Thursday, January 11, 2018


     Aha!! Bet you think you know who I think the Beast is. but you are wrong. I KNOW who the Beast is but the one you think it is, is only a manifestation of that Beast. The actual Beast is the one that we have allowed to ravage our souls, contaminate our minds and skew our thinking. It is the Beast that has allowed us to turn our backs on our country, forget its roots, its meaning, its principles and turned us into ravening beasts chomping thru the countryside destroying all that we and our forefathers and mothers have built.
     The Beast? Hatred and selfishness. It causes us to forgo thinking in our plans. It encourages us to ignore realities that bother us and instead create new realities that actually do not exist. It allows us to invite a deranged person into public office, the highest office in the land. It has broken the back of our system of government, putting it into a dangerous situation and quite frankly, I believe the country is on a dangerous precipice and we have to choose if we are going to back away from this Beast, turn towards our fellow countrymen and other citizens of the world, or are we going to allow this Beast to continue its destructive journey thru our souls and finally cause us to fall off that precipice?
     Manifestations of that Beast? The actions of yesterday, with ICE raiding 7-11s all over the country, 'capturing' such dangerous people who worked the counters and the cleaning crews of the stores, threatening to punish the owners who hired them, threatening the cities who gave shelter and sanctuary to these immigrants, here to build a life for themselves and their families and willing to work low paying jobs, menial jobs, as a way to build that new life.
    Trump and ICE and the Republicans are crazy focused on blaming these 'terrible' people for unemployment. Meanwhile, they are the backbone of much of the construction industry, of agriculture, have built small businesses of their own, bought homes,raised American citizens who now stand before a Draconian choice - be separated from their parents or be sent to a country of poverty, of danger, a country which is foreign to them for these are American kids we are destroying with our actions with that Beast of hate egging us on.
     In many cases they are filling positions to which no 'American"  aspires. They have built a layer or strata of the economy that contributes. They are the immigrants who are the present day replications of our parents and grandparents and I could care less if one's ancestors came over on the Mayflower!! We are all immigrants, one and all, and we have allowed hatred to grow into that huge Beast destroying our country.
    This same Beast allows us to allow dangerously foolish statements from dangerously foolish people. Constantly saying he knows the answer, but he won't tell, not yet, is that oaf, Trump. He knows the answer to the opioid crisis, or so he says. But he also says he is not ready to tell us, so guess, I suppose. He knows the answer to the whole DACA mess he has singlehandedly created even as he bleeds crocodile tears for them and insists on Draconian measures to be installed all over the country. Now we have a system wherein if one has a Hispanic name, expect to be stopped and questioned at the border. You might be a 'bad hombre!!'
     Cruel people are found to fill these new border positions and how nasty and cruel so many are, willing to rip hearts apart with the rending of families, all claiming to be simply doing their jobs and are not responsible for any harm done to people. Well, we have all heard that before, many times, and believe me, it does not lead into positive things. But after all, this stable genius is actually a geni-ass!!
     And now the Beast is threatening our very foundations what with people now trying to either destroy our judicial branch or make it impotent, a tool of the Beast. We have threatened to overturn the First Amendment, shouting Fake News - which is not a reality, folks, it is a made up term from the Beast and representatives. We   threaten libel suits and I, for one, think that would be great for in those suits witnesses have to be called and truth needs to be stated. Perjury is not a good idea. But the Republicans, now the party of the Beast, will continue its ugly attempts to ignore the wrongdoing and only go after those who called attention to the wrongdoing. It is nauseating.
    So for time off from the Beast I spent a wonderful few hours listening to an 82 year old man on stage, still sing with full voice, able to make high notes and wow!!! he actually reached out to the audience, not a man known for his charisma, only his talent and his gentleness and his loyalty to his friends and long term employees.
The entire theater at Kravis, sold out, was filled with admirers, loyal fans, of this man and applauded wholeheartedly and gave him several standing ovations from individuals throughout as each song touched some in special ways. The entire theater rose to its feet in full throated roar at the end. And I thought to myself, what a beautiful way to live a life, making music, providing surety for others, his huge orchestra, to also live life making music. And so the Beast was kept at bay for a time. Thank you, Johnny Mathis, for so many years of music that touches the heart.

Beasts no more. Please! Let us search within an chase it and its henchmen out, clear and clean our souls and refresh our hearts lest all be lost before too long.

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