Tuesday, September 26, 2017


     A man threatens that a country will not be around much longer. He insults the leader of that country, a man who is just as mentally unbalanced as he is. And when that country responds in kind, he tries to back out and deny. Well, sorry, too late for that.
    I nearly had a heart attack when I opened my phone to headlines and read that North Korea bombed and sank the USS Vinson and then shot down bomber plans and military jets. His representative in NY confirmed this and added that it was fine to do this as the USA in the person of that mouth of the President announced it.
     I heard it. You heard it. The world heard it and was horrified. When I read that headline, before I frantically opened to the story I was shouting, "Oh no! Oh no! He did it!" And now I wonder if we will wake up to nuclear ash or the news that South Korea, Japan and Hawaii were nuked and we are responding in kind. That it will not be a video this time.This, in fact, is what the whole world is worrying about. Will we even wake up and will we want to??
     And even should we avoid that crisis for a bit, look what is happening in our own country. All one has to do was listen to the discussion group of regular citizens on 60 Minutes last night and hear their own words. Fear of a nuclear war. Fear of losing healthcare and her life is over. Contempt over his tweets - and that even from his supporters. And one voiced my worry that I have previously voiced and there it was and there it was again in op - eds in papers. What? The fear of civil war, fighting in the streets, guns and battles, death among us and for what? All because this man who should never have been elected cannot control himself, has no brakes?
     His every word is a sign to haters, to supremacists, to racists. Charles Blow called him a cretin today and yes, he is, but also there is that cunningness within him as he uses anything and everything to distract. From what? From the growing concern over thousands of ads in Facebook all aimed to change an election? From the growing evidence that the Russians interfered with the campaign and had close contacts with the Trump campaign and who knows how high it went?! From his greed and lack of morals? From his violations of ethics? From the truth that he is not a valid president?
     And do not forget the disgusting mouth he opened about the football players. I know next to nothing about this sport, have always detested it due to its violence and never really had any thoughts about the players until all this information about the devastating damage to their brains came out. But they were American - always - and as such had the right to speak out about whatever they wished, as long as there was no violence incited or hate speech involved. So they protested about the racial hatred growing in the country. So they protested about Trump and his lack of confrontation with racists and in fact, did the opposite by praising them, by encouraging them, by using them as his deluded base.
     So these players knelt or held hands or refused to come out at the singing of the anthem, the song of a country which did not always do well by their brothers in color - and yes, even with the Jews and just read the Moment magazine this week about that - and Trump, the original SOB himself, castigates football for not being as violent as it once was, as it should be - the jerk! and then calls them out, to be fired, to be debased, to be denied their rights for this. They are not automatons and have rights the same as all Americans whether Trump likes it or not.
    Mnuchin told people to shut their mouths! What a moron. Does he think that this same president who did not condemn those shouting about blood and soil, carrying Nazi flags and shouting how Jews will not replace them, did he forget this? Did he forget that hatred spreads and no one is immune? Does he value his connection with the Oval Office so much he will sell his soul - and who knows, when push comes to shove, his body goes along with it.
     The movement continued to grow as people from other areas joined in, despite Trump's continued screeching on Twitter. He should invest his energy in a better way by devising faster ways to help Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Oh yes, and perhaps we need to find a large jail cell for all those in his administration who used private emails for official business. "Lock them up!" Bannon, Priebus, Ivanka, Jared, Gary Cohn, Steven Miller - lock 'em up! Right Donald?
     Will there be a civil war? A 97 year old veteran of WWII took a knee to show he sides with the players and their rights but Trump who had 'fallen arches' so could not fight - he has the audacity to call these players cowards, some of whom did serve in a war where we have no place being any more?!
     This man is calling down violence upon the whole nation. Civil War redux? Dear Lord, I hope not but it all falls upon his shoulders and his stupid mouth and careless brain.

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