Wednesday, July 26, 2017


     Yesterday just totally sucked. First thing this morning when I looked out my window the lake was absolutely DISGUSTING!!! In addition to the ugly mess that sprawls over the entire lake, much of it is coming to my shoreline due to the current and the direction of the air or breeze. I do not give a good goddamn about grass carp chowing down. There aren't enough in the world to chow down on this lake, never mind the rest of the waterways here. Put them in, by all means, though I have not seen a sign of any dumping of them into the lake. But never mind that - get out there and gather it in, pull it into huge bags or whatever, but get it gone, at least to manageable size, just enough for those fishies. And why is it that in driving past all the lakes and waterways here in West Palm and into other developments I see nothing at all of this disgusting stuff. Why here? Why us?
     Why here. Because evidently UCO and WPRF are doing something wrong. They are lackadaisical in fulfilling their responsibilities towards the Village, in keeping up its appearances and I do not care how closely they clip those hedges - all it takes is one look at the lakes and bye bye buyer! David could care less as he never looks out on a lake, not from his apt, and not from his office where he holes up three quarters of the time, but you know, there are others here who do!
     He found time and money to pretty up the UCO building and grounds, the landscaping and actually, who gave a damn about that, one tree or another. There are far more important things than the UCO building and that is the way this Village has been conducted and led for the past eight years. And so it will continue if the no baller no brainer remains in charge along with his soulmates.
     This no balls no brain syndrome apparently is quite contagious as it seems to affect so many of the politicians of the day. The first sign is when it is obvious that they could care about their constituents. Never mine they do not want repeal of the ACA. Never mind that they finally have health care. Never mind that repeal and the misnomered Better Care Reconciliation Act will just about kill the seniors, kill those with pre existing conditions, and destroy just about anyone who is not wealthy. Good for the wealthy and bad for the poor seems to be the motto of this administration. Never mind that they are all rummaging around for their courage as they run scared and squeaking from one of the worst, no, THE worst president ever, the one who screams foul at every spare moment, who cries that he is picked upon, that he will pick up his marbles and go home - and I so do wish he would.
     So Caine came back today to vote and out of honoring his request to allow debate on this horrific health plan, everyone wimped out except for the two courageous women, Murkowski and Collins. Capito wimped. Portman wimped and good luck to them when their constituents see them again. Perhaps we should add in an amendment that all these Senators now have to join in the party and get their healthcare like every other American and  not thru their favored system. Think anyone else other than a Senator would have gotten such quick health care at a famous hospital? Not on your life! When Ted Kennedy had the same tumor and received care, he came back to urge the improvement of care for the average American. Caine simply added more mud to the water without gaining a thing.
     The rampant inequality in American society is growing apace and bodes not good for our country. And when one adds in morons to the fray, such as Scaramucci who threatens that he is going to fire everyone!, who basically gave notice to Priebus that he is in a bad corner, who has joined the stabbers in the back of Sessions - again, no sympathy there, but the behavior!
     We have Kushner who denies collusion. Yup, and Nixon spoke well in his Checkers speech too, correct. He too denied misdeeds and misdoings and so did Bill Clinton. The more they deny, the harder they deny - the stinkier it gets.
     And of course we have the oh so mature President who gets into it with a model, Chrissy Teigen, who does not like him at all, even states she hates him and I so do feel that, but poor Trumpie cannot take it so here is the exchange today. What a woose he is! Wonder if he called Putin for courage and directions. So Donald posts his usual whine - It's very sad that Republicans, even some that were carried over the line on my back, do very little to protect their President. 
And Chrissy responds Lolllllll no one likes you and off she goes -"@Real Donald Trump blocked you." And so she joins many other good and talented people such as Stephen King in being blocked. Hey, just like me and several others from David's site~!
     Wonder if it even pays to follow his tweets; they are that moronic and infantile. Senator Collins is "worried" about him and his administration and Senator Reed actually called him "crazy" and not in the goofy sense of that word either.  Even Coulter now calls him Captain Queeg!! And our oh so wonderful friend of the working man is now dismantling and limiting the overtime bill, cutting their income. Such a friend one does not need. Pay attention, working class, close attention.
     No balls no brains syndrome. Bad wherever it affects people. Signals even worse to come if people do not wake up and do something, speak out, speak up, protest, demonstrate, whatever. I am still very fearful that if something does not give here that the protests and the differences will be far more forceful than up till now. The splits are that deep and divisive.

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