Monday, January 1, 2018


     2018. Wow! I can remember when I was a kid in second grade wondering how old I would be in 2000 and could not fathom reaching that age, so old. Well,.....that age is not looking so old these days, but what is looking old is the same old same old that we are seeing in the world.
     The head of the UN sends out a red alert to the nations of the world, warning and pleading that things will only get worse if we do not work together, try to resolve the conflicts, show more concern for the people of the world but I believe that this landed on many deaf ears among the politicians and the haters of the world. And sure enough, Trump sends out a message of supposed good wishes to all, including his "enemies", "haters" and the "very dishonest Fake News media" Wow! Such good wishes - may the Lord keep them far away from us!!!
     Yoko Ono took out another full page ad in the Times saying war is no more if only we want that to happen and the women of the entertainment arena took out another full page ad in the same edition calling for solidarity for all women, for support of those sexually harassed women in industries and workplaces where the pay is low and the pressure is high to keep quiet or face losing a desperately needed job. Great - but - why should this be so necessary in the world we live in? Why are there still men who believe they are the cavemen of yore and women are there to serve them and their base needs.
     Two young women and the mother of one purposely go out to provoke two soldiers into hitting them, by kicking and smacking them and pushing into their faces. If this had happened to an American soldier there would have been calls to respond and react but here, because these two soldiers were Israeli and kids as well, who were trying to stop rocks and stones from being thrown at the cars of Israeli motorists and there have been numerous deaths and maimings from accidents caused by this - and the world reacts in its same old hate filled manner.
     Think I am stretching the truth and seeing bogeymen where there are none? Well, put this in your pipe and smoke it - Europeans are once again trying to ban kosher slaughter and kosher meat. So in countries like the Netherlands where 80% of its population were slaughtered themselves in WWII with much collusion, mind you, of the local population, well, here is a way to get rid of the surviving remnants of that murdered community, of those people who lived in the country for years, who contributed so much to the nations of the world. But nope, anti Semitism rears its ugly head under the guise of caring for animals. Truly!!!!
     And back here we supposedly "honor" our veterans, having them stand up, sending them on trips, but when they show up to the hospitals in bad shape they are sent away since there is a chance that since they are so ill they might have a crisis, might die and then the ranking of the hospital would be lower and so nope, no sick vets in the hospital. Let them die outside. This is what the push of our government has done. Think on that!
     At all the recent events I have attended there is an overpowering pall over the event, with the presenter or entertainer wishing all a better year, a year without fear, without anger, without divisiveness. The division in our nation is severe and dangerous and its leader and its main cause is the very one who is supposed to bring us all together. Topsy turvy world we are in.
     So we need to make our own resolutions. I have resolved to be more active than ever before in the election campaigns. I was active in the campaign of 2016 but G-d willing will do more this time around. All of us need to take personal responsibility to stand up for democracy, for true rights for all, for a throwing aside of the politics of hate, rejecting all of that and bringing ourselves forward to where we should be and stop all this return to the Dark Ages of hate and prejudice and nonsensical but dangerous claims and statements.
     It is up to the people. We the people. This year.

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