Friday, September 1, 2017


     Dog eat dog world. Every man for himself. We have all heard those sayings and even have seen them in action. Yes, one can be forgiven in trying to push onto that last truck out, or getting out the door in  a fire, as miserable as that seems, but, and a great big but, when have we turned into a land of people who eat others for breakfast, who forget that others are people too? It seems that we have suddenly burst out into tribes, and this tribal mentality is dangerous and lacking in humanity.
     First we went after the illegal immigrants and there is some justification there if done properly. Preferably, immigration should be legal but if we are honest, we know that it is not always so and circumstances make it so. So we have those running away from fighting in native countries, from famine, from gang warfare, from subjugation because of gender or religion or orientation, and from plain old grabs for power that have gone ballistic.
     If these illegals are guilty of crimes and by that I mean violent and/or major crimes, then by all means, deport them. However, being guilty of driving without a license because they cannot get one, or a taillight or one of these minor issues and the person is a productive member of society, with family, with a job, with a home, then what are we doing? Why are we throwing out contributing members of society?
     And among those 'illegals' are the children, brought here as minors, some as tiny babies or toddlers, children of 7 and 12, coming with their parents, and they know no other country. All they know is America and they have the same dreams as legal children - school, job, a good and productive life. They are not, as Trump would have you believe, a bunch of crime ridden people so why now do we have the threat that Trump is going to cancel DACA. It is bad enough what else is going on, but this? And why, to show his ultra conservatives that he is still one of them?
     Why have raids in the middle of so many disasters in the country, with hurricanes and floods and more on the way? Is this what we have come to, a police state that flourishes no matter the times and the events? When Germany was losing the  war, at the very end, when military wisdom said use trucks and fuel and trains for the military, Hitler was insanely stuffing Jews and Gypsies ad other 'criminals' in those very vehicles, using that very same fuel in a mad race to annihilate them. Is that what we are doing in a lesser, though similar vein of thought? What else are we to think when we hear that Clarke, the bigot, the alleged murderer of babies in his jails, is resigning preparatory to taking a job in the Trump administration? Sickening.
     Why do we hear of taxes being cut, huge and major cuts but for whom? For the corporations that already are sitting on $2 trillion dollars and they certainly are not spending that on new jobs are they? Why are we looking for other ways to make up that loss of income, looking for it in the pay of the working class and middle class, threatening to tax their 401 accounts. Why do we hear now that Trump is going to balance the budget on the backs of civil service workers and cut a slated pay increase? Why is he after deductions such as real estate when often this is the only deduction the person has to try to alleviate one's tax burden? Why is he and his trying to kick those who already are down?
     Overtime pay, medical care, positions filled so questions can be answered and needs filled , all that and more is what we now have or do not have in a once upon a time government FOR the people. The swamp critters have moved in whole hog into the administration and humanity has gone out the door.
     That same lack of humanity is seen in other areas as well. We have the riots, the threats to kill those with whom one disagrees, we have minorities bodily threatened, existential threats, and we have clear disregard for those in the electorate. Even here in CV we have David Israel trying to push thru measures and contracts that are emphatically not good for the electorate. He does so with full contempt for their intelligence as he feels he is always able to put one over on them. Todays' vote for the swap is just one example of it even as he disregards the vote of the delegates in the previous assembly to table it for a few months, until we have more delegates return.
     But no, again he tries to cheat the villagers. Again Trump and crew try to destroy the values of America. Again we forget the people. Again we forget and forgo our humanity. Where has it gone and when has it turned so bad? It is frightening and bodes no good for the future. Time to make a firm stand. Time even to go out and do more than just stand there impotently as we are beaten down. Time to be forceful in our rejection of this lack of humanity. What and how? That is up to the people. But there are legal ways to do this. There are legal ways to gather and make our voices heard. There are legal ways in which we can raise our voices and wield our power. We just have to make use of them. POWER TO THE PEOPLE - AGAIN!

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