Wednesday, February 28, 2018


     Sometimes I wonder whether we are living in a repeated times of yesteryear or if we really have moved forward at all. Yes, we have had technological advancements but I wonder sometimes if that is such an advantage at all what with the garbage that comes with it. At least before the techie stuff, if one made an error in judgement, especially when young, it was not going viral and remaining around forever. Hoaxes and lies and accusations of lies, faking news and fake studies - all had no long term life. Today, they proliferate like bunnies on the Internet and because it is found there people treat that info as words from Above!
     We have lost our way. Simple as that. We have bounced back to the past. Cold War situations what with Russia interfering with our sovereignty, China now planning a huge push with Xi as Leader for Life - I hate that term and that arrogance - and we in America have decided to either back off or collude - and collude in our own demise, in the loss of all our principles. We are talking nuclear options and there are NO options in that area. Nuclear winter, nuclear apocalypse, call it whatever one wishes, but there is no choice there. Killing each other three or ten times over is not the answer!
     We have lost the whole idea and ideal of public service. Now power is the name of the game in totality. Abuse a subordinate and then get angry when exposed. Forget the country and  go Party only. Forget bi partisanship and argue till the cows come home.
     So Hope Hicks confesses that she has lied for the President. Oh dear, such a shock to the system. I doubt that the truth is even entertained at all in the WH. Instead we have a President who tells lies as naturally as breathing, who is a racist, who thinks that the country is his to reap profits, to appoint cronies and family members, qualified or not - mostly vastly not! And the sad thing is that this lack of character was evident from long ago so what the hell is the matter with people that they voted for him, though not in the majority!! And that is even sadder. The old rule of majority rules - Pah! Forget it.
     Instead we now have a country and government and police forces which send chills down my back and these are bad chills. A huge roundup in California yesterday, bagging 150 illegal immigrants, probably the same ones who pick the crops, take the jobs in the factories that no one else wants, who care for our kids, and hey, possibly a criminal or two, you know, who passed a red light! And the enthusiasm with which the ICE patrols go and do this "job" is threatening and frightful. Must we have a police force here that imitates the storm troopers of yesteryear, the ones who come crawling out of the woodwork nowadays as they are encouraged by the behavior and words of Trump? At least one of the mayors involved may have given warning. Legal is not necessarily moral and we must choose carefully. Orders are not excuses for committing wrong deeds. Never!!
     The saddest thing of all is how this poisonous attitude has trickled down to the lowest ranks of politics, how power grabs have become acceptable, how nasty the fight is from the incumbents to retain this power, this road to riches or whatever they crave. They even denigrate the survivors of Parkland and other shootings as "actors", as fake. So the poor parents mourning their children are all faking, all making up this grief that is so evident on their faces?! What have we come to?
     Here in CV while thank G-d we do not have shootings and no nuclear weapons, we do have issues and the current administration is more concerned with retention of 'power' than they are with the needs of the residents. Our fences fall into disrepair, our funds are wasted or hidden somewhere, there are growing nasty memes of anti Semitism and other nasty comments and thematic statements. We are making group statements and judgements of hatred and prejudice, judging all by the actions of some.
     Time to change what we can both here and out there. Vote Marcia and we will get Jack as well. The VP slot is just about a lost cause, but at least skip the Fossil. Treasurer needs no hullabaloo. Ed Grossman is the way, the only way to go. Perhaps Ed B. can work with security or some other areas, but as for handling our money - he has already proven himself to be incapable of that and telling lies re a supposed accounting degree or where and for how long he attended any post high school institutions is just more garbage.
     So for how long will we tolerate this corruption in our governments? How far will we cede our rights, our principles, watch as others are rounded up, as privilege of birth or cronyism or money further determines how one lives? Till when will this continue? Until we bid farewell to our home here, to our country, to a world where we need peace and harmony, more cooperation than ever?
    Ask yourselves these questions and answer them yourself - but honestly. No one else is looking into your mind as you do. What world will we leave our kids? Will we actually leave them with anything?

Tuesday, February 27, 2018


     Time to turn that light on, shine a light upon the truth. It has gotten to the point that no one can be believed and ulterior motives are seen so clearly in the sound bites of the politicians. It does not seem to make a difference whether the politician is local or national.
      Here in CV we still do not know the half of it as to what exactly went on in the exchange of buildings, who is underwriting it and for how much and is it true that it is going to be a permanent office for Atlantic Broadband and not the Rag? Continuing, we now are told that there are flags in place for AB to start and the Clubhouse will be the first place to get it. Interesting that, as there appear to be no further flags anywhere in the Village and why the Clubhouse when Salisbury is right there? This is just typical of the don't bother to tell anyone anything attitude here in the Village and it is time to change those on the duty watch as these people there now have let us down tremendously. In fact, they have stilled the enthusiasm of the residents to partake in UCO because it is so political and corrupt with a major dose of cronyism. Flip the switch!!
     But the most important place of darkness, the heart of darkness, is not the jungle of Conrad, but the swamp of DC which has gotten ever so much swampier in the Trump regime. The lies, the constant lies. The boasts which are composed of hot air and nothing real. The tawdry allegations and accusations, some of which have already been conceded to, or proven, or stinking so much that there is no doubt of the veracity of the accusation of wrongdoing.
     What is worse is the selfishness, the cruelty, the coldness of the Trump reign and reign it is as he acts as if he is King not for a day, but for a lifetime and has his progeny waiting in the wings. Ugh! What a picture  of the future that makes.
     So Ivanka does not want to be questioned as a daughter about the filth of her father's life and actions, inappropriate she says to ask a daughter about that. But she is not just the daughter but a major player in the administration. She needs to decide where and who she is. Cannot wear two hats that conflict like that. Kinda like Joy Fossil with being a VP and editor of the Rag. Does not really work out right.
     The rankness of life in DC today has spread nationwide as Georgia's lieutenant governor has threatened Delta unless it goes back to favoring the NRA. Really? Is this where we are, making threats to get our way?
     Of course we have our noble leader who seems to feel that he would have been ever so brave, riding in to rescue the kids at Parkland, false head of hair blowing in the wind. Harumph!! Permit me to stop coughing before I continue. This man who trembled at the slightest sign of protest at rallies, who ducks for cover at the slightest sound, whose face with the bald eagle is classic, who used fake bone spurs to avoid the draft though he never stopped playing his sports, did he? His bloody battles? Avoiding STDs. A pig is what he is.
     The corruption that has been hiding in the dark has been revealed more and more. It will not stay in the closet under the stairs in darkness. The filth of corruption and bribery and sheer misuse of funds , of ever more suspicious timing with emails and Russia, the praise of Putin, the cynical use of a picture of a victim of Parkland to raise money for Trump, the ice cold marriage and the reasons why, the living in the White House of Melania's immigrant parents and keeping quiet about it and the legalization of them as opposed to all other immigrants. Phew! the stink of it all.
     But lights are going on at least in some areas and it will grow, the circle of light spreading ever more. Even the Supreme Court has dismissed the DACA suit of the government and given yet another temporary reprieve for these Dreamers. The nastiness of the Wall continues though, Obamacare is being denied to so many, medical help given to these people under the law is now being rescinded or so out of reach now, but what the hey, what do Trump and the Republicans care. It is only the worthless poor, the struggling middle class, not his best buds suffering.
     And talk about dangerous stupidity and cupidity. Even as he retreats on safety regulations, denying climate change, the North Pole is melting! Surged above the freezing point yesterday. Man the boats!! Strengthen your arms for rowing. What is the matter with these people or do they think that in the dangers of a polluted, dark, dirty, flooded planet with a severe shortage of clean water and enough food that their money will shield them? One little orb in the middle of space. One effort of G-d that we know about. What must G-d be thinking now?
     Flip the switch, people. Shine a light upon the truth. Everywhere.

Monday, February 26, 2018

Read the latest issue of the CV Messenger - Click  here

OOH, OOH....

     Ooooooh. What should I do? Gracie has decided to stop sending me nasty love notes and has gone public on David's personal blog. Ooooohhhh. Gracie, give it a rest already. No one listens to your nonsense and babble and your comments that I should move away, leave my home, stink of true nastiness for have I ever told you or anyone here to move, leave his or her home? No, most emphatically not. See, I believe in freedom of speech, unlike your boss, but what the hey! Just understand that you and your pathetic buzzings are like those of a gnat, quite unimportant, so go ahead, and just watch out for yourself as your ignorance is showing.
     As for you, Lanny. I feel sorry for you as you have still not learned that David uses you as his shill, puts you out front. You are basically harmless, as most know there is a lot of hot air but little substance in what you write. Better you should stick to your travel writing and fill up the Rag with things other than ads. Let me tell you that there are people in your camp who used to attack me personally with not so nice statements ranging even at times into the awful. Guess what? We have evolved into different people as we treated each other decently and they backed off from the nasty stuff. I quite like them, actually. Why not try being nice and caring for the Village, rather than for David as your main go to point. Try it.
     Back at the ranch, or should I say campus, here we are in a deja vu situation. Once more we have the strong possibility that David will end up a minority winner as we split the vote. Can't do that. Pick, I believe, the standard candidate and she, I know, will work diligently with Jack to repair many of our contract issues. They both have good heads on their shoulders and care only for the sake and betterment of the Village. David, on the other hand, cares for naught but his own power, his own position, his self installation as King of the Village. Yuch!!! Time to grow up and learn to play nicely with all. This is not a corner of the schoolyard which you protect for yourself against all comers. A bully cannot talk with others, cannot interact on a decent and human basis and well, look in the mirror, David, look deeply and see the truth. Mirror, mirror on the wall....
     So, Lanny does not like that the paving problems are an eight years ago issue. Well, me too - for they are a present day issue and into the future because of what was done then. Now we are reaping double barrels of road issues and let's just allow the devolvement and disintegration, especially of the secondary roads continue and soon enough  we can have a ward of our own at the hospital for all the CV walkers and bicyclists who have skidded and slid on the stones and pebbles. Care to join them?
     Read the postings on my blog and see the truth about your lovely boss. See his nastiness in person and then tell me that is the proper behavior of a supposed leader. Is it dignified how he tries to shift all the blame onto the others yet gloms onto the credit for a good thing? Is it righteous how he yells and threatens from the stage, sticking in his constant out of order comments? Most decidedly not.
     As for Joy Fossil, well, if she ever knew the principles of journalism, the ones of honor and truth, the ones which tell the true journalist to seek out the truth, to be brave and bold, to encourage the betterment of the world - well, then she has long forgotten them. She has broken the very first principle of neutrality and certainly a reporter can give an opinion, but it needs to be entitled as such, an analysis, and not as fact, especially when half or more is innuendo, suck up comments and just plain lies. 'Nuff with you, Joy, for you are not worth it.
     VP. What a disaster. The Fossil. Time to retire that one. Thank you for your service, but time to go, to rest, to where you can no longer damage anything. David Boas, I really do not know very well, but he must take orders well as he 99% of the time votes with David at the Exec. Board and is on a zillion committees, hence providing David with a safe vote.  And taking the place of another who should be on a committee and provide alternative thinking, out of the box thinking, independent voices that seek only to serve the Village. David will be just another yes vote for David. 
    And Louise Warner. Thought she should be smarter than that. She worked as a volunteer and then was suddenly asked to go. Why? She still cannot figure it out? Somehow she displeased the Lord Poohbah so out she went. When he deemed her punished enough he took her back. So sweet, so kind.... So will her perception be any sharper this time around? I do not know and am not hopeful, but thanks to David and his cruel and mean machinations, Phyllis has resigned from the campaign and we, the Village, have lost a good person. Who is there to vote for? Not a single one. Not a single one. What a situation.
     Ed Black. Ptuii.... This man does not know the truth if it rises up and smacks him in the face! Suddenly he is an accountant? Please show me the goods, dear Ed, for from whence did your degree come? Methinks nowhere in the plethora of colleges you attended, each time adding a new one. We should have an intellectual discussion at some point. I love them and love when I find an educated opponent. But sadly, methinks you are not the one.
     Your penchant for lying runs deep. We always have the best plan, the best contract, but actually, we do not. There is always a glitch, a mess up, an error of omission, etc. Worse is the machinations with our funding and you lie and say we had a million dollars in the bank!!! Being able to borrow a million at an exorbitant interest rate, never mind the fee you paid for this privilege, is not the same as having it . Elementary finances, Mr. Accountant. Hey, even Buffett just warned all not to use borrowed money to invest. Go read, Ed, go read. But the nerve to lie thru your teeth. OH, would that Dorothy could have been there to shut you down with the truth, that we had $11,000 in the bank, period! She pulled your nuts out of the fire, David's nuts too, for that matter and saved the Village but you....just keep on lying. Makes you feel good and powerful I guess. Sad, bigly sad. You are most emphatically not qualified to be Treasurer. Nope!!
     Ed. G. Not always the quietest, but always raising his voice for the Village. He takes it right on the nose as he speaks out against the garbage that goes on here in UCO. He takes the abuse thrown at him by David Israel who has no information or facts so he uses his words as brickbats on his opponents. These opponents do not care about David as a man, but as a personifier of a megalomaniac and selfish individual. Ed G. only cares about the Village and yes, he runs the Messenger, a paper that is now delivered throughout the Village and beyond,with people always asking for it. He has no ads, no monetary motive, no motive at all, other than trying to better the circumstances of the Village.
     Is he a "malcontent"? Yes, most assuredly so, as David has taken the honored tradition of muckraking, of American journalistic inquiry into no good dealings, and made it into a supposedly shameful thing. So, David, you who constantly boast of being NSA, of being a paratrooper who jumped thirty six times and that is why you have a bad hip, but then again, you were supposedly in Intelligence or radio operations during your service - wow! Just like Forrest Gump, you were everywhere at once and nowhere of any worth!! and the same here!! Tell the truth for once in your life, David. Admit how wrong you have been, how many mistakes you have made, how retention of your little fiefdom has become your main goal, the end all and be all of your campaign, the reason why you first said term limits and then once in power turned all the way around. Just like the petty and cruel dictators of Africa and South America and into Asia. Shame on you!!!
     So, folks, vote for Ed Grossman. And as for Bobbi Levin's complaint. Well, Bobbi is a bright and capable woman and is understandably upset that she was called a Kapo, not a Nazi. A Kapo was generally a Jew who turned on his fellow prisoners in order to survive. I do not know that this was Bobbi's motive and I doubt it so apologies for Olga, one of the best and most intelligent persons that I know. But, a great big but, Bobbi, A Saturday event set up by a Jewish woman? I know you still have feelings for your religion as you often write about holidays, so how could you have forgotten that an observant Jew cannot go to a luncheon on the Sabbath unless it is a Sabbath celebratory dinner. And non kosher to boot with no apparent provision made for kosher food. Olga was simply incensed by this and shouted out. We sometimes use words we wish we could have taken back the minute they were out of the mouth, but we cannot. So just as we ask Olga to understand where you are coming from, perhaps neglectful thinking, or forgetfulness, and remember where Olga is coming from - her simple and powerful passion for seeing the right thing done.
     I am so tired of this garbage here and disappointed how so many fall under the thumb of David but do we not always have that, a shark with pilot fish, a Life Leader along with his servile followers. Oy! I need to get back to Trump, he that uses the picture of a survivor of Parkland, lying in the hospital bed, uses it for a campaign donation plea. Disgusting!!!!! He who wants to throw Americans out from the only home they have ever truly known and why - I guess only Slovenian parents of his wife are allowed to immigrate and make use of "chain migration". And let me never forget the words of 'wisdom' of that arbiter of all that is soooo right - Ivanka - who thinks that if teachers truly loved their students they could be trained and convinced to carry weapons in school - and she doesn't even mention the "small bonus" that her father does!! What is with that Trump family and what is with us that we allowed this to happen and please, what is the matter with us here that we allow David to continue to destroy our Village?
    And by the way, David, how are you planning the voting to work? It had better be fair and honest and allow for one's own timing as to choice of candidate and without any reveal of results as the voting is going on. That is a major no-no.
    As my little one says, what a yichy pichy mess.

Sunday, February 25, 2018


Mandrake (aka Dave Israel)  The Magician “Now  You See and Now You Don’t”
Stew Richland
I have decided that this will be the last article about why Phyllis Richland decided to withdraw from the UCO election.  I am an ethical person with a conscience. If you choose to believe my version of this issue so be it. This is a story of a grave injustice and I am compelled to set the record straight.  As the scriptures tell us, ”The truth will set you free.”
Every great magician develops the skill of slight of hand. or in Dave Israel’s case is slight of  mouth depending on which side of his face he talks out of.  That is, he distracts the audience with one statement and distracts  with another comment. and viola the trick is finished and the crowd applauds his trickery.
Dave Israel is the Mandrake of UCO. 
Phyllis has worked under 5 administrations. Each administration had their own way of conducting business and her main concern  was to make the Village a great place to live.  The tradition here in the Village was that a UCO President would serve two terms and then step down, until Dave Israel became UCO President.  In fact, Dave wrote a very powerful argument for term limits in the UCO Reporter, sadly he did not take his own advice.
When Phyllis decided to run for the UCO Presidency she knew that it would be difficult campaign.  It was.  Many of the “old residents”  should remember the “meet and greet”  candidates events that were held at the various pools around the Village.  Candidates expressed their views in an environment that was based on comradery and the goal was to make Century Village a better place to retire to.  Under the Israel Presidency this all ended.  When candidates resorted to posting signs advertising their candidacy, our President contacted Palm Beach County Code Enforcement to have them removed.  The Democratic electoral process at its worst.  In addition,  If a village resident wanted to challenge a posting on Dave’s blog they were denied access.  This allowed Dave to write what he wanted without  allowing any challenges.  Tell a lie or distort the truth often enough and people will begin to believe it.  Quite similar to the propagandists of the 1930s.
I never thought that I would be a victim of “CATFISHING.”  This a phrase that is common to anyone who uses social media.  Catfishing is a type of deceptive activity where a person creates a post on their blog using a  false identity or in this case Dave did not feel it was necessary to assume a false identity  for nefarious purposes.  His real intent was to impugn the character of Phyllis Richland.
The blog item was posted on Wednesday, the day before the meet the candidates forum.  What he categorically stated was that Phyllis was the author of the statement that bringing food in to the Village for our residents for the purposes of sharing lunch and conversation would turn this Village into a “SOUP KITCHEN.”  This was an out right lie. Dave was at that meeting when this issue was discussed and rejected and knows who the real author of the statement and,  it was certainly not Phyllis Richland.
One of the issues in this election that Dave and later Lanny Howe eluded to was the fact that there was a possibility of a husband and wife both with the title of UCO VP.  UCO legal counsel said that there was no legal prohibition on this.  However, one member of the Advisory Committee voiced her concerns.  She felt that it was unethical.  However, two other members of the same committee stated that they had no qualms about husband and wife serving UCO.  Both supported the view that when a highly qualified candidate wants to serve they should not be rejected for any reason.  And thus the issue was put to rest.  We thought!  Dave Israel picked up this thread and began to post comments about Phyllis’ candidacy with the objective to encourage delegates to vote against her since this was basically an ethical issue.
Wickedness is Wickedness  and never something else.  One cannot play with devious  unethical behavior with impunity.  And so when Dave Israel’s ambition becomes his weakness which controls his mind and that he loses true perspective it becomes a destructive situation in which Phyllis did not want to be associated with.  Ambition makes Israel arrogant  and this arrogance will be his undoing.  "A haughty spirit goeth before a fall," says the old proverb.  It’s just a matter of time and our Caesar will be gone.
After a great deal of soul searching, Phyllis decided that the best course of action was to withdraw from the race.  This decision was hers.  She felt that working in an environment so caustic, where the leader has no conscience could not be overlooked by her and so she pulled out of the race. Honor is a virtues.  Is Dave an honorable man?  You make the call.
When Olga asked Dave what did you write on your blog that finally pushed Phyllis to quit the election, he replied be “more specific!”  “Can you identify the writing you are talking about?”  He further said, “What article are you writing about?” If this man who claims to have such a great memory cannot remember what he posted on his blog just the previous day, we are in big trouble.  Now we have the “piece de resistance  Dave said that everything he wrote on the blog was fact and that it is in the record.”   THIS WAS THE LIE THAT I ALLUDED TO AT THE MEET AND GREET.
When I got home I opened Dave’s blog, and low and behold  the post in question had been removed. How convenient.  Is Dave a moral man? The fault, dear Dave, is not in our stars, But in YOU.
Phyllis has had a few day to reflect on her decision.  She has had no feeling of remorse or second thoughts
 Pride is among the virtues that may serve mankind. When it consists of a proper sense of personal dignity and worth  it clearly shows that Phyllis conducted  herself honorably towards evil ambition.
My own take on this is the world is empty, when man no longer has a terror of the consequences of evil. If he can do wrong, and yet believe that he is exempt from the penalty, his inner life is dead.
Macbeth used his dagger to make his point. Dave uses his blog. Dave I hope you remember  how Macbeth ended up?
I know that my commentary is harsh and could leave my readers angry, so I would like to change the mood with the following story:

Four old guys are walking down a street just outside Century Village. They turn a corner and see  a sign that says, "Old Timers Bar - ALL drinks 10 cents."

            They look at each other and then go in, thinking this is too
            good to be true.
The old bartender says in a voice that carries across the room,  "Come on in  and let me pour one for you! What'll it be, gentlemen?"
            There's a fully stocked bar, so each of the men orders a martini.

           In no time the bartender serves up four iced martinis shaken,   not stirred and says, "That's 10 cents each, please."

           The four guys stare at the bartender for a moment, then at each  other. They can't believe their good luck. They pay the 40 cents, finish  their martinis, and order another round. Again, four excellent martinis are produced, with the bartender again saying, "That's 40 cents, please."
          They pay 40 cents, but their curiosity gets the better of them. They've each had two martinis and haven't even spent a dollar yet.

           Finally one of them says, "How can you afford to serve martinis  as good as these for a dime apiece?"

           "I'm a retired tailor from Phoenix," the bartender says, "and I  always wanted to own a bar. Last year I hit the Lottery Jackpot for   $125 million and decided to open this place. Every drink costs a dime.
          Wine, Liquor, beer it's all the same."

           "Wow! That's some story!" one of the men says. As the four of  them sip their martinis, they can't help noticing seven other people at  the end of the bar who don't have any drinks in front of them and haven't ordered anything the whole time they've been there.

           Nodding at the seven at the end of the bar, one of the men asks   the Bartender, "What's with them?"

           The bartender says, "They're retired people from  Century Village
           They're waiting for Happy Hour when drinks are half-price.


     What the hell is that? Has there been a major misspelling? Nope. It is simply a Yiddish term that means to talk down to earth, talk real and true talk about whatever the topic is and stop playing games. If ever there were such a time to be powerfully needed, it is right here in the Village right now. words of truth. Progress?

1. David and Ed B. lie thru their teeth re the dangerous territory we were in  due to their careless and allegedly purposeful and certainly careless mishandling of our funds at the time of the paving.

2. The paving began to fail almost immediately, a job for "thirty" years became a job of a day, a week, a month.

3.Our beautiful and clear blue water has turned into a murky and polluted green. Disgusting!!

4.Violation of accounting principles and principles of fiscal care by lumping all reserves in one account, thereby making it impossible to either know how much we really had and  how it was being spent. And that was OUR money, David, Ed B., most emphatically not yours to waste.

5.WE avoided a Wi Fi debacle that David was rabid to foist upon us - a system and company that  had already caused Boca CV to cut the contract.

6.A future debacle with Atlantic Broadband. Most of us were satisfied with Comcast, the leader in the business. Instead we had AB foisted upon us, a small company with a bad rep for poor  service to its customers. They were not even here in our area!! 
     The Comcast contract is up at the same time, January, 2019, that we are supposed to have AB up and running here. Good luck on that!!! What is more is the fact that I distinctly asked David twice in meetings about how we were being protected,  and he lied thru his perpetually lying teeth and said there would be a clause that had AB responsible for an increase of fees to Comcast. Well, HA on that, folks. Just wait till the time rolls around and see what happens and where the hell is AB anyway? Lost their way somewhere on the highway from Miami?

7. So, where did Ed Black get his accounting degree? He never finished college that I can see and his ability to waste our funds is not a recommendation, is it?

8.Where the hell are our preparations for 2022 negotiations? Where oh where. Not anywhere around here!

9.Poor leadership and guidance for associations, especially those who have older residents and no board and yet, wow! like magic, suddenly before elections in the Village there is a constituted board and a delegate who is ever so grateful to David. Hmmph! Show me the papers, liar, show me the trail. But you do not, do you? And take your fair share of the blame for a Kelly motel and others in the Village who are planning or doing the same.

9.Lack of transparency, particularly re Advisory meetings that are not even publicized and off line staff meetings where contrary to his lies, decisions and votes are taken.

10. A joke of a committee system for UCO as the same people are simply reproduced at all of them for the most part. How many committees was David Boas on? So he and others like him and the officers vote time and again on the same issue. Not quite aboveboard is it?

11.Constant blocking of media access of all types to any and all who oppose him. I know, been there, done that!

12. Joy Fossil being both VP and editor of the Rag. The editorial policy states that "both sides" will always be sought out. Well, a big, no, a HUGE, HAHAHAHAHA on that!! In fact, all opposing or dissenting opinions are blocked even as David perpetuates his lies and his mishandling of UCO via his constant biased and sole reports unless also backed up by his shills.

13. Why are there constant pleas for volunteers? Why are there so few running for office in this election. Apathy, my friends. Disgust, my friends. But what goes around comes around and one way or another we will oust David. Use the kids of GENZ as role models!! The children shall lead us indeed.

14. The debacle of the gate entry systems. They most expensively die on us and now we are at the same point with yet another and expensive and boasted about system as it is now refusing to read a growing number of decals. Here we go again and no, this is not Mamma Mia, either.

15 Egregious violation of any and all proper behavior and following of rules at the Delegate Assembly. Our by laws state that Roberts Rules are to be used. Could have fooled me!! Instead, we have threats, shouts and insults from the chair, improper interference with the speakers, constant input not allowed as chair, threats to use PBSO and Security to manhandle and eject opponents. 
Bad, David, bad indeed.

So, my friends, in plain words and down to earth, is this progress? This is what he boasts of? He hides the truth, insults our intelligence, takes credit for what others suggested long before he finally came on board - i.e. the clicker system and by the way, this is poor policy to suddenly use the clickers for voting without an explanation and run through. Will people be forced to vote instantly, no thinking allowed? Will people see the votes tally at the very moment and thus influence others to vote one way or another? Bad form. And possibly challengeable in court. And he is nasty beyond all terms of description. It seems that he and his have lost their souls, lost the milk of human kindness.
    Stay tuned for tomorrow's posting which will talk of the candidates and the truth will be told!!!


Friday, February 23, 2018


Read this posting and mine immediately below and perhaps you might understand the anger and disgust towards David Israel. He is not, to put it simply - a mensch!Commentary on the Candidates Forum

Stew Richland

Soap Opera ne Kabuki theater

Theater critic Dave Israel characterized the Candidates Forum as Kabuki theater. I would rather refer to it as a soap opera.

I would prefer to call this soap opera “Dave’s Tavern” where all the customers come to belly up at the bar to be entertained by the so called “Village Historian,”  pontificating about his great accomplishments over the past few years.

Well lets take a look at the script of this soap opera.

Announcer:  Ladies and Gentlemen the story you are about to read is true, the  names have been changed to protect their identity. Any connection with persons living or dead is just coincidental.

Announcer continues:

One member of the cast, Barbara, shares her fears that Phyllis Richland, a former Vice President of UCO for over 18 years of outstanding service to Century Village, has decided to toss her hat in the ring for an open seat as V.P.  She views this as unethical since her husband is already serving as a VP.  She fears that husband and wife will collude to upset the carefully created menu that Dave and his stage hands have crafted. She implies that husband and wife will participate in some sort of web of deceit and manipulation for the purpose of disrupting the smooth running of Dave’s Tavern. We all know that Barbara is the great moralizer and when carefully studied, stands out as the great moral teacher. In this soap opera she paints herself in colors so attractive as to make her a model of imitation. 

Ethical systems are made up of such things as character, thought, passion and emotion. Does Barbara bring a wealth of  evidence relative to her expansive ethical experience?  Her utterances, she thinks, form the framework of moral philosophy which she believes is without rival. 

One compelling principle that guides  Phyllis Richland lies in her philosophy of life and that is  altruism, that strange intangible something that sets itself up in her nature in direct opposition to egoism. Her altruism, is based on a  calm regard for others. The evidence is there for all to see.  Obtaining food stamps for those that need help. Contacting FPL to have them lower their rates for those who were in financial difficulties. Just sitting and listening to some of our older residents, holding their hand and letting them vent their concerns and frustrations to a person with compassion and soul.

Now a word from our sponsor.

This program is brought to you by Dah Brothers soap company. Now introducing a new product called “Wipe Out” guaranteeing after one application to remove any Bull-Duty that you have left on your blog.  We guarantee that  this product works. No longer will you have to fear that your blog postings will be left for critical review.

And now back to our show, Dave’s Tavern, brought to you by Bull-Duty the product that is exclusively used at Dave’s Tavern.

Many of Phillis’ supporters were shocked when she made the decision to withdraw from her run for UCO Vice President.  I discussed her decision and emphasized that her experience and talents were needed at UCO,  Based on her moral and ethical standards she could not allow herself to be associated with Dave the UCO Historian after he posted a comment on his blog in which he stated that Phyllis was going to turn the Village into a “Soup Kitchen.” 

For those that are not privy to what this reference let me provide you with the background.  The JCC was providing lunch  for some of our residents. Unfortunately, the JCC decided to end this program.   It was proposed at a UCO meeting along with an outside source, to provide the lunch, that once a week we could have those folks that went to the JCC, a lunch in the party room at the clubhouse. It would be a great way for someone to socialize with others and many looked forward to that luncheon.

A member of UCO at that meeting objected and criticized this program and alluded to Century Village becoming a “Soup Kitchen.”  Dave, the UCO Historian, knew that Phyllis did not make that comment.  Yet he decided to post it on his blog. Why you ask? This is how a Machiavellian trained politician without a conscience attempts to shmere “Bull-Duty” for the purpose of impugning her character.

When Phyllis read this post and coupled with the comments that Barbara had made on Dave’s blog and remembering how Dave used every unethical means at his disposal to sabotage her run for UCO president, she concluded, after pondering her decision to withdraw her candidacy for VP., that to be part of Dave’s team was counter to all her ethical, and moral training, and so  she decided to make her withdrawal announcement at the Meet the Candidates forum.  Phyllis regrets that her decision to withdraw from the contest disappointed many of her supporters, but her ethical standards outweighed any other considerations and so she withdrew from the election.

When Olga, during the open question period, asked Dave, “What did you write that caused Phyllis to withdraw from the race?” He feigned that he did not know what  she was referring to.  Of course Dave would not answer the question because, "lest any stain should mar the purity of his character. "

At that point in the question and answer session, I challenged what Dave wrote and declared that Dave’s remarks about Phyllis was a complete fabrication. At that point was asked to leave the room by the moderator. As  you know I am a gentlemen and so I left the forum.

Commercial announcement:

This concludes today’s episode  of Dave’s Tavern. Tune in at the same time tomorrow to learn more about what extent people will go to keep their power. Remember rush to your local supply store to purchase “Bull Duty” the best product to wipe your Blog clean of repulsive blog comments.

Stay tuned to listen to Nick Carter Master Detective when he tries to solve the case of the missing Blog.


        Folks, there is competition and the level of fierceness of battle. But it can be civilized. However, when one deals with a person of little or no morals or compunction as to telling great big egregious lies, with hurting people, with nastiness beyond all words, it becomes difficult to maintain even a façade of dispassionate behavior and response.
     Over the past week David Israel has been posting the nastiest posts re Phyllis Richland. Why he did this? Because he was frightened that two of his stooges would not be elected to office and he would have to deal with a bright and independent woman right there in UCO. So on he ranted re married couples. Funny, for I know of politically opposed couples who seem to be able to work together, of married couples running a business together or not - if it belongs to one and there is no lack of harmony in the marriage.
     This man, this troglodyte, who has no idea about decency and human relationships, who is a misogynist of the first order, was running scared so he posted and had his shills do the same. By Thursday morning it reached a height and Phyllis had had it. Enough!! Running for office here in the Village should not be cause for another candidate to personally attack the other. But this is what David Israel does. He does it continuously and it can hurt if one does not let it slide, knowing the contemptible source.
     Then the coward knew he had gone too far and deleted the posts but too bad, I always make printed copies of his most egregious postings so once said , dear boy, always said!! And here are two posts from today's lovely blog of his, that hate mongering , nasty thing.
     "The Candidates Forum went reasonably well, with hardcore Malcontents calling me names. The highlight undoubtedly was the dramatic kabuki staged by Candidate for Vice President, Phyllis Richland.

With a flourish worthy of Director DeMille, she resigned as a Candidate for Vice President, and stalked out of the room.

Simply charming!" 

 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   "Today at the Candidates Forum, when it came time for Candidate Phyllis Richland to speak, she rose from her chair and resigned as a candidate for the office of UCO Vice President. She gave little reason, save a brief mention of posting(s) on this blog.
     At a later point in this forum, Stuart Richland
a sitting VP of UCO, delivered a rant against this blog - and me personally, and made reference to a "soup kitchen".
     The Forum was video recorded, and when that  video is published, perhaps we can get a better understanding of this issue.
    This episode, speaks volumes as to my concern, expressed on this blog, with husband and wife serving simultaneously as UCO officers."

     This is what this man does. Statement, lie, send out cruel and lying barbs and then backtrack, trying to make it appear as if he is the aggrieved one. Nor does he state how when Phyllis walked out, he smirked and made the same sign of triumph that Trump does. At least he was able to use his hands for other than stuffing his mouth the entire time!!! So does he tell wherein how he struts around the UCO office imitating his "enemies", how he insults every and all things they do and say, how he sings the Mikado aloud all day. This is a man who obviously is losing his mind and when he states that oh, no, he would not want to be Life President, well, here is the opportunity to show that all your loneliness, all your nastiness has not totally twisted your mind and values and you know it is time to go! NOW!
     We have a Village that is bleeding money, that is falling apart, that is riven by a deep divide, just about as bad as the split of the country and in fact, I guess Trump is where David gets his miserable attitude and encouragement.
     So, people, beg Phyllis for forgiveness for she was hurt! Drastically so. Beg her to return to the campaign for the Village needs her once more. And if we cannot do that, then pray for something else. Perhaps pray for a miracle that all be right with us. But this consummate liar must go!
And he needs to take his lying friend, Ed Black, with him as he,too lied through his teeth re the bankruptcy episode. We did not have a million dollars in the bank. We were on the verge of taking a disastrous loan of a million dollars. Big difference. Majorly so or should I say bigly so.

     So no one will actually hold your hand either, David, literally and figuratively unless you think you can bribe someone to do that, to try to humanize yourself, but I doubt it would work. Look into the mirror and see that despite your harm to the Village and its future, yesterday was the worst of your actions and you actually state that Stewart was wrong in defending his wife. You idiot!! Disagreeing on a  policy or action is one thing, able to disagree, but when one's spouse is attacked personally, the other goes into defense. That is what one does for a loved one, something that you know nothing about. You are an ass. Just like the President! What is it with you old dudes? How do you so comfortably lose your humanity unless it is that one never possessed it in the first place?
     Phyllis, my friend, my devoted public servant to the Village - I apologize on behalf of those of us who were there and for allowing this troglodyte to remain in office along with his sycophants. And why the hell is David Boas on a zillion committees? Seems to me that is the proof of the pudding, how David recycles yesmen and cuts the rest of the Village out. Sickening!! 

