Thursday, September 28, 2017


    These are two favorite words of Trump and indeed any one person who is trying to pull a fast one. Why should one just "believe" without proof, without background, without any reasonable backup particularly when the opposite is true.
     What if there were a man who constantly changes a story, erase, or tries to erase his past actions and statements and then always uses the term "believe me"? Well, we have such a man sitting in that Oval Office and he is most emphatically NOT to be believed. Even more so when we find that he is ignorant of much, cannot spell to save his life and has not a clue as to the structure of the English language.
      There was an election in Alabama, one with not really much choice between them, (so hopefully the Democrat will win when it counts), but Trump chose to throw his weight and that of Pence behind Strange. Oops, he lost and then suddenly there was more room on Twitter for Trump began to erase his tweets supporting Strange. This is not the first time he has done this and by the way, as President he is not to erase anything for it is all to be preserved. Hmmm. Trump not listening. Wow! Shock!
     He tried to erase his statements re Charlottesville but could not and when he tells people that believe me, I am not a racist, well, start unbelieving. And the same goes very definitely with his latest tweet re taxes and his proposed "tax cut". DO NOT BELIEVE.
     This proposed reform, to use an incorrect term, would be a boon for the wealthy, those of his class, those in the truly wealthy group. For the lowest tax rate, well, prepare for a raise of 2% from 10 to 12%, in a category where every dollar means a great deal. But for those in Trump's group, why worry your silly heads not at all. “The wealthy get a tax cut,” ... “They will pay only 35 percent on their income taxes (down from 39.6 percent). At the moment, this rate applies to any income above about $418,000.” If you make $500,000, in other words, you’ll save about $25,000 a year in taxes. What’s more, business gets a significant cut, which obviously benefits Trump through the Trump Organization (which still puts money in his pocket).
    And remember that even as Trump saves a great deal here, he will also save more when he is dead and there is no more estate tax on these sizeable ones. This affects only the wealthy beyond imagination - a great deal - so again, believe me - never! And as for the people who have struggled and are now making upper middle class money in a state with taxes, in a city with taxes, well, forget those deductions. Better you should have money in foreign banks, less taxable!
     Why should we believe a man who has never disclosed his tax returns, contrary to all custom. Why should we believe a man who tells lies all the time. Why should we believe a man who does not recognize others as equal to him (and probably better at that!). Here is a heart felt statement about what the take a knee is all about.
"I would like to challenge every American watching this show to treat people better... It's about treating people like human beings. That's the first step. ....
"There's no way that a woman should feel less human than a man. There's no way that a black person should feel less human than a white man. Everybody should be seen equal, and until that happens and everybody sees what we're fighting for, it's the truth and the reality of what we want ..."

     So whom to believe? A person and a movement that states the above or a man who lies about his taxes all the time, a man who tells us nothing about how he plans to make up the growing deficit if these plans came to fruition, a man who lies about the votes for his awful  'deathcare' program, a man who lies about everything, including the fact that his own staff and family used private devices and emails to handle governmental work, a man whose search for 'fraud' in elections has uncovered that his son in law is registered as a woman. 
    This is a man whose rulings about immigrants and refugees has basically hung a sign outside our borders that says to go away, not wanted, America is not what it once was - much to our detriment. And what do we say about a policy and behavior with ICE that targets pregnant women, locks them up in increasing numbers even as they were not supposed to do this, as they treat miscarrying women with great heartlessness.
     Michelle Obama says that women who voted for Trump voted against their own voice. I truly believe that is true and cannot understand how we can lock up Wiener, a creep, who never touched anyone and let a self admitted and boastful sexual predator and molester to remain as President of the country. How? Why? What does that say about us? And what do we do about the Facebook and now Twitter ads and statements put there by the Russians to help Trump and to stir up trouble within our borders? Look for help where? With the same man and administration who benefitted from all this?
     Believe me, we are in trouble and when I say believe me, believe me!! Very sad situation. Very dangerous situation. Bigly sad!!

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