Wednesday, November 1, 2017


     No, no misspelling in the title. It is Latin for do whatever you have to do. Period. Some people use this as a guiding principle of life and others use it only at times of desperation. It is a thought which makes one stop and really evaluate the situation before coming to a conclusion as to what exactly it is that needs to be done.
     Does anyone today know, truly know, what needs to be done and are there truly any definitive and definite answers? Actually, I think not, for we are living in times that are shocking and troubling, and the shocks just keep coming down the chute, one after the other, before we even have time to know the first and here comes the second and third. Fast living but not the way we want, is it?
     Today we have a President living under siege, real or perceived. He is as a caged animal, defending his turf, turf which he should not have had in the first place. But like any animal, he marks his territory and now is determined to fight for it, right or wrong and he does not care who he throws under the bus or denies. So Papadopoulos turns into a "coffee boy" and Manafort is denied, lowered or lessened in importance. He even picks on the kids of the journalists.
     As the mess is exposed to the air, more and more comes to light. The high living of Gates and Manafort, the machinations of those around Trump, the confusion within the Trump campaign as to how to handle this and the decision by many of the Republicans to use the excuse of the typical child - but ......did something wrong so go pick on them, but you see it does not matter what someone else did, only what one does, how one leads or led and how one structures a life for public service.
     So do what one must? Yes, but does that include terrorizing underlings or cancelling loyalty or demanding adulation, or outright prejudice, outright misogyny? Does it allow one to wallow in corruption, to have the gall to think that it is okay to have three passports, to play games with funding and banks, to hide what eventually cannot be hidden any longer and then claim indignation or ignorance? Is it okay to work with the enemy of the country? 
      Government conducted in corruption will break down at some point and there is no use shooting the messenger, for trying to hide it or stop the uncovering by getting rid of the investigator is a backwards step and will only cause further disaster. Anger at the investigator should instead be directed at the one who caused this embarrassment in the first place. But the Republicans, particularly the extreme conservatives have decided to play hide the head in the sand. They aim their barbs at everyone other than at the criminals or the leader of the whole mess.
     The best thing that we can all do now, what we must do now, is to take an accounting just as Jews are directed to take an accounting of their lives before the Day of Atonement, so too must Americans take stock, account for their decisions that have led us to this point and the signs of rot are there to be seen, clearly so, but they have been ignored and here we are with the results.
     So all are amazed at the #MeToo but why is that. I would venture to say that most women have been hassled, tormented, sexually challenged or demeaned, trust violated, treated as chattels and servants and even those who do not realize it, or who think it is the normal way of life  - the truth is right there. We have allowed our society which has been boasting of late how advanced it is in its attitude towards women, allowing them some room in business, on Wall Street and in Silicon Valley, we have allowed them to overlook and bypass the obvious, that it is not truly so.
     We marvel at the molesters, their names, their positions, are indignant and are throwing the book at Weinstein, who deserves it, but allow a self confessed boasting molester to stand at the head of the country. Hypocrisy!! We allow this same man and his own critters of the swamp, his corrupt friends, to run the country, to ruin our country, and then we wonder why he is so puffed up and angry? We just about told him he has free rein and now it seems that maybe at least some of us are reneging on that. It seems as if his 'R's' are deserting him, he who has encouraged this war of civil and civic proportions.
     We listened to the big lies that were told, the huge whoppers - and not the McDonald ones either - and drank the Kool Ade, willingly and even gleefully, thinking how smart we are and were. Well, it was all wrong and now, now we have to listen to that Latin saying and Do What Must Be Done. Like it or not. We have to bite the bullet and take it on the chin if we are to clean up the morass that is the government of this country today. We need to take stock and cancel out the guy who is chanting childish but dangerous statements and epithets at another crazy guy, but this time the weapons are not spit balls but nuclear bombs.  And we need to figure out how to prevent attacks such as yesterday's - if there is actually such a way that can be found, for terrorism is as old as the world, in one way or another. It is just that there appears to be more weapons capable of larger death counts than  there were before. Shouting and tweeting about more illegal and unconstitutional ways and manners is not the answer.
     For sure one of the first things we must do is remove all shades and shadows of nepotism from the administration and that means getting rid of the family members who are not wise enough, experienced enough, honest enough, strong enough in their morals to stand in the Oval Office as they do now. We need to remove all those in the administration who are corrupt, who are thinking of their old buddies and their own bank accounts rather than the safety, the needs and integrity of the country and its constituents. We need to weed out the liars who stand there cloaked in their arrogance who refuse to admit to lies or okay, 'misstatements'.
     Do What We Must? Yes, albeit a hard and frightening task. But do it we must or it will be done to and for us by those who should never have the ability to do so in the first place for their directives and principles are not good for the soul nor the body of America. Choose or lose.

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