Monday, February 26, 2018

OOH, OOH....

     Ooooooh. What should I do? Gracie has decided to stop sending me nasty love notes and has gone public on David's personal blog. Ooooohhhh. Gracie, give it a rest already. No one listens to your nonsense and babble and your comments that I should move away, leave my home, stink of true nastiness for have I ever told you or anyone here to move, leave his or her home? No, most emphatically not. See, I believe in freedom of speech, unlike your boss, but what the hey! Just understand that you and your pathetic buzzings are like those of a gnat, quite unimportant, so go ahead, and just watch out for yourself as your ignorance is showing.
     As for you, Lanny. I feel sorry for you as you have still not learned that David uses you as his shill, puts you out front. You are basically harmless, as most know there is a lot of hot air but little substance in what you write. Better you should stick to your travel writing and fill up the Rag with things other than ads. Let me tell you that there are people in your camp who used to attack me personally with not so nice statements ranging even at times into the awful. Guess what? We have evolved into different people as we treated each other decently and they backed off from the nasty stuff. I quite like them, actually. Why not try being nice and caring for the Village, rather than for David as your main go to point. Try it.
     Back at the ranch, or should I say campus, here we are in a deja vu situation. Once more we have the strong possibility that David will end up a minority winner as we split the vote. Can't do that. Pick, I believe, the standard candidate and she, I know, will work diligently with Jack to repair many of our contract issues. They both have good heads on their shoulders and care only for the sake and betterment of the Village. David, on the other hand, cares for naught but his own power, his own position, his self installation as King of the Village. Yuch!!! Time to grow up and learn to play nicely with all. This is not a corner of the schoolyard which you protect for yourself against all comers. A bully cannot talk with others, cannot interact on a decent and human basis and well, look in the mirror, David, look deeply and see the truth. Mirror, mirror on the wall....
     So, Lanny does not like that the paving problems are an eight years ago issue. Well, me too - for they are a present day issue and into the future because of what was done then. Now we are reaping double barrels of road issues and let's just allow the devolvement and disintegration, especially of the secondary roads continue and soon enough  we can have a ward of our own at the hospital for all the CV walkers and bicyclists who have skidded and slid on the stones and pebbles. Care to join them?
     Read the postings on my blog and see the truth about your lovely boss. See his nastiness in person and then tell me that is the proper behavior of a supposed leader. Is it dignified how he tries to shift all the blame onto the others yet gloms onto the credit for a good thing? Is it righteous how he yells and threatens from the stage, sticking in his constant out of order comments? Most decidedly not.
     As for Joy Fossil, well, if she ever knew the principles of journalism, the ones of honor and truth, the ones which tell the true journalist to seek out the truth, to be brave and bold, to encourage the betterment of the world - well, then she has long forgotten them. She has broken the very first principle of neutrality and certainly a reporter can give an opinion, but it needs to be entitled as such, an analysis, and not as fact, especially when half or more is innuendo, suck up comments and just plain lies. 'Nuff with you, Joy, for you are not worth it.
     VP. What a disaster. The Fossil. Time to retire that one. Thank you for your service, but time to go, to rest, to where you can no longer damage anything. David Boas, I really do not know very well, but he must take orders well as he 99% of the time votes with David at the Exec. Board and is on a zillion committees, hence providing David with a safe vote.  And taking the place of another who should be on a committee and provide alternative thinking, out of the box thinking, independent voices that seek only to serve the Village. David will be just another yes vote for David. 
    And Louise Warner. Thought she should be smarter than that. She worked as a volunteer and then was suddenly asked to go. Why? She still cannot figure it out? Somehow she displeased the Lord Poohbah so out she went. When he deemed her punished enough he took her back. So sweet, so kind.... So will her perception be any sharper this time around? I do not know and am not hopeful, but thanks to David and his cruel and mean machinations, Phyllis has resigned from the campaign and we, the Village, have lost a good person. Who is there to vote for? Not a single one. Not a single one. What a situation.
     Ed Black. Ptuii.... This man does not know the truth if it rises up and smacks him in the face! Suddenly he is an accountant? Please show me the goods, dear Ed, for from whence did your degree come? Methinks nowhere in the plethora of colleges you attended, each time adding a new one. We should have an intellectual discussion at some point. I love them and love when I find an educated opponent. But sadly, methinks you are not the one.
     Your penchant for lying runs deep. We always have the best plan, the best contract, but actually, we do not. There is always a glitch, a mess up, an error of omission, etc. Worse is the machinations with our funding and you lie and say we had a million dollars in the bank!!! Being able to borrow a million at an exorbitant interest rate, never mind the fee you paid for this privilege, is not the same as having it . Elementary finances, Mr. Accountant. Hey, even Buffett just warned all not to use borrowed money to invest. Go read, Ed, go read. But the nerve to lie thru your teeth. OH, would that Dorothy could have been there to shut you down with the truth, that we had $11,000 in the bank, period! She pulled your nuts out of the fire, David's nuts too, for that matter and saved the Village but you....just keep on lying. Makes you feel good and powerful I guess. Sad, bigly sad. You are most emphatically not qualified to be Treasurer. Nope!!
     Ed. G. Not always the quietest, but always raising his voice for the Village. He takes it right on the nose as he speaks out against the garbage that goes on here in UCO. He takes the abuse thrown at him by David Israel who has no information or facts so he uses his words as brickbats on his opponents. These opponents do not care about David as a man, but as a personifier of a megalomaniac and selfish individual. Ed G. only cares about the Village and yes, he runs the Messenger, a paper that is now delivered throughout the Village and beyond,with people always asking for it. He has no ads, no monetary motive, no motive at all, other than trying to better the circumstances of the Village.
     Is he a "malcontent"? Yes, most assuredly so, as David has taken the honored tradition of muckraking, of American journalistic inquiry into no good dealings, and made it into a supposedly shameful thing. So, David, you who constantly boast of being NSA, of being a paratrooper who jumped thirty six times and that is why you have a bad hip, but then again, you were supposedly in Intelligence or radio operations during your service - wow! Just like Forrest Gump, you were everywhere at once and nowhere of any worth!! and the same here!! Tell the truth for once in your life, David. Admit how wrong you have been, how many mistakes you have made, how retention of your little fiefdom has become your main goal, the end all and be all of your campaign, the reason why you first said term limits and then once in power turned all the way around. Just like the petty and cruel dictators of Africa and South America and into Asia. Shame on you!!!
     So, folks, vote for Ed Grossman. And as for Bobbi Levin's complaint. Well, Bobbi is a bright and capable woman and is understandably upset that she was called a Kapo, not a Nazi. A Kapo was generally a Jew who turned on his fellow prisoners in order to survive. I do not know that this was Bobbi's motive and I doubt it so apologies for Olga, one of the best and most intelligent persons that I know. But, a great big but, Bobbi, A Saturday event set up by a Jewish woman? I know you still have feelings for your religion as you often write about holidays, so how could you have forgotten that an observant Jew cannot go to a luncheon on the Sabbath unless it is a Sabbath celebratory dinner. And non kosher to boot with no apparent provision made for kosher food. Olga was simply incensed by this and shouted out. We sometimes use words we wish we could have taken back the minute they were out of the mouth, but we cannot. So just as we ask Olga to understand where you are coming from, perhaps neglectful thinking, or forgetfulness, and remember where Olga is coming from - her simple and powerful passion for seeing the right thing done.
     I am so tired of this garbage here and disappointed how so many fall under the thumb of David but do we not always have that, a shark with pilot fish, a Life Leader along with his servile followers. Oy! I need to get back to Trump, he that uses the picture of a survivor of Parkland, lying in the hospital bed, uses it for a campaign donation plea. Disgusting!!!!! He who wants to throw Americans out from the only home they have ever truly known and why - I guess only Slovenian parents of his wife are allowed to immigrate and make use of "chain migration". And let me never forget the words of 'wisdom' of that arbiter of all that is soooo right - Ivanka - who thinks that if teachers truly loved their students they could be trained and convinced to carry weapons in school - and she doesn't even mention the "small bonus" that her father does!! What is with that Trump family and what is with us that we allowed this to happen and please, what is the matter with us here that we allow David to continue to destroy our Village?
    And by the way, David, how are you planning the voting to work? It had better be fair and honest and allow for one's own timing as to choice of candidate and without any reveal of results as the voting is going on. That is a major no-no.
    As my little one says, what a yichy pichy mess.

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