Friday, October 20, 2017


     Well, it is never a really good day in Trumpville, USA, not with all the tweeting and the lies and the lies and the selling of souls, and the shrieking silence from those who do not step up and say what needs to be said. But yesterday? Wow!! If we stretch yesterday to mean a few days, then it is even better for then we can include a troika in the mix - McCain, Obama and George W. Bush.
     I was most impressed by Bush. The man has kept a deep background cover, busy at his ranch, his Institute and stayed out of it. He is also a man not noted for his powerful speech or statements and yet yesterday? Double Wow. He spoke as a statesman, as one disgusted, actually frightened at the stage we find ourselves and put forth a great big warning that we are losing our place, our place in the world and its history and trust me, that was all aimed at you know who. In my mind I saw his head whipsawed in every statement of Bush, in the pointed remarks and the challenge of McCain and in the statements of Obama who has finally decided to come out of hiding and stand up for what needs to be said, to fight against what needs to be fought.
    I must say, though, that McCain was disappointing in that he then went ahead and approved a budget that will shove us into more debt - and  this from the Party that were supposed to be hawks on deficits, but then again, hypocrisy reigns, does it not, and the Republicans march on trying to run the country with one dictator and one dictatorial Party - chills on the spine yet, people? All this in preparation for a unilaterally, partisan passing of a tax "reform" which is in all truth a bill of welfare for the wealthy and the hell with the middle class and as for the lower economic class - well, to hell with you too as you will almost be invisible what with no health care, no money, no rights!! Time to atone for your foolish Trump votes. Time to wake up and smell the contempt the man has for you, those he supposedly champions, he of the billions and the billionaire friends, he who is going to send a check - heard that before, he who lies before breakfast and after dinner in an unbroken chain.
     Kelly sold his soul with lies re Wilson, the Congresswoman, lies easily refuted by facts and timing and this is sad, the last hope of some containment and control over the madman in the Oval Office. But take heart in some of these statements from Bush, take hope in the chants against Spencer and then step up, work with the people to get out the vote next November, publicize the records of those who screw the people, get out there and help people register for the vote. Do something before it is too late to do anything. Now read - music to the ear and balm to the soul:
- “Bigotry seems emboldened. Our politics seems more vulnerable to conspiracy theories and outright fabrication.”

- “We’ve seen nationalism distorted into nativism.”

- “We’ve seen our discourse degraded by casual cruelty. . . . Argument turns too easily into animosity.”

- It means that bigotry and white supremacy in any form is blasphemy against the American creed, and it means the very identity of our nation depends on passing along civic ideals.”

- “Bullying and prejudice in our public life … provides permission for cruelty and bigotry.”

- “The only way to pass along civic values is to live up to them.”
     Come, let us all pick up the tatters of the American dream, sew them back up together and emerge even stronger than before. The alternative? We do not want to go there.

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