Sunday, October 15, 2017


     Before I begin, there is a hitch for Thursday night so stay tuned for further updates. Hopefully, we will be able to hold the meeting, a rally for truth, honesty, and justice, and against hatred, prejudice, and extremism. Will pass on the information as I receive it.
     So the topic is WAR. There was a song, back in the day, which roared the question, "War - what is it good for?" and answered it with a roared, "Absolutely nothing!" and yet here we are, engaged in a war for survival and awaiting a war of destruction and extermination.
     So we were reminded over the weekend, in case we forgot, in case it was lost in the horrific scandal of Weinstein and others who indulged in the droit de seigneur - the right of the lord - to engage in forced sexual relations with a bride or indeed any woman below him in status. So were we forgetting that the highest seigneur of the land, the President, has done that, has admitted to sexual molestation, to contempt for half the electorate, and has used disgusting language to describe his behavior towards and opinion of women. We elected this man, allowed him into office and we are reaping what we have sowed - WAR.
     Yes, Trump has declared war on the electorate, on the population of the country. He has approached this goal of wiping out those he does not like in various ways. So let's see how.
     First we have his race hatred, his despising of all those who are not lily white, who do not profess his hatred of others. So brown people, black people, Mexicans in particular - all "bad hombres" and from there he goes after their destruction.
     Yes, destruction or how else to explain his disastrous approach or lack of one to the calamity of Puerto Rico. How does one explain his poking fun of a proper pronunciation of the name and his throwing towels at them in order to show his concern!! How else to explain the lack of response, the delayed response, the ignoring of the fact that people are starving there, dying for lack of clean water, lack of shelter, lack of power and medical help. How, other than the fact that Trump has declared war on them.
     DACA or a war against approximately 800,000 young men and women who have committed the crime of coming with their parents to a land of hope, when they were children, and going to school, getting jobs, living as citizens of the country, planning for a future, but they are brown!! Hence - get the hell out!! We have lost any aspect of humanity, have found dregs of humanity who are willing to go and drag these people out, go after their parents, grab them in courts, in hospitals, at work, at play, out of their homes - all in the name of "following orders". Now where have we heard that before? And remember, hatred does not end and when one target is eliminated, well, hatred always finds another. Be aware and beware.
     FREEDOM OF THE PRESS - Since the trial of Peter Zenger, the freedom of the press, the right to write what it wishes, to expose corruption and pass on news has been very clear here in America. Yet this week, the President of the United States, he who is supposed to defend our rights, our Constitution, states that "it is disgusting that the press can write what it wants and somebody should look into that." That is sacrilegious and this man needs to stop his warring on the very foundation of our country.
      Trumpcare or more truthfully, deathcare. Frustrated by the lack of a reasonable and righteous repeal and replacement of ACA, Trump has decided to undercut the health of all Americans - erase that - of middle and lower class Americans - by writing yet another of his Executive Orders, the only way he finds he can function. Destroy the financial underpinning of ACA, do so at the very time of renewal and signing up and what do we have but WAR against the very base he thinks he has. So will the poor of Appalachia, the workers of the farms and small towns of America, the underemployed of the rust belt cities, the very people who need subsidized medical care - will they survive or will they die out and oops, there goes his deluded base, his brainwashed base. Deathcare on the rise!
     NAFTA AND TRADE PACTS - The man pulls out of every deal we have made, and yes, there are some issues with them as in every deal, but on the whole, trade has increased, the economy has absorbed it and evolved with it but Trump throws it all out, water, tub and baby. Businesses are pleading not to pull out, businesses are showing how manufacturing is now a multi national process and he will kill it all - but nope, Trump's war goes on against the world and against this electorate.
     KOREA AND IRAN - The man here retreats back into his infancy and toddlerhood, using name calling as a method of statesmanship - an oxymoron if ever there were one!! He behaves as a demented man even as he talks at the loosely wired heads of state of North Korea and Iran. North Korea has finally come up with a good name for Trump -  a "strangler of peace" and how true that is, not that they are innocent, but we are supposed to be the sane ones, the ones who keep deals, who know that diplomacy is a line of tact, of talk, of proper force and not insane threats and a disaster in the offing - the destruction of the world in nuclear war. And all he can tweet about is the fact that his plan to increase our nuclear holdings was discovered and exposed. Why do we need more - to destroy ourselves four time over? The man is mad, a warmonger of the worst degree. Yes, it is war time.
     SECRECY - Trump has a loose and big mouth, a profane one, and he shoots it off in his tweets without thinking about consequences, like a child. Only he is 71!! And then he wants to erase these tweets and statements as for example, his going to court now to keep the Comey files secret. They have back classified them, kind of calling a game after it is over and all to keep this out of the eye of the public. Well, too late, as all the barn doors have been opened already!! But he continues to govern in secret, appointing lobbyists to positions of power in direct opposition to the jobs they are supposed to do - protect the American public and the American dream.
      DESTROYED THE TRUST IN OUR DEMOCRATIC RITES - By introducing Russian interference with the campaign, indeed, by allegedly inviting them into the process, Trump et al have destroyed our trust in the very process which makes our democracy strong - the free election of officials of government. So now, before the next large election, states are running to protect the processes, protect the electorate, stop the attempts to cut out voters, the illegal and immoral process of gerrymandering, of any and all hacking in the vote. And yet, the trust or rather mistrust will linger, like a dirty haze over it all and that is thanks to Trump.
     TAX REFORM - What a joke. It is welfare for the wealthy and even they have admitted that. I need not say more.
     INADEQUACY - The man is simply unable to prepare for all events and possibilities. Our state of California is burning, people are running for their lives and the remains of it are ashes. People are dying even as Trump et al roll back the protections that would fight against such catastrophes. Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, the states inundated by storms - the man is bewildered and can only throw paper towels and praise himself as he lies and lies and lies about his 'achievements'! And the man and his sycophants continue to destroy any and all protection of the electorate so in a modern day version of Marie Antoinette - let them breathe dirty air, let the chemicals roll on, let the water be contaminated, let the food rot for lack of workers, let us destroy our lands with mining, let us destroy all that makes America -America, a former leader of the world, a former country of morals and ethics, of care for humanity.
    War? War indeed. He has declared war upon us all, especially if you are outside the lines he draws - so women, LGBTQ, brown and black, poor, middle class - beware. You are being warred upon by the very person supposed to have your back. Watch out for the knife in the back instead.

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