Sunday, July 23, 2017


     First the smaller, though more visible mess we have - the mess in the Village. From beautiful pristine lakes when we bought in 1998 we have now deteriorated to weed clogged and grossly invader overwhelmed waterways. We have been fed excuse after excuse, the latest one being that we would introduce grass eating carp who would chow down on the latest and truly ugliest infestation. Maybe. But we will need a world's supply of these fish if they are to do their job since I am told by the same source that the entire system here is infected and infested. Fish be damned! Sure, buy them and put them in their new home, but along with that we need cleanup, physical cleanup. And the rain does not break these things up either. The mess in my lake is even worse after the big rain we had so what gives?
     There are probably larger and more "important" issues here such as financial stability or lack thereof, poor planning, messing around with the press, blocking assembly, secret plans, lack of forethought and honesty, private wishes and we can go on, but this issue, the lakes and canals is the most visible as one walks thru the Village. It must be addressed if we are to be presented as an attractive choice for retirees and pre retirees to purchase here. And by the way, I am disappointed with much of the theater offerings for this upcoming season. The past two years have been much better. Where is Bravo Amici? Where are some of the gotcha! headliners? I have nothing against new acts and buy many tickets both here and around the area but many of the ones I buy here this year are going to be reluctant ones and 'may as well , it's Saturday nite, so why not?'
     And now for the bigger mess that we are stuck in at present, us here in America and all the rest of the world out there as well. We have somehow lost control of events. We have lost control or worse, lost the existence of  civility, discourse, compromise, compassion, all the positive things that make the world a good place in which to live. We have teenagers filming the drowning of a man, helpless, who screams for help; we have people sending death threats over social media to anyone with whom they disagree, and we have grownups who are supposed to be running this world instead spending their time sending out tweets as if they were adolescents rather than adults who know that issues must be spoken of and about at length. Discourse is the answer, not slogans.
     Along the top of New York County's courthouse is this: "True Administration of Justice is the Firmest Pillar of Good Government." Actually, the original word as written in Washington's letter was DUE, not true.
     And actually, it does not matter for what has become inculcated into our system of beliefs is that all are entitled to a fair and impartial justice, that justice is not be suborned by any other interests other that justice and it should be both due and true. And yes, this principle has been violated in the years of our history, but it can be stated with pride that we have tried to improve and managed that and certainly the Department of Justice has been allowed to be  a sacred cow, with it being allowed to stand independent of politics and politicians other than the unfortunate events of biased picks for the federal judgeships such as we have been witnessing of late. And yet, Trump demands disloyalty  to that and loyalty to him above justice.
      Instead of praise for the courageous people who speak out, we have an off balance man screaming "leaks" "Fake News" all in the attempt to hide misdeeds and misdoings and certainly violating a prime principle of life and rights here in America - the right to free press. ".....fearless, muckraking journalism is a lynchpin of our democracy. It has been for our entire history," and has been written into our Constitution, so why now the strong armed attempts to deny that freedom - in the country, in the world and right here in the Village.
     Jeb Bush had the courage to stand up and speak to fellow Republicans and take to task those who do not stand up to Trump and his misdeeds. He calls out the lack of civility that now impacts on everything. He reminds his Party how they were so willing to go baying after Obama but now ignore the whole Russia collusion mess that we now have and why - because it is Trump driven and involved.
     We have a new Communications head in the White House and it is the same thing, deja vu. We have him going overboard - 20 times overboard, how he loves everyone, loves Trump, most indeedy does he and nausea is abounding. He praises Breitbart, that cesspool of bigotry and hate, that most unAmerican entity and is going about deleting his tweets that disagreed with Trump and stated prior to his new position. Hypocrisy to the nth degree!!
     We have a crook or incompetent or mentally ill or choose your words or any combination thereof as President and all he can tweet about now is his power of pardon and how he is being picked on. Never mind trying to explain or apologize for betraying his position and the American people. Nope, for what he needs to do is pardon all his family and friends - and himself - and wonder if that can be a new slogan for the phone company and their family and friends advertisement! But oh yes, do not forget the other nine things he tweeted about in a manic rush early in the AM on Saturday. Weirdo!!
     Kislyak is returning to Russia, all the better to hide from American inquiry, the country can be facing disaster and even deeper division as truths come out, are revealed and as people choose to ignore that truth. And the Democrats worry even as Trump's popularity falls to 36%!!!! that they are thought of as being against Trump rather than for something. Yes, that is a problem they must address, but frankly, I would vote for a donkey over Trump at this point and we would be better off for it. At least his brays would be honest ones!!
     Finally, I have been searching for something, anything, that would explain the blindness, the obtuseness of otherwise intelligent people who continue to defend Trump, to try to explain away his misdeeds, his sins and yes, even his alleged crimes and treason. And I found it. It is called Trump Derangement Syndrome. As Trump's lies grow on and on, as truth seems to fall further below, as he lies thru his teeth and as these are picked up and castigated, proven untrue, as the lies grow and grow in direct proportion to the fire in his pants and the length of his nose, his supporters find they cannot defend these lies, cannot make believe they do not exist, so what to do? They spend less time defending him than on picking on his detractors, thus changing the focus. It is they who are unhinged, hysterical, unfair, overwrought and not giving Trump his "chance" - though frankly I am wondering just how long this chance is supposed to be!!
     So even as the truths about leaks comes forward - that Trump is the biggest leaker to Russians, that the leaks are actually whistleblowing, that the man is truly nuts and unable to fulfill the requirements of his position, that his ethics are non existent, that his conflicts of interest are rampant and beyond control or deniability, even as that goes on, these people maintain that we are "unfair" to Trump, that we have never been fair to him. Trump Derangement Syndrome - those against and those for. Well, sorry, folks, the pro Trump is the side that is deranged even as they defend one of the most deranged people ever to take office. They have fallen into this syndrome in a most 'bigly' way and only they can pull themselves out. When they recognize the nudity of their hero, his derangement, they will hopefully come to their senses and acknowledge the lies, the constant lies.
     Lies - here we go again or rather there they go. I hate lies and I hate liars. They are anathema to my heart and mind. And those that enable others to lie, well..... they need to dig deep and look inside and see what they truly are and what they truly value. They might wish that Trump were the coming of the messiah but he truly is not and more probably weighs in deeper on the other side!!!!
    As the title states - what a mess!!

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