Tuesday, August 15, 2017


     There is an amazing parallelism between the two presidents that most concern me, David Israel and Donald Trump. Certainly Trump can cause and has caused much more trouble in the universal and national sphere, but David Israel walks in the same path of hate and contempt for those who do not play his follow the leader game.
     Charlottesville. A disaster, but perhaps a wake up call. Even rightists on the extreme end of the spectrum condemned it and condemned that lazy ass president who could not be bothered to tweet. He who tweets at the drop of a hat could find neither the time nor the energy nor the interest nor the desire to combat hate in its worst instance. It took the fingers of the world pointing at him, the voices of the world calling him out for him to finally produce an add on paragraph after he finished boasting once again of his supposed accomplishments - right over the dead body of Heather Heyer and the two officers.
     Hate. Hatred. "I always knew that deep down in every human heart, there is mercy and generosity. No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite." So tweeted Obama using the words of Mandela and the similar sentiment expressed before that in the song from South Pacific.
     So it would seem that at such a time we would be careful about encouraging hatred and nastiness towards others, particularly those who disagree with us. Well, evidently David Israel does not learn from events. Granted, the Broadband Committee met on August 9, before the events at Charlottesville, but the atmosphere was already dense with hatred. The explosion was coming. But this was a disgusting meeting. David and Joy Vestal, another one way past her sell by date, engaged in a little repartee re "about 10" who would oppose a suggestion of David's. Truly!? Gee, I wonder who they were? There was no need or place for that statement made to a meeting and on tape. Hmmmm.
     In any case, at one point David Israel compared Ed Grossman's attempt to show David the paper with the facts to McCarthy holding up a paper with the names of supposed communists. Really? Truly? He called the "defiance" terrorism!! His next step in this festival of love was to compare opponents of his plan to go forward to the  opponents  of King John, the "barons who ran around demanding this and that". He was referring to the barons of England of the 1200's, 13th century, who finally turned against the King, John, who was categorically insane, cruel, demanded slavish adoration and professions of love, and who refused to consult with the barons and very causally threw people under the bus by cutting them off, cutting their heads off, starving their wives and children in oubliettes, and other lovely acts. This rebellion led to the signing of the Magna Carta, the first step to democracy, the first step to separate church and state, the first step to demand input that the ruler take seriously.
     So while David is an idiot for his comparisons, an egomaniac like King John, and Trump treads heavily on this same path, while we have King John redux, we must stand firm, demand that our voices are heard and demand that some people actually stand down. Wouldn't that be loverly!!
     But in the meanwhile we have selfish and incompetent leaders charging ahead. And to meet these charges we have thousands in NYC crying out , "Shame, shame! NYC hates you!" Well, so do quite a few people elsewhere. The WH was picketed for two days in a row. His supposed Trump country is developing larger and larger, louder groups against him. And here in the Village we are fighting too. We will speak up. We will demand answers. We will fight against poor contracts with terrible outcomes for us. We will fight against the wasting of our funds, the casual attitude towards our needs and opinions and indeed, watch the video and see and hear the contempt with which the usual suspects talk of the residents of the Village.
     So more CEO's resign from the business advisory council and even a GOP strategist calls it out. "He's not only unfit to be president," she said on CNN. "In my book, his lack of leadership, his lack of empathy, his lack of courage - he's unfit to be human."
     And all we get from him is another whining tweet how the 'fake' media do not like his tweets and statements and calls them very bad people. Not the far right, not the supremacists, not the bigots and the sexists - nope, the media. And in the meanwhile, the far right, encouraged by his lack or reaction, plan more events, more trouble, more outright hatred. They admit they will fight in the streets and my warnings of war in the streets of America are haunting me.
     But as long as we have a bigot, a sexist, an egomaniac demented man who is incapable and unworthy of being president, as long as that is the situation we are in trouble. There are steps to remove a sitting President - let us tread upon those steps with action and determination.
     And as for his twin little ruler brother here in the Village - we need to fight against him as well, defy him and his hatred and his plans for the Village. A building which in its current state is and will be short of parking places so no permit there. A building where a second floor will certainly be short of spaces so no permit there. So suggestions. Oh yeah! Put all the boxes for Atlantic in the first floor of the Clubhouse - that will show the residents for their defiance!!! Take up the parking places in the parking lot. That will show them too! Oh, build a three story parking garage in the lot, blocking the view of residents and never mind the cost. Atlantic must have its place. After all, David signed that in the contract - a clause which was not in the contract approved by the residents!!. The ugly suggestions and the ugliness of tone and attitude just kept flowing along. Just kick David out and let them use his office!! Safer for us in the long run.
     David Israel. Donald Trump. King John. Symptoms and models of government gone astray.

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