Once again we are at a turn in the road here in CVWPB. WE have a choice here. Either we say enough is enough and do not vote for this man so way beyond his sell by date or we allow this to continue via the apathy, the fear? that some have, the hunger for power, for placement, like the little fish who live off the shark. This administration is almost totally overdue for retirement.
We have Joy Fossil, oops, Vestal, who has followed her leader right into the heart of the power grab. She has grabbed two positions, each of which should preclude the other, and using this power cuts people out of access to the Rag and then they wonder why the CV Messenger? Simply because it presents an open and honest look at the Village. If there is too much negativity as the shill for David has written, well, that is perhaps because there is so much wrong with the Village and the way it is run. This paper is open for truth while the Rag shuts it out. Joy needs to retire from VP and stick to her paper and bring it back to a higher status rather than a glorified Pennysaver of the CVWPB.
David has gone on the attack. He has rolled out his shill, Lanny Howe, and trying a new tactic. He is having Lanny write his praises while damning the opposition with faint praise and retractions in the very next sentence. Read the postings re David and Ed Black. Either we value knowledge or we do not. Either we realize that we need to insure honesty and straightforwardness or we do not. Either we value decency and kindness or we do not. Either we value free speech or we do not. Voting for David again makes a telling statement as to where one stands.
Either of his opponents are capable people, have spent years in service to the Village and are not afraid to stand up for the truth, to get up there and put themselves out. My concern is like a prior election wherein David won under a split vote, won as a minority candidate, and we must stop that. I believe that Jack Adams would be a good President but there is too much concern over the plan for a manager and in the speed it would be tackled. Marcia knows UCO inside and out, has a great passion for the right thing, for doing the right thing, for pushing for the safety of the Village, for its betterment and is honest to the nth degree. We need to make a choice so the vote is not split. I think that is clear and the choice is clear as well.
Who the hell is Louise Warner? 'Nuff said on that issue. Phyllis is the way to go. It is a clear and correct choice and the best one for the Village. She has the heart, the knowledge, the will and desire to do the best for the people of the Village, the stamina to do it, the honesty, and is just the way we need to go. And guess what? She actually thinks as a separate person and does not rely on Stewart to guide her as a dependent! Shame on you, David Israel, shame on you. And shame on those of you who parrot this ridiculous statement. One does not take the word of a life long bachelor, a lonely man, on the characteristics of a marriage!!!
And now the case of the two Eds. Okay. Full disclosure. Ed B. has been helpful to some in some ways. Period. His otherwise dealings though have outweighed the good. He has lurked in the UCO office for years, without an elected office, without an elected positon. He glommed onto almost every opening in UCO, like an octopus with eight arms. He was and is the shadow behind the throne, the ominous one always ready to encourage shadowy dealings with our funds, the vagueness of one account for reserves, the actions that brought us to teetering on the brink of bankruptcy and saved only by the actions of Dorothy Tetro. He has engaged in bad deals such as the sloppy and poor paving, the messes by security until a new way was found and now I am hearing that there are more and more cars having trouble getting in using their car IDs. Yet another mess! We were promised cameras, they were forced upon us, and what do we have? A safer Village? Nope, we have one that is actually having more issues with that than before. Cameras before fixing fences. More flowers and more bushes but new fences along Haverhill? We now have two detectives assigned to the Village. Folks, that is not really a good sign.
On the other hand we have Ed G. Can he be abrasive? Yes. Does he know his stuff? Oh yes indeed. Does he care for the Village? Have his suits, his arguments been for himself or for the Village. Has he been correct in his arguments? Was he correct about the paving, about the wasting of funds elsewhere, of new ways in which to generate funds? Has he been prescient re new awaiting debacles? Does he know accounting principles by both education and practice? Every answer is a big YES. Ed B. can remain in UCO on some committees. At least that is more than I get permission for!!! Right, David? 200 million readers, right? Delusions. But Ed G. is the way to go.
Let us fix our wonderful home and keep it the great place it is to live. Let us oust people like Kelly with his motel that still exists, or with other people who buy and rent on weekly and daily leases. Where are the Boards and Officers to stop this? Why do they not get guidance and advice and why, why, do we allow this - ask Ed B. about the guidance and aid he gave Kelly. Two mouths?
Please, for the sake of us all, let us go down the right path this election. And please, I must get back to my primary target, the one who will destroy the whole country - Trump and his dishonesty, lack of decency, incompetence, lying and lying and lying and severe mental confusion. He shilly - shallys along and we are going down the drain, turning into a nation that will find it hard to become that nation once again. Enough. Vote the right way here in the Village and out there at election time. Aaahhh, wouldn't that be nice.
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