Friday, November 17, 2017


     The calls for impeachment grow. The women who were molested by him call out in stronger voices that he too needs to face the consequences. The growing concern that the man is deranged in addition to having a simply awful personality, never having grown up. He and his administration, his appointees, all seem to be lacking the ethics gene and the reek of dollar rule is high. The fetid smell of the swamp grows ever stronger.
     So let us say that he is impeached, convicted, charged with obstruction of justice, replaced via the 25th Amendment, whatever the cause - then what? Apres Trump - what? 
     Trump and Trumpism is not one figure. As in The Walking Dead, all the followers of Negan, a human monster, call themselves Negan and it appears that all of Trump's followers call themselves Trump by any other name. That means that even if he were not physically in office, his philosophy would continue and perhaps get even worse. The lack of ethics, the conflict of interests, the sheer incompetence and inexperience, the total lack of honesty, the ever growing return to nepotism, the overwhelming disregard for the majority of Americans all in  the name of "helping" the wealthy - all this would continue - and more.
     The hatred and prejudice that were unleashed with his candidacy will continue and emerge even more, grow into mainstream America and woe upon us. Should his VP, Pence, take over, it will be much worse as this man has the self discipline to put forth and carry out his sinister plans and beliefs without enraging everyone every day. He will go quietly and do his thing and we will find ourselves in a Pence - Bannon world, a world composed of hatred, of nastiness, of a nativist culture that is malignant and destroys all that it touches.
     What is hanging over the country and the world is the very real fear that Americans will not stand for this, will not go down quietly, without protest. Sure, there will be those in government such as those in the House who voted for this horrific tax bill, and people who will follow anyone who empowers them, but there are others who will find a backbone and who will go down fighting - and I mean that in the true and full physical sense of the word. Rioting in the street will be nothing as compared to Americans fighting Americans. The country and the nation will break into parts and pieces. Texas will go it alone, always nuts. Alabama will truly recede into the benighted mores of 17th century society, the empty states will band together for population and power and the Unite States of America will be no more.
     Think I am nuts, going to the extreme? Well, there are many who are beginning to fear this possible scenario. There are those who warn us re impeachment and insist that there must be plans for afterwards. Apres Trump must have delineated plans or else the battle is lost and the war lost for sure.
     Never before , at least since the Civil War, has there been such hatred, such animosity, such division among the people of our country. Never before have we become so vicious towards our immigrants. Yes, we had prejudicial attitudes before, but this violence, this determination to 'rid' the country of those who actually help build the nation, this eagerness of people willing to sign up and be legally vicious - well, if that does not send  a chill down your spine then I know not what to say to you other than to go back in history and see how ordinary people became the killers and executioners of Nazi Germany, of Turkey with the Armenians, of Bosnia, of the Tutsi, the Rohingya and the list never ends, does it?
     We must insist on transparency, on honesty, on full compliance with the letter and the spirit of the law. The Russian ambassador sys there is a huge list of Trump officials with whom he spoke.  Kushner keeps lying thru his teeth. Mueller is rapidly gearing up for his climax and findings and in the meanwhile the rot underneath, our own moral failings are being exposed hour by hour.
     Why do and did so many men think it okay to paw at women, to force themselves on women and children and boys. Why is it okay for a man to say one thing, be extreme in outspokenness re LGBT and then have it disclosed that he himself is gay. It should not make a difference re a person's orientation and yet there it is. We hide the truth from ourselves and others and then wonder why all is going to hell in a handbasket.
    And then? A scary thought. A vison of the stuff of nightmares - unless we wake up and prepare and plan and change the path. It can be done, but time is running out, the sands of time do not stop and wait for us to catch up. And then? You go figure it out.

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