Sunday, June 18, 2017


     In two days we will be hitting the fifth month anniversary of Trump's administration, but wait! Did I say administration? What administration? It seems that the only jobs that Trump can fill are those beginner jobs filled with younger folks who are looking to build their resumes, to getting a toe in the door, but as for the secondary and tertiary levels? Forget it! Just not happening.
     First it seemed as if the man could not make up his mind. Then actually many questioned whether in fact he actually had a mind!! Then it seemed to be that those nominated for the job could not get properly vetted and approved as there were too many issues, or they backtracked and turned the offers down as they would have to give up the chance for lobbying or divest themselves of their stocks, etc. Not quite sure why these lower levels were so stressed about that issue as their leader(s) seemed to have been able to keep their wealth in stocks and investments without a problem, particularly el Donald!
     In any case, Republicans who were offered jobs turned them down as they felt they were then too exposed to toxicity of proximity, or of being thrown under the bus, or of getting publicly reamed out like a child under the thumb of the schoolyard bully.
     The latest turndown of a job was by a Milwaukee County sheriff who decided he did not actually want the job in Homeland Security and this from a controversial man who had a person die of dehydration while in his custody. Lovely caliber of people we are looking at!!
     Potential appointees are worried about being tarred with the same brush of stupidity and  cupidity that has smeared Donald thru his own actions and statements. You see, no one is immune from the consequences of one's actions. Sometimes it takes a bit longer and sometimes it is immediate, but - the truth always comes out. Always. No one wants to be mixed up in this toxic atmosphere and so our government goes unstaffed and G-d forbid we have a dire emergency - who will be those that take care of it? Where will our administration be then as they cannot take care of the people that this administration is supposed to serve. And all the while poor Spicer suffers from delusions as he insists that people are just about banging down the door for a job. Uh huh.
     History is too often filled with those who thought they could get away with anything and yet history also shows us that these dictators were unhappy in their assumed roles and gave in to paranoia and murderous impulses From ancient times till today, there is not a dictator who has not done this and look at el Donald. If he thought he could get away with it, he would go for it, shred the Constitution and take all the reins of power in his hot little hands. The dictators are the ones he emulates as best he can and whom he praises to the sky. And why not, for they seem to return the "love". Look how Russia has seemed to safeguard his trademarks in their country. It just all smells to the heavens.
     He is involved up to his neck, red tie or not, in the shady dealings with and of Russia. He has refused to clarify his own holdings and wealth to the satisfaction of all, ignoring the standing tradition of all recent presidents of opening their books. But this man thinks he is above the law and fumes away on Twitter, accusing one and all, of 'hunting' him. How does he not see who is in his mirror looking back at him? And how does he not realize that no one but no one wishes to work with and for and in a toxic and dangerous environment where the boss does not give you his loyalty and in fact, will throw you under the bus without thinking anything of it.
     This same category of an administration that is truly not,  is to be found right here in the Village. Read the lists of the committees, check the names against the listing of all the committees and the officers and see the truth. This place is being run by six or seven officers plus another inner circle of ten people or so and I am being generous in that number Any other person will be blocked especially if one opposes the Lord and Master, David Israel, who emulates Trump to a tee. Then we will get the plaintive calls in The Rag to volunteer but no one wishes to unless they are willing to give up their independence, their very heart and soul.
     Secret dealings and meetings in both administrations. Health bills being concocted in secrecy. Contracts being signed in secrecy and notice that the problems that we raised in the DA were NOT addressed. For one, though we ostensibly have received funds for a project manager - where is that same person? Looking at resumes they say. Truly? I have  a private bet with someone as to who will fill that job. And as for the possibility of Atlantic not being ready at close of the Comcast contract and their ostensible VERBAL offer to pay up for us, that verbal never got translated into writing in the contract as David rushed to sign his name. What is in it for him that he rushed to sign while major areas of contention and of major importance to us were left dangling? What about our choice and surety of available channels. Why the hell would Atlantic now sign an amendment to the contract, now that they have us exactly where they want us. So is this why suddenly  David was oh so worried that there would be too many people in the room during signing so he had it done in secret and announced it later.
     Two administrations that need to go. Here in the Village we need to get that one resident owner one vote passed and enacted. Snow birds are to be included in that but as for renters - uh uh. There has to be some degree of ownership, of a stake for a person, if one is to vote. Too easy for renters to up and leave. The question of snowflakes would need to be decided but personally, if a person owns and comes down and does not rent to another - then voting privileges should be  allowed and one to a person, not multiple votes for multiple units. Resident! We need to use tamper proof on line voting and no, I think we are safe from the Russians so we can do this online.
     The lies and the chicanery that go on in both substandard administrations are awful to contemplate. Both need to go. Impeachment? Voting out at the proper time? Non violent implosion? Choose a way but choose quickly for the future is not too bright with these invisible administrations and these naked emperors. Then perhaps we can go back to a normal situation and then maybe  almost every book and every movie and TV show will not have to have a pejorative statement re el Donald! I understand why and I truly feel the same way but I wonder - how the hell did we allow this man in office and in fact, how the hell did we allow David Israel to stick around and pull his shticks, much to our detriment.
     The administrations that are not. Just lovely!!

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