Sunday, November 26, 2017


     Such a hard worker, he is. It is not easy to play golf four days in a row and then find the energy to tweet those vital statements and also appoint a man to head the office of Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Such a thoughtful appointment, negating the customary process and appointing a man who has openly criticized this bureau and its duties. 
     But this is not the first time that Trump has appointed people to positions that are diametrically opposed to the welfare of the Americans. They have rolled back regulations that protected the consumer, that helped clean up the environment or at least get started on it. Regulations and rules to prevent another Great Recession such as we had in 2008 and continued for years until the Obama administration pulled us out via its rules and regulations. 
    The misnomered tax 'reform' which is actually a tax plan for the benefit of the wealthy is beloved by no one, even including many businessmen but Trump will push this thru for as usual, he supports anything that will benefit HIM and his estate and bank accounts.
     The Obamacare that took care of so many, that allowed more widespread healthcare, was attacked and attacked yet again even as Trump has tried to disembowel it to the detriment of those who need it. Its registration numbers are up, by many of his own base as well. The problem is the lack of understanding and recognition that his policies do not help his base at all, and are, in fact poised to hurt them badly, in their health, in the air they breathe, in the water they drink, in the cars they ride. The future of their children is in jeopardy.
     And yet this farce of a President continues on, further embarrassing us as we present ourselves to the world. His delusions of grandeur are sick, very sick, and indicative of a blown mind, a mind that has degenerated and continues to do so. All is seen thru the mirror of his ego and his twisting of reality. There appears to be no end to this.
     Trump already has a fake Time cover of himself as Man of the Year, just as so many kids do when they take a picture of this with themselves as the topic. It is a standard photo op but only this man convinces himself it is so. This year he has decided to preempt Time which will announce of Dec. 6 and has tweeted that he turned it down because Time said it was a maybe choice and he would have to sit for photos an interview. What an ego!!! Time never announces in advance and G-d forbid he be that man on the cover for though it would be meant in black humor and in concern, he would take it as a compliment, so dense is he.
     He fights as a child with CNN and any and all others who displease him and tries to interfere with a business merger that involves CNN. Why CNN? Because they report the news as it is and is editorial policy is out to set the facts straight and they make no bones about it. He praises Fox, but even they are beginning to show the strain of supporting him and finding a positive spin on his craziness. What will he do then?
     His job is to be the representative of America to the world. His job is to fight for the benefit of the American, not the fat cat American. His job was to cut all ties to all possible conflicts of interest and yet he has not and yet his businesses continue to gain from his position as President. His job was to appoint people to positions where they would be watchdogs and thinkers for the American people. Instead, he has done the opposite. His job was to insure a safe world because of the involvement of the United States in it and its affairs, with its allies, with moral leadership. His job was to unite a badly divided and angry country and instead he has done the opposite, causing even more polarization. His job was to be loyal to his country, to appoint people to be by his side who were true Americans, loyal, true blue and yet the stink of collusion with our enemy, Russia, hangs like a pall over him.
     In other words, he has not done his job. He has done more to harm this country than any other man or President. He needs to go and the American people need to make it clear that we will not stand for this anymore, that one who follows after him had better realize this and act accordingly, with the benefit of the people in mind, a truly beneficial behavior rather than lies and more lies. And we need Americans serving in Congress once more, not Republicans or Democrats,but Americans. We must all be Americans. We must.

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