Tuesday, October 24, 2017


     Are you scratching your head now, wondering if I have lost it? Well, no, I have not, but someone else has. Guess who? Yup - him. Again.
     Speaking with Fox Business Channel's Maria Bartiromo over the weekend, Trump definitely lost it - not that he ever had found it!! It was a very softball interview, with the interviewer constantly trying to get Trump back on track but the man wandered all over the place, answered questions with weird responses, not connected at all to the question but the best was his response that the Federal Reserve is "important psychotically".
     Now one could get a serious bellyache from laughter as one either sits thru the interview or reads it, but then one has to understand that the tears of laughter are actually tears of despair for this is just about one of the worst ever if not THE worst. When the President of the country talks as if he is Senor Wences, then we, the country, and the world in general, are in deep trouble, up to our necks. Seriously speaking, I have stated it before and will do so again and by the way, there is a book written with the opinions of 27 psychologists and psychiatrists who maintain the same feeling - that Trump is mentally ill, that he is off balance somehow and for some reason.
     What is the cause? Is it chemical? Is it a degenerative disease? Is it hormonal? I do not have the answers, only the questions raised by his behavior and actions and state again that the man needs to undergo neutral testing, not by his doctor but by one who has no connection to him, by technicians who will not fudge the tests nor the results and the truth will come out. In the meanwhile, he needs to be removed from office and there is Constitutional  provision for that.
     And all the while, till this is done, what do we do? Well, we have to protest. We have EPA scientists protesting their removal from a conference as Trump et al continue their head in the sand approach to climate change, as they turn back the clock so we can again poison our waters and the very air we breathe. We can demand that Trump pay attention to the electorate and pay attention to his numbers as he has fallen to a new low in the polls. Even his so called base is shrinking and his swing voters are deserting in droves, complaining about his mouth, his tweets, his temper, his disrespectful behavior towards others,  his lack of detailed plans, his tax reform for the wealthy, his deathcare that leaves so many with no care at all, his wild talk about war with North Korea and it just goes on and on.
     Tax reform? What? How? By adding 1.5 trillion dollars to the debt, totally against shouted Republican statements thru the past eight years? And details? None forthcoming.
     By taking responsibility for his actions? Nope, that will never do. Better to blame it on others, on bureaucrats and bureaucracy. Shout military threats but have no clue as to what happened to a patrol of ours in Niger and what the hell are they doing there anyway. Never blame it on poor planning and oversight - turn to the constant bogeyman of the times - terrorists - and blame it on them but I ask again, how is it possible that we send out our people so unprepared, so poorly armed or trained that ragtag groups of so called terrorists can overwhelm them and how do we send them out without proper backup and support?
     I have a question that no one seems to have addressed. Special Forces are supposed to be the elite of the elite, the toughest of the tough and I have no quarrel and in fact am amazed at their achievement of this title, but, a big but, if we are shipping them all over kingdom come, then are we not diluting this training, for how can we have so many elite of the elite? It is like the terrible practice of giving a trophy to every kid in a league, watering down achievements and cutting incentives. Are we sending them out unprepared for what we are asking of them? And on whose shoulders does that responsibility fall and for a general to have to say he will make inquiries? Really? If the general does not know then who took that responsibility and where are the channels and the processes? How do we lose sight of a soldier and leave his body there for days? How have we fallen to this level?
     And for that matter, I believe we are now in approximately 72 countries around the world, I have even read a figure of 77 so what's a few countries among friends!!! What the hell are we doing? We are fighting alongside people like Duterte in the Philippines, a murderous dictator? Not sure what the difference is between him and the 'terrorists' he is fighting. Is there a difference in the end result if one is killed by a Moslem extremist or is killed by a dictatorial despot? Dead is dead. The end. And where does it end? No clue. And sadly, neither does the army or our President or our government apparently have a clue either.
     And so the saga continues. Even as we are deteriorating around the world, destroying our legacy, and destroying our own country by ignoring safety regulations for the environment, even as we are looking at ways and means to protect the 1% and the hell with the middle class and the lower classes, no retraining for them, just scapegoating the immigrants, that will teach them, even with that going on, we are still investigating the Russian effect on our election and G-d help us if we have truly become a subject country under the table to the Russians. They have perverted the social media, from Amazon to Facebook to YouTube. We have had members of the Trump campaign and administration tie themselves closely to the Russians and we have a president whose main motivation as president appears to be to publicize his golf clubs now paying attention to his Virginia one, and increase the value of his holdings. How we have fallen.
     So, 'psychotically' speaking, we are in a bad way. Perhaps if we paid attention to the psychological harm that we have inflicted upon ourselves we might get somewhere.  Laugh or cry at the man and the situation and the disasters that emerge from his mouth and mind? Do both? But we need help here, folks, seriously so and soon, or I believe the tipping point will be reached and then, who knows. Scary thought.

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