Tuesday, November 21, 2017


      We have all heard or even have the poster which states that all I have learned I learned in kindergarten. There is some truth to this for the elements of basic society living are taught and hopefully caught while in kindergarten. However, and  a big however at that, it seems that many have not learned these lessons and unfortunately many are now in positions of power over us. Terrific!!
     Whether these lessons are learned beginning in the dynamics of the home and/or reinforced in the classroom and continued, it seems that many men have learned the lessons of crude and cruel power. It seems they have become inordinately proud of and focused on one part of their anatomy almost to the exclusion of all else and demand that women worship it, whether they like it or not. Bullying par excellence and it seems to make no difference the level or profession or even the amount of power wielded - they just do it.
     What makes it worse is that like kindergartners, when caught, these offenders take to denying, to lying, and there are those who back them up, the latest being the statements that it does not make a difference what Roy Moore did, for his vote is needed in the Senate for the tax bill and whatever other nefarious plans the chief molester in residence, Trump, has lined up.
     So what is one to do? How does a woman continue when the eating away of her soul is at the very end of living with. When there is a limit to pushing the horror down anymore. So first one woman breaks forth with the truth and then another and another and yet another and they seems to come in tidal waves. So bad is the problem and so much have we behaved as dangerous kindergartners who have not yet learned the lessons of private and personal space and the limits on one's lesser impulses.
     But these immature and impulsive behaviors do not end with molestation. They continue in to other spheres of life. It is particularly hard to teach our young to behave better, to think better, when the very President needs to have picking up behind him, like the elephants and horses in the parade. But it is not for society to pick up the crap that he or anyone else dishes out. So, no, it is not acceptable for Kellyanne Conway to try to excuse her monster of a boss for his statement or tweet that he should have left those basketball players in prison - in Communist China - where the rights of all, particularly prisoners are not exactly respected!! Yes, they did wrong, but it was a  stupid misdeed and certainly not deserving of ten years of hard labor in the Chinese gulag!!! And for Trump to sulk and then wish undone what was done - unacceptable!!!
     It is also unacceptable for Trump to get into these shouting matches with families of athletes and who knows where and when that will end. It apparently makes no difference to Trump whether one is an athlete, a family member, a politician, or with whomever he has a bone to pick. On he rants and raves, shouting metaphorically and the worst thing about this is the excuse making of others for him when all the time the truth is that he and his need to go - far away!!
         There are some victories such as the decision made by the judge that permanently blocks the threats of Trump against sanctuary cities. There are moments when someone proves that kindergarten has been successful to a degree and the student has been able to move on. But how many others have not and how many others are going to tread all over us, trample on the rights of all those who are not them and remember, this applies to all races and ethnicities and religions, shamefully so, so please, do not pat yourself on the back, thinking that because one is African American or Jewish or Catholic or a Protestant pastor, that one is immune from the base kindergarten impulses.
     We all need to go back to school and this time, when we don the little fake graduation robes and hats for kindergarten graduation, please make sure that we have learned all that we were supposed to and that we have learned that book and class learning must translate to societal action - all on the positive side. Most important, we hopefully will learn that impulses need to be controlled and that all classmates are to be respected.
     Think this will ever happen? Great doubts assail me, but perhaps I am being too pessimistic. Whatever, we do not truly have much time to turn this around, do we? Kindergarten education cannot be a lifetime - or can it?


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