Sunday, November 5, 2017


     All are talking. All are writing. All are chatting on TV and radio talk shows. All seem to have answers, yet there are none and in the meanwhile, nothing gets done. Not in any positive manner anyway.
     The federal government seems riven into two. We have that government which is functioning with those employees who are doing their jobs, who are there as permanent employees, who take their responsibilities seriously and then again, we have those who have been appointed with the directive to take it all down, to destroy any progress made, particularly if made during the time of Obama. His name and the scope of any directives or rules and regulations are anathema to Trump and his people.
    So why is that? The answer is who knows? Why is it that these people think they can turn back the clock, hide the truth, convince all the people all the time that there is nothing to worry about, even as the planet burns, turns into dust, dry and arid, or floods in massive ways, or shakes itself in fracking induced quakes. Why is it that the Federal government can produce a report which warns of warming, of disastrous climate change and its main cause - humans - and yet there goes Zilke or Price or any one of Trump's appointees who are shattering the protective legislation we have had put in place. So once again, not only are we destroying our very home in a physically obvious manner, but we are also turning those crystal streams into streams of death with banned chemicals, with the cancellation of rules that mandated safety regulations, that watched the chemicals that tainted our foods, our water, the very air we breathe.
     Why? I do not know. Nor does any sane person, for is there any amongst these people that actually think they can avoid the consequences? Do they think they will be able to maintain their own air, their own water, their own climate? And yet they function as if they actually do think that. They need to understand that the apocalyptic movies which show one group of people living in an Eden while the rest struggle in death traps will not happen. It is a cinematic pipedream.  
     There is much to puzzle over in the machinations of this administration but can it all be explained? I do not know, but if an administration is led by a madman, by one who seemingly has lost his way, lost his mind, then what can we expect from the followers who seem to glorify every and all maniacal statements and actions. Children are adorable, and they often speak the truth without garnish, but obscenities and threats, tweets by the hundred, sentence structure that is non existent, grammar that speaks of an ignorant person who had inadequate schooling, and all coming from an adult - that is not charming, nor truthful, nor attractive, nor productive and is mainly lies, lies, and more lies.
     The truth will out. Only children think there is wishful thinking, that wishing makes it so. Adults realize that that belief is a false one, but when one builds an entire system on that false belief then we are in trouble indeed.
     So why are so many people mired in the Bizzaro world of Trump? Because that world impinges greatly and in a negative manner on our world. We cannot get rid of him and his disasters that he keeps foisting upon us by getting him to say his name backwards. Only Superman can get that done! So instead we fuss and fume, rant and rave, write and talk and according to one woman,   “Unless I turn off the lights, go in my bedroom, shut the door, and turn off the TV, there is no way to escape,............ “I feel like we eat, sleep, and breathe Trump. Trump for breakfast, Trump for lunch, Trump for dinner, and Trump as a midnight snack.
  When one is surrounded by the consequences of poison, when one is supposedly "led" by a dangerous individual, then yes, one is obsessed by that individual and rightfully so, for he impacts upon everything, from the taxes we will pay to the air we breathe to the very fact or question of our literal survival.  When the man speaks in a decidedly confused manner, then we are in trouble and here is one such example, from an interview to be  published Sunday.

"Well, it was a friend of mine who was a businessman -- a very successful businessman and a good person, and you know, Paul was not there very long," Trump said on Sharyl Attkisson's syndicated show "Full Measure," which will air in full on Sunday.
He continued: "Well, I think we found out something about he may be involved with all -- with certain nations, and I don't even know exactly what it was in particular. But there was a point at which we just felt Paul would be better off -- because we don't want to have many potential conflicts."
      As confused and confusing as his speech is, his structure, his manner of thinking or not, this is as confused as his actions are and so yes, I do know why we obsess - because our very survival is at stake.
     What must we do to fix this situation? I do not know for sure. I do know that if he is to remain in  office for another three years, then G-d help us, but we must maintain a control over him. Let him be ruled by others, by people of honesty, by those who have the care and concerns of the country at heart and not their wallets and stock holdings. Insure that true patriots are in place, that people who actually like people are in office, that our civil rights programs return from the muck in which they have been placed and let us get our country back on track. Otherwise, we will either destroy ourselves or split into tiny state countries, as we engage in a civil war, for that is coming, make no mistake about it, if we continue along this path. There is too much hatred and animosity out there. There is too much ugliness.
     So who knows? Not a clue.
     Who knows? I do not know, but someone out there had better know for otherwise we are in a truly bad way.

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