Sunday, October 1, 2017


     Self praise means nothing in the long and short run of things and it is amazing how much praise certain people can heap upon themselves even as their supposed efforts fall thru cracks in walls, floors, and ceilings.
     Let's go locally for the outset. David Israel, in the new Rag, pats himself on the back for deeds accomplished, or so he says. He continues to lie about things  thinking no one notices and when people do notice, he calls them names - getting old, that tactic, Davey. No one planned to walk out of the DA so there was no failure there. What did happen is that after opinions were given, during which David, as usual, kept talking, a vote was taken and by four votes - for it had to pass by 76 votes and it was 79 - the motion passed and then, disgusted by it all, most people just got up and walked out. Truth, Mr. Israel, truth. And recognition of the fact that these few people decided on a huge issue for 15,000 people. Your typical tactic.
     At the introductory sessions for the clicker, it was promised that the first few votes would be with clicker and ballot. Never happened!! And then David makes fun of these people right there in the DA and I happen  to know one of them, a lovely elderly lady, who was not sure, so she kept to the ballot for this first vote. You are a nasty individual and do not care who you insult, do you? Does it make you feel big? Just like Donald!
     Then of course, we have the Rag, your private promotional media, in which you boast of the hurricane effort here in CV and one way you did that was to take to "task" those who said, gasp - that it was not perfect and needed lots of tweeking. So you say all these people were out of state. Wrong!! And even if they were, perhaps there was a reason for that outside the hurricane, and people still did not get what they needed even as you boast of CERT. Yes, volunteers did the best they could but the fact is that people do not volunteer much because they hate you and cannot wait till you are out of office- by whatever means  and oh, a minor detail. you say volunteer - and then you deny those efforts to volunteer so there ya go again - more lies, more lies and yet more lies.
     Okay, 'nuff with you now, little man and on to the bigger problem of this country - its President, one who is struggling mightily to be a president or at least one in his own image. Just think of what this man has done or not thru the months of his administration. First of all, it is difficult to keep track of who is in and who is out as they quit, get fired, get caught in major no-nos, shoot their mouths off, try to cheat the taxpayers as billionaires use our money to pay for their private trips but that is not all. In this great job, Donny, you have millions of people bereft of help and he and the Governor can lie thru their teeth - the needed help is not there. The necessary people are not there. And the cities and villages and small settlements in the mountains are foodless, waterless, powerless, gasless, roadless even as he pats himself on the back. I personally know of several families, relatives of a friend, who have not yet been heard from or received nothing, have lost their homes and no, silly people, they are not paying attention to the inane and insane tweeting of this idiot - they have no power so to whom is he talking, fool!!
     There are desperate people out there in Puerto Rico and in the US Virgin Islands and he is tweeting about football, deciding what people can or cannot do, encouraging or bemoaning the loss of violence in the game. Guess he played too much as a kid and the results are quite telling with him! How about he gets a brain MRI or a PET scan so we know the truth?
     Guess that will have to take place right after he releases his tax returns. Oops, that is never going to happen. So condemn racism wherever it shows up and rears its ugly head? Nope, be it Charlottesville or Sweden where they marched purposely on Yom Kippur, there is nothing worthwhile out of his mouth.
    And Donald continues as the requests to spy on more Americans increase to the provider companies, the Russian investigation is ongoing and turning up frightening things, so much alleged incidents of collusion, so many incidents of swamp behavior among the administration people, so much negligence, so much nastiness planned and pushed, and there go the tweets on football again even as Brennan, the ex CIA director says that it is fine and the take a knee movement is simply trying to push for unity and justice, even as Donald keeps pushing the other way.
     No wonder people cannot sleep at  night! No wonder so many people are wondering where their brains were in November and are regretting their vote for Trump. And I still wonder if he is a validly elected President and so are many others, more and more every day. And even if he were, what about his mental status. SNL in a hilarious spoof semi joked of his brain deterioration but I do not think it is a joke!! In the meanwhile we have to deal with his tax plan for the wealthy, his insane yelling at foreign individuals, stop his incessant use of "rocket' terminology in discussions, his lack of care for the everyman can be seen in his attempt to push his deathcare on the country and the list keeps growing. A generous man is our Donald! Pay attention to his huge misdeeds and watch out for his deflectors. Deflection does not erase his huge errors and incapacity in the job. Good job, Donald? Not on your life!

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