Monday, December 25, 2017


     So what is the answer to the question of the title? Well, the head of the newspaper combine of the Tribune and the LA Times thought it was so he gave himself $15 million dollars extra. Nice, if you can get it, right? Then again, we have those sharing in the Christmas spirit. You know, like that orange haired weirdo in the White House.
    Yes, this ignoramus, this uncaring selfish bastard decided that it is not enough that there is so much  blood shed around the world and right here in our country. Nope, apparently not enough, for he makes a whole crude scene of crossing his legs and showing the sole of his shoe with apparent blood on it and claims it to be the blood of CNN. It was not enough for him  to show violent cartoons or other pictures of him beating up CNN people, or kicking them when they are down. Nope, he needed to show blood. This man is disgusting to the nth degree.
     So no, I do not celebrate Christmas, being Jewish, but there is supposed to be a holiday and joyous spirit, a measure of generosity that comes with the holiday times and yes, Donald, there is nothing wrong with saying Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, Happy Holidays or whatever. It is all meant to share in the joy, in the possibility of what mankind could be, should be, should strive for, but considering that the juices of humanity seem to have dried up in you, I wish you no joy, no holiday happiness, only perhaps somehow to feel even a tenth of the agony you have caused here within the country and around the world.
    Do they know its Christmas? I doubt it for many, other than for the glee they have when their president, you know,  the guy who is supposed to serve ALL Americans, tells them in their little private club that he owns, that oh now they are even richer due to his tax cut for them. Well, there it is in the open and all those damned Senators and Representatives who voted for it, that Republican party that has turned on its roots - well may that money turn sour for you and may you know no joy from it as the rest of us suffer under this madman. There you have it, a Christmas wish for those who deserve it.
     So a box of horse manure was left for Mnuchin!! Love it!!! So much for fooling all of the people. Lincoln said it and we believe it. There will be people who know the truth and who will speak out and up. Right now there is already a huge list of over 140,000 people signed up to immediately take to the streets should Trump fire Mueller. Remember my wonderings and musings about civil war? Well...... What do you think when more than 600 cities will erupt.
     Do they know its Christmas. I doubt it. In fact I doubt whether there is a majority of the holiday spirit anywhere. There is so much hate. It suffuses the air. If one recalls, most of the origin stories of the figures that are now known as Santa Claus all came from some mean dude who would take away bad little kiddies. Somehow it morphed into the kindly fat old dude of today. Much better. Kids can be frightened enough, particularly in these times when things are not so secure, when children are facing horrors that should never be, when they are killed as enemies, used as soldiers, see their mother and sisters raped, their fathers beheaded, and see violence in their own households with the huge incidents of domestic violence.
      Christmas time or not, we have much to do to correct this world. Tikkun Olam, the Jewish imperative to fix the world, to take something of it and make it better. Think how we could combine the true Christmas spirit with Tikkun Olam and what a great world we can make it. First to go......
     We the people can make a difference, must make a difference. So enjoy the holiday spirit, whatever holiday one celebrates and remember the power of
     WE the People. WE THE PEOPLE!!

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