. It will preserve Medicaid. Yup, tell that to the 50 wheelchair bound protesters arrested today as they heard about the cuts to Medicaid. But what the hell do they know - they are poor and elderly, a double whammy in Trump's book. His plan will totally replace Obamacare. Nope, some even more evil GOP members are saying it is too generous!! Really, I kid you not. Wonder what they give their kids for Christmas - the wrapping paper? It will guarantee insurance for everyone - not really with Medicaid being cut and coverage being limited.
     The plan will be great for women. Huh!? They are planning to cut ALL funds to Planned Parenthood so no breast exams, no physicals, no advice and help, no nothing! And no insurance policies will be funded at all if there is access to abortion coverage within that policy. So much for women's rights and respect for women. But then again, a man who paws at women and who thinks he is G-d's gift to them, what else can we expect.
     It will be a plan with heart. Truly, he said this even as this plan is being protested by all major medical associations for what it will not cover, for the heart it has lost. "much less expensive and better care" - truly, with Medicaid and funding cut, with less coverage, what a heart indeed - Trump's black heart and the heartless schemes of the GOP. It would take care of those with pre existing conditions even as it comes out with plans to gut pre existing coverage. It cannot be both ways, this talking out of two sides of the mouth at the same time. And finally," Republicans will come together and save the day." Well, they are arguing, thank G-d and long may they do so, but they are for sure not saving anyone except themselves as they give all those needy rich folks a massive tax cut via this bill. And watch all the hypocrites join hands at the end as they, the GOP senators, suddenly feel the kumbaya spirit and sell the voters down the river once more.
     And the lies and verbal dodgeball keep on coming. First he threatens Comey that he has tapes of the conversation in an attempt to intimidate him and now that he is being pushed to the wall for them, he weaseled out of it by saying he really does not know if there are tapes what with all the taping and surveillance going on but he does not have any. So....THE MAN LIED THROUGH HIS TEETH PLAYING CEO. But he is not CEO. He is the president and he is supposed to behave presidentially. And yet again we hear that he tried to pressure another person, Dan Coats, to say publicly that he, Trump, is not under investigation for collusion with the Russians.Way over his head and ability. You see, government does not work that way. His business was run into the grounds of bankruptcy and using other people's money and failing to pay his bills or proper taxes as he squirmed and twisted to get out of them. Government is different and he needs to learn that.
     But the best is the line of Stephen Colbert who is now in Russia for his show. He told Trump in a tweet not to worry, for "“If the ‘tapes’ exist, I’ll bring you back a copy!” Don't ya just love it!!!
     So we have to choose what we want to have as our government and we need to let these people know. WE are the people in the "of the people, by the people and for the people" statement. WE are the ones who will decide who gets elected. WE are the ones who might be needy, who might be poor, who might be in ill health, who might need food stamps, who might need help with jobs, or paying education bills, or help in being absorbed into the country, but WE are the people of the United States and Trump et all must realize that 99.5% we are all the same and who is not to say that his .5% of difference is severely damaged. Certainly not I.

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